Swolepatrole777's picture
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+ 3 Igf test results of hygetropin black tops


Igf # came back at 301. Disappointing. Been using these for nearly 6 months at 5iu ED!!!!! Normal range goes up to 369 so as u can see I'm not even above average range here. This kind of makes me sick. Lol I'm done with this Chinese crap. Gonna start having to dish out the money for the pharma stuff. Phuckkkk

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EagerToLearn's picture

If your baseline was 100, than you had a +40 IGF-1 increase per 1iu, which is not too bad. Average on hyge black tops is +50. Judging by your reference range you are under 25 years old, in that case a baseline assumption of 100 would be a little low, I agree

KK9111's picture

How is that retarded? This member is 25 and his baseline is 124. Igf levels can easliy be low. It happens all the time.

levelup's picture

I'm in the 140s at 27

KK9111's picture

yupper. Everyone is different. Hope all is well with you brotha

EagerToLearn's picture

Thats what I am saying

KK9111's picture

yes but there was someone on here on 2iu of nords and there igf was less then his. He didn't know his baseline and he was like 26. My baseline is 230ish and that is one of the highest base lines i have seen on eroids period. The fact stil remains if you dont know your baseline igf can only tell you so much

killroy's picture

feel ... how about see anything ? any drop in BF? Did you walk around with a fullness look in your muscles? Increased vascularity? better sleep? glowing skin? I experience all of this when I'm gh. my abs will pop out even more too

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killroy's picture

+1. damn and since igf increases over time I figured it'd be higher at 6 months use of 5iu ED.

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irongame427's picture

Well thanks for doing bloods. Definitely a little low for 6ius ed.

KK9111's picture

yeah but if your baseline is 100 then your results show a nice increase. Before anyone hops on gh I tell them to get a baseline. That way you can see how much the elevation is and how you might beed to adjust. How old are you?

irongame427's picture

Yaa I agree, I was on 5ius of generic black tops and my igf-1 was 365 and my baseline was 124 which is pretty low. Weird cause these things have been testing pretty well. There def not bunk just underdosed or something.

builtroidtough's picture

Bro 301 is pretty good. My baseline is 135ish and the black tops got me to 350ish. All just depends on your baseline....if you have one you could tell if you had an increase or not.