choiceturf's picture
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+ 3 4th week Test E labs


I'm currently just ending my 4th week running Test E at 250x2 weekly. Full panel coming in two weeks. I was curious about my estrogen level and figured I would go ahead and check my Free and Total Test while I was at it. I do not have a baseline for my Estrogen unfortunately. Running Adex at .25EOD since week 3. The only real symptoms of high estrogen I've had is sensitive/burning nips. Any advice on how to adjust for that slightly out of range Estrogen level would be appreciated. Apologies for the poor pic. Limited resources for a few days.

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romangod's picture

i am not a pro... IMO change your AI to pharma (not sure what your taking ) or bump it up a bit.ts not that high, but you arent even.mid cycle.. They will only climb from here.. Great job getting bloods +1

Owes a Review × 1
choiceturf's picture

It's pharma grade. I will definitely adjust my dose and see where it gets me in two weeks. Appreciate the insight! Thanks!

CBBurrr's picture

That E2 number is actually pretty darn good on cycle. Are you sure you nip pain is not all in your head, or just chaffing from checking them so much?
I just did bloods and got the same level as you, on the same adex dose as you. I'm calling it just right!

as far as dosing goes, I break my tabs up and crush them like you would a recreational drug. I do one .25mg bump EOD. You could split your pill into 3 piles, and do .33 mg EOD.

+1 for posting bloods

choiceturf's picture

Not sure at all it isn't in my head. I need to do some more research and see what guys are maintaining their levels at while on cycle. Thanks for the advice!

KAM1314's picture

Bump the adex up to .5mg ed and see what happens with your next bloods. All types of ai's work different with each individual. See what happens, you might need an aromasin/mast/provi/etc. protocol. Learn what works for you and go with it. In all honesty, it comes down to trial and error till we find our "sweet" spot. Don't limit yourself to people that are parroting info and follow the majority. You might be that exception to the bullshit that is posted everyday. Find what's best for your body and kill it brother. For example, I can run almost a gram of test a week and use mast/provi to keep estro in check. If I followed the herd I'd be running a ton of adex/aromasin/letro or whatever else the masses told me to. Trial and error brother! Be safe, stay healthy and send me a FR if you want to talk in private. Good luck

choiceturf's picture

Thanks for the support brother!

choiceturf's picture


KAM1314's picture

Update? How are you feeling?

KK9111's picture

+2 for doing bloods and to see how you are reacting and looking for good advice

choiceturf's picture

Much appreciated. Can't thank everyone enough for the solid advice on here!

KK9111's picture

thats why i love it here

Cccrambone's picture

A little suggestion.

Cut out the url from your screenshot. That unique #.pdf can be tied back to you.

choiceturf's picture

Thanks. Will get that done.

SL's picture

Bump up your ai alittle

choiceturf's picture

Would you suggest going up to .5EOD or is that too excessive?

SL's picture

Yea that or .5 e3d your check bloods in 2 weeks again anyways

choiceturf's picture

Thanks for the tip!