jsoc_rock's picture
  • 25

+ 3 Medically supervised HGH run


167lbs about 13% body fat now the interesting part. My doctor has prescribed me with growth hormone at 2ius per day I go to the hospital daily for the injections so I don't have to do them myself. What had happened is I spent a month in the hospital with cancer it had done a lot of damage even though it was detected early and I'm now in remission. I'm eating (and shakes\bars 350g protein per day because I had lost a lot of muscle due to the toxicity of the chemo. Started at 195lbs and now at a struggling 167lbs. I'm downing 4800 calories per day clean and unclean. Real bad atrophy and everything in between. We all know HGH has a lot of uses and affects a lot of organs and bodily functions and increasing proteins. I will be adding 750mg per week of Sustanon and 75mg per day of Anadrol. I will be getting full blood work done every 2 weeks both for cancer followups and lipid panel, hepatic panel and renal with electrolytes to make sure my body is tolerating everything alright. I'm adding the extra gear only thing prescribed was the HGH and anadrol. Can anyone give me extra advice for packing on some pounds? My first cycle was Test e 500mg per week for 12 weeks and perfect pct. My expectations are to gain at least 20-25lbs with this. I will also be using Aromasin straight through pct 12.5mg EOD then 2 weeks into pct reduce by half to 6.25mg. If anyone has questions please add and pm me I don't want to talk about what I went through on an open forum its graphic. This will also be used as a lean bulk cycle for the EBC thanks in advance for your kindness and responses I'll take any advice y'all are willing to give me! Thanks and God bless!!!

WeekHGH SustanonAnadrolNolvadexClomid
12ius per day750mg per week75mg per day
22ius Sustanon 75mg
62ius750mg 75mg
1940mg 100mg
RECONAKERS's picture

Awesome to hear to good news.... Your going to love HGH is this the same Dr you went through your Chemo and everything with? A friend of mine has cancer too and IM wondering how this HGH came about? Was it your idea or his? That seems like a good Dr you have there.

jsoc_rock's picture

Yeah bro same doctor but a specialist in human growth will be checking in on me as well I've gained over 10lbs so far definitely feel the anadrol probably too soon for the HGH to notice it

iron addict's picture

best of luck man

Green Ranger's picture

Best wishes bro +1

jsoc_rock's picture

Thank you very much bro!

Drywallstar's picture

I would love to see a pic of the pharma drol. Good luck and I hope you have a great go

jsoc_rock's picture

Pic posted under gear pics

jsoc_rock's picture

Thank you so much bro I will post when I pick it up tomorrow because pharmacies don't carry it. If I didn't have insurance it would cost 2400$ for 100 tabs 25mg each! I only had to pay 35$! The HGH only cost me 28$ would have been 3k! Its sick we get it cheaper on here from what I've seen on here! Yes I will post pics of the pharma grade Anadrol for you all too!

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Is the dr only prescribing the drol for 6 weeks? I know some docs will prescribe drol long term in cases like yours. If you're under dr supervision with frequent bloods, I would run it as long as you run your test. I would also recommend e or c like vhman.

jsoc_rock's picture

He wants to see where I'm at after the 6 weeks and all the blood work every 2 weeks to see if he wants to continue.

jsoc_rock's picture

He has prescribed the HGH and anadrol I'm adding the Sustanon but dropping the dose to 500mg per week as suggested below

ReadyToKillIt's picture

If you already have the sust it will need to be pinned EOD, some guys are good with MWF pins. But definitely run the drol as long as your doc says you're good.

jsoc_rock's picture

I will thanks bro! He said to start with 6 weeks getting FULL BLOODS every two weeks. I will be entering the ebc as well! Thank you for your time and post! Hopefully this will get me back on track! Also I will be doing MWF pinning for Sustanon

jsoc_rock's picture

He has prescribed the HGH and anadrol I'm adding the Sustanon but dropping the dose to 500mg per week as suggested below

vhman's picture

I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend.
I'm a little unclear on what shape you're in now. It's not wise to jump on a significant cycle when you're not in shape. Way too many problems can pop up and you can be doing yourself more damage.
If you are in shape, I still wouldn't be running 750 mg and 75 of anadrol. You're just staring back after a significant illness. Start slow and low and build yourself up one step at a time. It's not a sprint, so take it easy. Let me know where you are physically and then we can fine tune the rest.

jsoc_rock's picture

The physician prescribed the anadrol

jsoc_rock's picture

Thank you so much for your reply brother. I'm just trying to gain weight back and thanks for your kindness too. My last cycle ended last February 500mg Test e per week kept 17lbs of the 23lbs gained. I'm hoping the HGH does the trick! Again thank you so much for your time do you think I should drop the Sustanon to 500?

vhman's picture

The anadrol is usually prescribed in cases like yours, so that makes sense. I just wanted to be sure that you weren't starting this cycle from a point of muscle atrophy.
Since you're already doing the anadrol, I think it would be wise to go with 500 mg of sust. I'm not a big fan of sust, because I find it hard to maintain blood levels. I like test-e/c better. If you do go with sust, you will need to pinn EOD to keep your levels up.
HGH is fantastic and will really help you rebuild your entire body. It has a synergistic effect with steroids to really rebuild you.
Again, just take things slow. Less really is more in this case.

jsoc_rock's picture

I got back into my gym this week and my MMA coach will only let me use the tread mills and exercise bikes but in less than two weeks I will be back to light weights nothing over 25lbs gotta let the surgical wounds heal a bit longer. I am gonna stick with Sustanon because I saw my friends results and he got jacked so I got it from his source.and I'm excited to see what the HGH is gonna do! Is 2ius per day enough to see results? I don't know much about it

vhman's picture

2 iu's of pharma grade HGH is fine. That will give you the regeneration properties you need. Unless you're a body builder, I wouldn't go much more than that.

jsoc_rock's picture

Awesome thanks!! Im trying to research HGH now I'm kind of excited but nervous about the daily pins. I do twice a week pins just fine. Do you know where they inject HGH or is it the same injection spots for other aas?

vhman's picture

HGH pins are cake and you hardly feel them. They are done sub-cutaneous, not inter-muscular like steroids are done. HGH is done with insulin pins, which are very small and it's usually done in the fat in stomach. Once you see how it's done, I would ask the doctor to let you do it on your own at home. it's super easy and almost painless

jsoc_rock's picture

I wrestled in high school and college and have been in MMA since my junior year of high school as well as lifting weights since the 6th grade I had been big until the chemo. Sorry for not including my background

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