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+ 2 Sustanon & Mast E


6 cycles 3 of which were in my late 20's and 3 recent cycles

Goals: Strength and growth
Training: 1st 6 weeks the Big 3 Routine Deadlifts, Squats, and Bench 5x5 on each M,W,F. I want to work on strengthening these areas, especially chest because bench max is about 235 lbs since I partially tore my pec 1 1/2 yrs ago and I also want to try and feel that area back in some, its only noticable when I flex. Legs are strong but need to grow some. Squat 450, deadlift 400.
Last 7 weeks I want to lean up gains and keep strength with German Volume Training.
Susaton I've ran before with good results in my earlier cycles and it treats me well. Mast E I'm using to control E2 and add a little aggression to workouts as well. I've never had gyno problems even running mild AI's so I think this will work for me, if not I have nolva, letro, exemestane, and adex all on hand.
Dbol 30 mg first 4 weeks 10 mg every 8 hours.
Would like any feed back on training, I'll try and post up a pic now and then to let ya'll see what kind of results this type of train can yield.
Oh and proviron 25 mg ed through out cycle.

WeeksustanonMast EDbol
1750mg M,W,F400mg30mg
11T. Prop 50 mg EDM. Prop 50 mg ED
12T.Prop 50 EDM. Prop 50 ED
13T. Prop 50 EDM. Prop 50 ED
14Nolvadex 20 mgClomid 200 mgExemestane 12.5 mg
1520 mg100mg12.5
vhman's picture

Looking great! Thanks for all the updates! +2

P.S. In your post pic, at first glance, I thought you were wearing some tank-top uni-tard type outfit from the 80's! Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;-)

humpnpump's picture

LOL, appreciate you following the log brother. Got any questions about anything ask.

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Post cycle pics up.

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Cycle is coming to a close in a few days. I'll throw up a few final pics in the next day or 2 to show the progress that was made. All and all it was a good cycle. The Mast E and Mast P worked well for me as an AI and kept E2 sides at bay, I never had to use an AI the whole cycle, although I will implement some exemestane during my PCT. Made some pretty good gains on strength and put some muscle on areas that were lacking with the Big 3 Routine and then leaned and tightened gains up during the last half of the cycle. I did a natty cut this summer down to 171 lbs and gained back to 182 lbs prior to cycle and during cycle top out at 196lbs before getting the flu and dropped to 191 lbs and today I'm sitting at 190lbs at about the same bodyfat % I started cycle at with a lot more muscle in my legs, back and shoulders.

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Not to Shabby, could have put on more weight, but when I got to 196 lbs I felt imobile lol. I should be able to hold 190 through pct and after, everything is pretty solid and the short tren run got all the water weight off.

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Big 3 today: deadlift 435 5x5 squat 450 5x5 bench 245 5x5 sitting at 190lbs.

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Starting short esters to finish up cycle test p, mast p, and adding in the tren to sweet'n things up.

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Flu - 5 lbs ugggghh

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Cycle still going good, no sides and no injuries. Cals 4200 leaning up gains with cardio and volume training. Sitting at 195 lbs.

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Mast E. and proviron have seemed to keep E2 under control, no bloat, Acne, mood swings, and energy and aggression is up. Doing volume routine mostly now except for chest and legs I do volume one day and heavy the next.

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There's no school like the old school. This is one of my best cycles, easy on the pinning and getting good results.

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Insane pumps today. Chest flat bench, incline, decline and fly's dumbell drop sets. Hit tri's, traps and calves. Never had a pump like this. Walked out of the gym like a robot. Guess my body was primed for some high volume training.

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Calories now at 4100. I put on some quality strength and size with the big 3 on some areas that were lagging. I'm almost 42yr and this routine is great but puts a pounding on the joints, back, and CNS. Going to switch up and work secondary muscles some and stretch the fascia with higher sets and reps from here on out.

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Pic #5 is week 6. Weight 193 lbs. bench 225 5x5, deadlifts 425 5x5, squats 425 5x5

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All lift stayed the same this week, dropping the dbol kind of took the wind out of the sail. But by Friday they were relatively easier and will be increasing weight next Monday. Body compesition is changing and the areas I've been hitting are noticeably gaining some mass. Chest looks full, back is getting thick and lats popping as well as traps. Wife was checking me out the other day in my underwear and tee shirt and said my legs are getting huge, I tend to agree and will probably have to get some bigger pants in a few more weeks.

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AncientAlien's picture

Nice workout bro! Digging the 3 X weekly. It really gets me motivated after bodybuilding 5-7 days a week especially now summer is about over. Time to mass up! Keep it up bro +1

humpnpump's picture

Yeah it's a nice change up. Guys at the gym are like where you been man and damn your getting big. 3 days at the gym a week and people act like you've gone missing lol.

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Going to have to lay off squats for a week or 2 and let this upper quad strain heal up. I think I'll throw in overhead presses to substitute.

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Dropped dbol out yesterday. All lifts still the same weight as last weeks, but could already feel that the dbol pumps were lacking, especially deadlifts I was getting some serious back pumps from the dbol, today no back pumps and lifts were a lot easier. Upped calories to 3900 still sitting around 190 lbs.

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End of week 4 : bench 215 5x5, got a little quad pull or strain on Monday so didn't incease weight on deadlifts and squat this week. Gained a lot of strength and weight during this first 4'weeks. I'm quite impressed with this routine.

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By Friday I'm wore out, 2 days rest on the weekend makes all the difference. Meant to mention that I made it through without havening to use an AI, and with the mast e kicking in full swing now I show be fine. I think the proviron has helped initially.

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Thanks man go to know. Joints are fine so far, actually best they've been in awhile, but we'll see how she goes on down the road.

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Pic 4 3 1/2 weeks in 190 lbs.

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Midnight snack at work 3 pic ^

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Second Pic is from today, end of week 3. Started out weighing 180 to 182 and now 187 to 189 depending on time of day. Legs look a tad bigger and shorts and jeans definitely tighter. I think I've gain the most in the glutes and back area from the deadlifts and squats. No AI beging used yet, E2 and bloat not an issue, some water weight is noticeable but expected with dbol, will be dropping it in 7 days. Overall I am enjoying the cycle and getting the strength and mass gains in areas were intended for. Still around 3400 cals.

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Body is getting use to the 3 x week frequency. Lifts are up bench 195 5x5, deadlifts 380 5x5, squat 400 5x5. Up 5 lbs body weight.

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