LarryHoover's picture
  • 0

+ 9 Hgh kits from iron-lion labs


Two in the front are puretropin .
And one kit in the back is jintropin
curently using 5ius of the puretropin
Planning a massive order soon

Ordered from: 
frank the tank's picture

Nice order

Owes a Review × 2
zeb0312's picture

Nice love me some Iron labs myself. +1

brobro's picture

Its hard to find good sources on gh man evertime i try someone new i get burned!

DirtyRed's picture

been interested in these myself keep us updated bro

ironlion's picture

hi bro, your jintropin is from us ???????????? we remember you just order puretropin from us ^-^

Bagman's picture

Nice! +1 hope real jims

HailRazor's picture

Oh.....these are real Jintropins with authentic codes and embedded fibers in the seal?.....sweet. You should post a pic of the numbers on the seal.

HailRazor's picture

Email from Hong Kong distributor was:

20/4iu vials 1,700HKD 219.25USD
20/10iu vials 4,000HKD 514.94USD

Price is for pick-up or delivery in Hong Kong only

Hong Kong doesn't distribute 10/10iu vial kits. GenSci only sells directly to Peoples Hospital in China. 2.5iu 4iu 4.5iu 10iu

Jintropin legally distributed in Mexico is sold by 4iu or 10iu vials separately. Prices vary. $40-60 per vial.

KAM1314's picture

1000% correct buddy. That's why I inquired on the promo page about the authenticity codes. Now stop sucking Mexico dry and leave some for us little guys!

KAM1314's picture

I believe you brother, been trying to get my hands on some legit Jins for quite some time, it is really hard without a script now. They are making a time released hgh (I believe its a 56iu kit) that you can pin once a week. I actually just shot an email to their official site/contacts to see when and where it might be available. And you're correct a lot of pros use generics, unless they're one of the top BB's with big sponsors most pros are trying to get the best thing available for the money they safe and stay healthy bigwill

HailRazor's picture

Yes! Jintrolong (PEG). Pin once a week.

Drywallstar's picture

You know the real secret of yours is in the background. ....boy fortress whey! Lol nice pack of hgh there. Definitely wanna see bloods on those jins

KK9111's picture

+2 will you be doing bloods on the jins?