Excited Milk's picture
Excited Milk
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-3 My first Cycle log


I was an NPC competitor a couple years ago, but work and finishing school derailed me off of bodybuilding for awhile. I'm looking to get back to where I was or maybe even surpass it.

I'm sitting at about 200-205lbs right now I'm 5'9 and 24 years old. I haven't been on cycle for about a year and a half, but I've been taking trt doses pretty consistently.

Also, I've never really taken tren before, I've always used the test and deca combination because I've seen great results with it, but I've heard great things about tren so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I've always wanted to do a log to see my progress, so here it goes.

I have letro and caber on hand.

WeekTest CypD-BolTren Ace
konig's picture

just a troll.. -1

Excited Milk's picture

haha I don't know how but alright

levelup's picture

thats a healthy tren dose to come out the gate with

Excited Milk's picture

most likely gonna start off with half that and work my way up to 700 if I can handle the sides

Excited Milk's picture

Alright boys first day on, I'll post updates weekly with pics.

Excited Milk's picture

Lol I've been cruising on 250mgs dude 600 won't do much

IrishMack's picture

Are you a competitor or making money from what you do? There should be ZERO reason why a 24 year old is cruising on test unless you have a real medical reason to be doing so. and 250 a week is not a cruise its a fkn cycle so you have been "on" for about 2 years. At least you have TRT to look forward to by the time your 26; what a great way to start your adult life.

Excited Milk's picture

Yes I am a competitor and I know the consequences of what I'm doing. I have been taking hcg and I'm perfectly fertile, I got tested a couple weeks ago. 250mg a week a cycle??? I have a script for trt and that is the recommended dosage lol

levelup's picture

I need your dr lol...mine was 175 mg every 10 days

IrishMack's picture

Good for you, its the 1st time I ever heard of anyone under 25 getting that much prescribed. What was your levels before starting? What did your doctor prescribe for an ai and how much?

Excited Milk's picture

Purposely went off of everything so my test levels were damn near zero

IrishMack's picture

So in other words you purposely put yourself on Trt, good job and so I dont blow a headgasket I'm out and fkn shame on anyone who gives you advice on any cycle with that reckless behaviour

Excited Milk's picture

didn't really need the advice. I just wanted to post results for anyone interested in this type of cycle. Not to delve into my personal decisions with life. but thanks for the hate bro!

IrishMack's picture

Just an fyi, your personal decisions go against what we stand for here so to come on here giving cycle advice like an expert or even asking for it will be hit with a brick wall.

Excited Milk's picture

Never said I was an expert and I never once gave anyone advice, just wanted to post a log for whomever was interested that's all.

Excited Milk's picture

But you did give me advice. I was thinking about doing low test on this cycle since people have been telling me the same thing. I'll cut it in half since that's the consensus. I've just always have done high test with my deca cycles and if it ain't broke dont fix it you know. Am I breaking any rules by posting this since I'm 24?

Older School's picture

I don't think you are breaking any rules. This is a good site for people to get advice on diet, training, etc. We can help with all of that. We just can't give you any cycle advice (other than saying "don't do it") because Eroids takes safety very seriously.

Older School's picture

You are less than 25 years old, so you will not get any advice from us. Sorry, brother, but those are the rules of this site. However, I will say that you look great and it's clear that you've put a lot of work in at the gym. And I will also point out that you will absolutely hate this cycle if you do what you have planned above. High test, high tren is a recipe for insomnia, respiratory problems, extremely high blood pressure and possibly sleep apnea. Don't do it.

konig's picture

+1 from me.. your comments are golden!

irongame427's picture

X2. Hate to bump you up past that nice 420 you got but this is good advice lol.

Older School's picture

Yeah, I was sitting at that sweet spot for about two weeks. Was kinda wondering if y'all were going to leave me there forever. LOL

Excited Milk's picture

When will it be my turn lol

Excited Milk's picture

I was at 225lbs at my heaviest but it was probably 10lbs of water. I've kept about half of my "unnatty gains" , hopefully muscle memory comes into play and I surpass where I was.

Excited Milk's picture

haha we will see how it goes....I might bumb the tren down because I've read it can have some nasty sides at high doses.

chunkypbnj's picture

Trying to get it all back in 1 cycle? That's almost 2g of gear a week. I look forward to seeing your progress pics!

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