Esky's picture
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+ 3 IGF 350 - BLACK TOPS


Bloods came back at IGF 350 from 4iu ed am/pm split. Base level prior to starting blacktops was IGF 255. These levels were attained on inconsistent use prior to the blood test. Let me explain: 6 weeks consistent 4iu ed and then 10 days off due to unplanned int'l business trip. Upon return, I used 4iu ed for 7 days prior to the blood test. I am pleased at the results considering the inconsistent use and in any case I am elevated above where my base level was. The black tops were batch #20131021. I will be ordering more soon!

As you can see, my test level is a whole other story! I have actually felt pretty good considering how low it is...another confirmation that the HGH is legit. Anyway, regarding the test, I have been pinning 180mg e/w with a Test E that my source (locally supplied mexican vet test) will be hearing about soon. Going immediately back to my supply of UG test and giving up on local or Mexican sourced gear.

Ordered from: 
razor ramon's picture

how would this compare to say 2 ius daily of pharma grade hgh?

soldierbot's picture

Thanks for posting your results. +!

EagerToLearn's picture

Hyges or generic?

Esky's picture


EagerToLearn's picture

Hey no offense but I think your results are really bad compared to other recent blood tests. maybe it is the consistency, but your results statistically reflect the use of 2iu. +50 increase in IGF1 per 1 iu Hyges black tops is considered standard.

KK9111's picture

Keep in mind everyone will respond differently. You cant compare someone else results to his because there are numerous variables to consider

Esky's picture

No offense taken. I will get bloods taken again once I get a consistent run on these. I suspect there was some downgrade in the quality during shipping as it was processed during the hottest time of the year.

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