hulkalicious's picture
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Intermediate cycle of the Gods


Fitness Bros,
About to do my second cycle ever. My first one consisted of a 10 week Test E (666mg/week), Dbol (25mg ed for 6 weeks), followed by PCT on Nolvadex. On my second one, I was thinking of doing 600mg/wk of Test C, 30mg/ed of Dbol for the first 4 weeks, 50mg/ed of Anavar for the last 6 weeks, and 0.5mg/ed of Arimidex.

So the cycle lasts total of 12 weeks, and immediately after it ends I will start PCT 100/100/50/50 Clomid and 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex.

Age: 25
Height: 5'11
Weight: ~193
BF: 13%

*Alright, I updated the cycle and took into account what everyone said. Question to the expert: Should I run Anavar at the end? I am going off to medical school next year and this will be the last cycle I can get in before school starts and I most likely wont be able to do cycles considering the workload from school.

WeekTestosterone CypionateAnavarArimidexNolvadexClomid
thenewguy1's picture

Drop the Dbol stick with Var for the last 6 weeks, way less risk involved and you will fucking love the results as long as you also focus on your DIET DIET DIET!

bigjrock's picture

Bro goto medical school and become a doctor. That is much more important than this layout you have here. Keep it simple. With dbol and test you will get great results.

hulkalicious's picture

Made the changes. Question to the experts: Should I run Anavar at the end? I am going off to medical school next year and this will be the last cycle I can get in before school starts and I most likely wont be able to do cycles considering the workload from school. Or would it be too much for my body to handle and just leave it out of the picture?

irongame427's picture

It's to much orals man these orals steroids are very toxic for the liver that's why we say only run them for 4-6 weeks. If you run dbol the first 4 weeks then take two weeks off and run anavar for another 6 weeks your gonna have big big problems. After a 4 week run of dbol I would say you need at the very least 4 weeks off before using orals again and before using them again you must get blood work so you know your livers recovered from the first run. Each run of orals does damage yor liver it doesn't matter how many support supps you take you just have to make sure you don't damage it to the point where it can't heal itself. Does that make sense? Forget about anavar it contradicts your goals anyways.

hulkalicious's picture

Thanks for the tip. I'll just leave anavar out then. As for Dbol would it matter if I finished with it in my cycle? And can I run it for 6 weeks instead of 4 weeks since that's the only oral I'll be using? Really appreciate all your advice bro!

vhman's picture

^^^X2^^^!!! Not sure where folks get their info regarding running orals.


SL's picture


dj460's picture

Wooah you need to slow down Bro listen to people below this looks like a crazy cycle brother and I'm no expert

thenewguy1's picture

400 mg Deca for your 2nd cycle at 25 years old?. Deca is for the more experienced AAS users for many different reasons. And the fact your asking why people are suggesting you not use it, well that just shows me you probably haven't done enough research on the drug. You also did not mention a thing about on cycle support for prolactin issues which again shows that you are not ready to use Deca.

hulkalicious's picture

Alright Deca is out of the picture. How does it look now?

hulkalicious's picture

Alright I have update the stats and added my source from where I got the idea for the cycle. I added the Anavar because after doing research I found out that Anavar has among the highest muscle retention post cycle so I can expect to keep most of my gains. During my first cycle I was really happy with everything until I had to stop Dbol, and even though I was on Test E I was dropping in weight which was disheartening. As for the Deca, some people suggested not using it altogether. Whats the theory behind that?

HCG was originally in the cycle which I got the idea from so I included it in, and seeing as how I had a big list of gear for the cycle it makes sense to have it in there bc HCGs function is to start the production of natural testosterone. Again, I could be wrong and that's why I want to hear from you guys so I can plan this all out before hand. Appreciate you guys looking out

jsoc_rock's picture

Way too much going on here and your pct is messed up too not to mention you have to run Test 2 weeks past the deca. Your second cycle should be 600 Test C per week 1-12 with Dbol weeks 1-4 at 30mg per day. Scratch everything else and fix your pct and get clomid in there!!!
As stated below!!!

Gymjunkie01's picture

Here is my question to you? why the anvar ? what is your thinking behind this? your running a bulk right

Owes a Review × 1
bigjrock's picture

So are you bulking or cutting? Deca and test for bulking and var for cutting. I would reconsider these compounds you have there. Ill tell you all of these are not necessarily needed to make gains. I have done tons of compounds and just recently decided to go with 400 mgs of test. I have put on a good 20 pounds already. Its not about the compounds. Its about how you train and diet. Yes the compounds are only tools but a small percentage of it all.

irongame427's picture

Damn right. To much emphasis on drugs lately.

irongame427's picture

This is not a second cycle, your first cycle should have been your second cycle. First cycle test only, second cycle test with maybe an oral like dbol. 5th or 6th cycle test deca dbol. This is all you need if your diets right.

Weeks 1-12 test c 600mgs ew
Weeks 1-5 dbol 30mgs ed
Weeks 1-14 adex .25-.50mgs eod
Then start pct about 18 days after your last test c injection BOTH clomid and nolva.Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20.

Forget about deca for few more cycles and no anavar either. If you have any more questions let me know.

hulkalicious's picture

So you recommend I do a Test C, Dbol run with adex and PCT with both Clomid and Nolva. How about diet wise? Last time I went HAM and did like a 5000-6000 calories diet but it wasn't all clean (white rice, chicken/beef/etc). Should I aim for around 5000-6000 calories but eat only whole wheat/brown rice etc and chicken breast/lean meats?

McMeanie87's picture

Hcg and nolvadex as a pct? No bro. Hcg will keep u supressed...not sure where u got the pct plan but u should go back to the drawing boards on that one bud. Clomid/nolva protocol


I made a purchase a while back and just wanted to throw it in there.

Never fail to get me shaking my fkn head :(

hulkalicious's picture

That's why I am here asking for opinions from the pros

RG975's picture

Just a reference, but I have noticed people asking for opinions online, which is all and well because theres nothing like personal experience. I would highly recommend you read look up sources from the likes of Bill Roberts, William Llewellyn, Jeff Summers, and Dr. Michael Scally whom has one of the only documented PCT clinical trials. Knowledge brother, get that before injecting anything cause this guy said that and that guy said this. Cheers.