noob143's picture
  • 61

+ 2 first order of hyge


Black tops from I'm a little disappointed that the anti counterfeit came back as fake. But the bloods I've seen on them are great. Plus I'll be getting my own bloods done just to confirm. Waiting on my base line bloods. Will post all results in a couple weeks!!!!!

Ordered from: 
EagerToLearn's picture

Hey have you pulled bloods on these? Have the same ones. +1

noob143's picture

With my wife going to rehab. Abd having3 kids I didn't have time too. But I lost a ton of weight on them if that countsaaa

noob143's picture

Actually it's been almost a week and I'm already getting the sleep, and last night first tingly arms. So I'm sure it's all good. But thx for the insight. Just makes me happy I choose

RECONAKERS's picture

Hey thats great from what I hear this is legit.

noob143's picture

This stuff has to be real. I've been taking 3iu a day for 4 days and I've already lost an inch and a half off my waist. Can't wait for the bloods in a couple weeks!

noob143's picture

I want everyone to know that the reason it came back fake was my fault. I scratched too hard and partially rubbed half of the 8 off on the very last number of the code. So I thought it was a three when it was really a 8. So needless tosay they are both very legit HGH. And it is all my fault. I've apologized to kig and I apologize to all of you as well.

gorillafit28's picture

+1 nom nom I love my blacks

noob143's picture

So I scratched the unopened box and it came back legit. But first box still not registering. So at least I have legitimate hgh

noob143's picture

Everyone chill. I'm getting bloods done next week. Then we will know for sure what kind of quality we have

noob143's picture

I can't believe everyone is focusing on the anti counterfeit part of my post. I'm confident that the bloods will come back good like the countless other ones I had seen when I was researching.

noob143's picture

Anti counterfeit came back fake. But I think there site is jacked up. I will have bloods done soon.

OB2's picture

Lemme know what's up with those. This is the first I've heard of these guys having a fake kit of Hyges

noob143's picture

Because the code came back fake doesn't mean they aren't HGH. I'm sure the blood work will clarify that it is indeed high grade growth hormone

noob143's picture

I'm sorry I said anything about the codes. I did a ton of research and it came down to between you and another source. I choose yours for a reason. I just wish I wouldn't have said anything about the codes. I feel like I brought unnecessary drama to your name. I truly apologize for this. And am absolutely confident my bloods will provide the proof that they are in fact g2g!!!

noob143's picture

I'm not worried bro. All the bloods I've seen came back great. I'll be posting my own bloods. Plus when I stuck the needle of bac water in it pulled it all in from the vacuum. From what I've researched that makes it all good.

noob143's picture

I think you're right about that

killinit88's picture

Mine won't even do that. Screen just flashes than goes back to nothing

noob143's picture

That sucks

noob143's picture

I don't think so bro. I researched fir one a month. And I'm optimistic it is good hgh