HydeMind's picture
  • 152

+ 2 Hassled buying syringes


Just got back from the grocery store and the bitch at the pharmacy asked for a prescription to sell me syringes. I responded I don't have my b12 prescription on me because I've never been asked for it before. She said she was refusing to sell the syringes to me which I replied, is this the policy of this store? She replied it is up to the pharmacists discretion. As I was walking away they paged someone to the pharmacy.. What a bitch!

The above story occurred at a small grocery store...

I never argue or anything when I encounter one of these problems I just say thanks and walk off.. You never know what's going to happen if you escalate the situation.

Another time I went to a pharmacy that can be found in every state and its name is three letters, the bitch their straight up asked me if I was using AAS...

Just a heads up I generally buy my syringes at a store that can be found around the world and is the largest store chain in the world. I have NEVER been hassled there for buying syringes. I buy between 40 and100 at a time.

Does anyone else run into problems like these?? I'm interested to hear and whats the worse that has ever happened?

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Smart... +2

ray3801's picture

I usually buy mine online....but sometimes I get lazy and forget to order more. There's a small mom and pops pharmacy down the road I've been going to for years that will sell them to me. Well one Sunday I needed some so I went in and they had a different weekend crew working (people that didn't know me). I asked for 2 dozen 23g x 1.5" needles and the bitch tells me she can't sell them to me. Said she'd be glad to sell insulin syringes but not the ones i wanted. I was in disbelief! I asked her if she realized that the insulin syringes are the ones the crackheads use to get high. She looked at me as if I had spoken to her in Swahili. Pissed me off.....ended up having to get a few from tractor supply for animals until my online order came in.

sirelliot5's picture

calvet.com at your door the next day

TexHaus's picture

I live in US and have had issues also. Went to a few CVS and they ask for a script! I just end up telling them it's for B12 shots but it's always been a no go. The last one I went to though told me to go to Walmart, he said "they don't care what you are using them for". I just ended up buying them online, hassle free.

Champion Of The Mind's picture

I buy them from the pharmacy at the corner... I buy the entire box in one shot. I just go say "hey I call in a couple days ago, asked about 1.5" 22 ga 5ml syringes." They pull them out and start counting.. and I make BS petty talk to keep their little brains from caughting on. LOL

Mag the Mighty's picture

I have an RX for pins since I'm on TRT, but it since it cost me $15 for 6 pins through my insurance I just buy online. $25 for a box of 100, and no hassle. Online is the way to go.

KMC's picture

Jeffers vet supply, valley vet, united vet, foster smith vet,..............google any of them and you should be golden.

Owes a Review × 1
Deadlifter85's picture

Let me tell a crazy story. I actually walked out of the pharmacy in complete disbelief a couple weeks ago. It was the pharmacy at a big box store. I asked for a 1ml oral syringe. The cashier lady says that they are out of the 1mls but she has a bunch of 5mls and I could have one of those. I explained that my dose is only 1/4 ml (liquid letro) and the 5ml syringes are too big. So she goes back and talk to the pharmacist and they both come out to the counter and tye pharmacist gives me a 10 pack of 31g 5/8in insulin pins and tells me to just break the tip off and use them. YA A PHARMACIST GAVE ME INSULIN PINS INSTEAD OF AN ORAL SYINGE AND SAID TO JUST BREAK THE TIP OFF!! Are you kidding me? Of course I took them, it was easy free pins if I ever try peptides, but no freaking way was I gonna try doing that. I just went to a different pharmacy and got it there. But I was shocked. I guess I look like an honest upstanding citizen lol.

mcbrite's picture

Is all of this happening in the US? Sounds unbelievable!

Over here in Europe while I never bought pins at a pharmacy (only ebay, just too lazy...) I couldn't imagine in a million years that some cunt would be indiscreet enough to dare ask me what the hell I'm doing with whatever I'm buying... (Of course if it's scrip-free or I'm buying stuff on scips I carry with me. On the contrary, more often than not they'll try to offer some helpful hints about what to be mindful of when using that product.)

Makes me fuming angry just reading it...

jdgolf25's picture

Yeah bro over here people have a mind of their own. Many people think they can rid the state of drug problems. I read these horror stories and decided to get online to purchase. About $24 bucks after tax for 100-23g ,1inch 3cc pins. No sense in going to a store and drawing attn, Sadly many pharmacists dont even care what addicts have to do to get their needles, they just refuse to sell them clean ones because in their eyes that is contributing to the problem of addiction.

HydeMind's picture

Yep all here in the USA. It is ridiculous. I don't even mess with it anymore. I get all of my pinz online now.

Eltoro's picture

well, what can i say, you r right Bro!
i went to C V S and they looked at my size Smile and imm answered that AS using is illegal in USA (i have accent - so they understand that i am not a citizen)...
it is strange, in Europe your american Red Cross (in Africa too) gives syringes and condoms for free every year under fighting with AID, and here in USA i can't buy syringe. so what poor drug users do here? use old syringe? get sick? die? :(
i just ordered from gpzservices everything what i need:

2 3 CC Syringe with Needle, 23 G X 1" (B-D)
(Quantity = 25 Count) $6.00 $12.00
1 Alcohol Prep Pads. 200 per box. $3.50 $3.50

Sub Total $15.50
Shipping (USPS Priority Mail 2-Day) $9.25
Grand Total $24.75

i think it's very good price, not like a 100$ at all like somebody mentioned here before.
and of course i think they would not ask my dad (if he would live here with me), i am just 200lbs so i don't think you should use AS to get this weight (even i do) and it's not nice to judge people, like they did to me at C V S... also it happened in Maryland. i very want to move to CA. very hard to get anything here (stuff).
i always buy BD brand, they are famous, and have good quality.
good luck guys!
be careful!

Deadlifter85's picture

It just varries state to state. I know you're good to go in Cali and Oregon, but dont even try in Montana lol

Byrdman513's picture

I've heard in NC you have to carry a script for tynol lol so accessories is out equation! Very strict!

GotThatBoom's picture

Here in my state it is legal for them to sell without a prescription, however every single time they state they need a prescription. I bet if I was 70 they would sell them to me, facial profilers. I stick to the online med-surg suppliers, never had a problem.

gqelite's picture

I used to use a local animal supply store but it's difficult to buy the amount I need at one time without drawing attention. Now I use the big box version of the store Sam Walton started. I've bought pins at 3 different locations and never had problems.

Green Ranger's picture

Buy online very discreet, sorry you had to go through that, live and learn the web is where its at :-).

Muffins's picture

I think online is more concerning. I'd rather get mine from a pharmacy. You know they counterfeit chicken eggs in China? That 10% of all pharmaceuticals in the world are counterfeited!

vhman's picture

I've always got mine from the top source here and it's always been solid, brand name stuff. Never thought about counterfeit syringes or needles, but the information is good to know.

markymark's picture

the top here...nvr had a prob.....10 plus orders.......

markymark's picture

sorry...top 2 rated check my pix....

ChemDawg's picture

I never knew that Walley's world was the place to go, I never tried them, but I will. I cant believe I never thought to try them out.

In a promo × 2
HydeMind's picture

Yeah they are cheap and fast. But I've been turned down twice.

oversteerisbest's picture

Yeah ive had a pharmacy chain where the Wals aren't blue refuse to sell me slin pins, even though they've sold me humulin without a script (different locations) but I just march on over to the largest retailer of consumer goods in the world and they don't ask for shit for slin pins. Have never tried for IM pins, just order those online

joseywales40's picture

never a problem in canada -as ive said before this a public health concern and they should be more than obliged to sell you clean needles -

Tren hard's picture

I get mine online for like 4€ per 100 syringes.

Brownr9's picture

I use CENSORED every time. They always have everything I'm looking for by several brands and are cheap and discrete

boldone's picture

I buy online or at my local feed store (sorta local) in a pinch. A family member raises dogs and has multiple litters of puppies, etc. Never a problem.

BeastMode5085's picture

gpzservices.com 100 syringes for 25 bucks....

shams's picture

seriously why isn't everyone using gpz?

Muffins's picture

Cause I'm a frugal dude that can't justify paying shipping costs for something I can get down the street

therock2113's picture

Just order them from a website, they have a lot of sources in the forum. Just DON'T ever go to a co-op or any where that sell vet needles made for animals because their not near as sharp.

Worley's picture

Have any of you actually worked as a pharmacist or pharm tech? If so, you would understand why they need to power trip like this when they get a chance. Basically these people are nothing more than physician side kicks. They couldn't cut it or afford it to make it through school and become docs. So now they are stuck doing a job combination that is part doctor's pet and part insurance gofer. Think of it like a librarian. They don't write those books. They don't signed limited editions of their work. They don't have their words made into movies. They simply file the completed product away on shelves and work as a customer service agent to people wanting to check them out.

Every pharmacist I have ever met has hated their job. I worked for 9 months as a pharm tech while I was in college and we had 5 pharmacists that rotated there. Not a single one enjoyed coming to work. They all wanted to do another things. One went to work in his father's jewelry store. One tried starting his own tanning bed salon but failed a year later and he went back to the pharmacy chain. Another moved to the coast and started his own charter fishing boat service. And the other two were too old at that point to do anything else but stick it out until they were able to retire or either were fully vested by the company and could go do some other kind of work they liked until retirement age.

ppk's picture

Ehh I dunno man. I know some people in pharmacy and they make tons of money and seem pretty satisfied to me.

HydeMind's picture

I'm sure the pharmacist-druggies love their job. I had one when I was buying syringes lift up his sleeve and show me his huge track mark..

Muffins's picture

I bought a box of these B&D retractable pins in error, as I asked for luer lock. I was drawing up an oil and decided not to inject that day so I push it back in the vial and the needle disappeared. I was searching the kitchen for an hour before I realized it was in the barrel.

HydeMind's picture

Lol I've done that exact same thing.

Warmachine's picture

I have about thirty of those I bought by accident as well.... I knew they were different I just didn't know how. I was like wow these puppys look indestructible! well they might look cool , But they pin like shit for some reason . I think these are a good idea for guys that don't have needle disposals..
That's some pretty funny shit though bro .

Warmachine's picture

Honestly in most states its store policy and not law... So there is no need to worry about them Calling anyone, Unless you have a Thing of Test in your whip.... Here is the way I have always handled it and this is why the law is the way it is, Same reason you dont need a script for a certain something I wont mention. I dont feel like getting my face ripped off this morning. They have it set up so people that cant afford insurance can still get there meds or medical needs if it is a matter of life and death. So if they start to hassle you just say you have not had health insurance in years but you know what you need.
Honestly make them feel uncomfortable. because they should. Its really as easy as that. I use to feel wierd about it. But that went away quick. And just a heads up If you ask to buy it by the case they will drop the price. At Wal-Mart and Walgreens at least

HydeMind's picture

I didn't know a case was cheaper than individuals. I would buy 40 or so at a time.

speed4goal's picture

At my local mom and pop pharmacy a box of 100 22gx1inch bd syringes is like 23 dollars way cheaper than online. They have singles i can grab the order the case for me and its delivered the next day and i go pick it up no questions asked. They just want the money.

cloud_burn's picture

100 BD luer lock 23g 1" is $18 online.

ragetrip's picture

I don't think I've ever even thought about getting them from a pharmacy or store. It's always been online.
Easy, discreet and saves a ton of money.
I'm pretty picky with my syringes and needles so being able to select the brand makes a big deal to me.
That's not something you have a lot of control over when you shop in person.

deadpan's picture

no one's ever in any pharmacy sold me syringes. they always look at me like i have 3 heads or something. just get them online, tons of sites to choose from.

http://www.gpzservices.com is the way to go imo

strongman480's picture

directlinemedical.com never have a problem. you don't even have to get an account you can order as a guest.

TetsFL's picture

I was refused syringes at the same 3 letter store, in FL. I wasn't even injecting anything and never have. Just wanted one to drain a cyst and they said go see a doctor... Persisted in asking why (didn't know better) and they said they would call the cops if I didn't leave. Had my diabetic friend go back in and get them. IMHO it's absurd that you can't buy them at any Walmart. Junkies gotta ruin it for everyone.

budluce's picture

the worst that can happen in montana, wyoming, washington or idaho is they call you out for using steroids... its not illegal to purchase syringes in these states. I know most states are about the same, but there may be a few that have a law requiring a perscription.

best bet, in order to avoid being harrased is a feed store. Ive never had a problem at a feed store.

if you feel awkward, then come up with a cover and stick to it.
"I volanteer as a vet assistant and our order hasnt came in yet, the vet sent me here to pick these up."
If you use a cover like that though, your robably going to wanna buy at least 100, and a few different sizes, have it all written down as well. just keep a straight story basically.

online isnt too bad of a way to go.