gorillafit28's picture
  • 317

+ 3 Swole quad!!!!


What quad tren? When I saw this I had to have it! Thanks swole many more orders to come!

Ordered from: 
chicoimpala's picture

Looks awesome. I want some bad! That will hit quick with base, ace, and hex, and when that tren E builds up....damn
Edit. Every 4 days sounds logical. Good luck sleeping bro

Owes a Review × 1
vegeta1's picture

ive tried swoles quad tren and it was amazing. also... hex is a very short ester bro. do more research on the ester and you will see. its longer than prop and shorter than enanthate.

gorillafit28's picture

I was planning on pinning 1 cc every 4 days so that's at 800ml per 8 days Smile

BeastMode5085's picture

how are you dosing this? just curious... +1 for gear