tmaxx123's picture
  • 26

12 Week Test Cyp Cycle


5'10" 175lbs starting weight
Hope to cut up and gain some size

Still debating using the HCG.

PCT 2 weeks after last pin, Clomid 50mg/ day, Nolvadex 20mg/ day, Cialis 5mg/ day, Aromasin 6.25mg / day

WeekTestosterone CypionatePregnyl
jsoc_rock's picture

Hcg isn't necessary for a Test only cycle bro. And you don't have an AI listed through the cycle just in pct I'd recommend you start Aromasin too

tmaxx123's picture

ive got aromasin on hand just in case during the cycle. and i havent had the need to start hcg, so for now im good

thenewguy1's picture

Pct should be clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20. Pct is much more important than your actual cycle!

tmaxx123's picture

ill pick up some more clomid and nolva to run alongside, thanks for the info

RG975's picture

I agree with McMeanie87 on the HCG and doing a normal pct of 4 weeks. A 12 week cycle is going to shut you down, a 2 week PCT will not be sufficient brother

tmaxx123's picture

not doing a 2 week pct. I meant I'm starting pct 2 weeks AFTER last pin. meanie was saying to wait a little longer i believe to start because of the long ester of the test im using

McMeanie87's picture

Correct.. 18-24 days after last pin of test e is when u begin ur pct..

tmaxx123's picture

Appreciate the info. I have aromasin on hand in case. And I will hold off on the hcg for another cycle. Shouldn't go bad will it? It's in a glass vial untouched aka. not mixed with bac water yet

McMeanie87's picture

No its fine..I have two 5000iu kits that have been sitting for a long time..they don't go bad

McMeanie87's picture

I'd make it the normal pct protocol clomid/nolva 100/40 first two weeks and 50/20 last two weeks..and u must wait 18-24 days to start when running test e. And I'd scratch the hcg and run an a.i the entire cycle. I ran 6.25 aromasin ed thru out my cycle..u might require more..u should do a little more research bro before u begin

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