racarr2013's picture
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2nd Cycle criticism please


Hopefully starting this cycle is 2 weeks just want some constructive criticism. done a Test E only cycle before for 12 weeks got good gains and want to start another :). finished last cycle about 8 months ago and kept 50% of gains.

Height 5" 8
age 25
weight 167lbs
BF 11%

i have nolvadex on hand if needed. was thinking about running the cycle with 4 week d-bol kick-starter at 40mg ED with 20mg nolvadex + 25mg proviron or just leave d bol out and use proviron 25-50mg ED with sust and deca. can get clomid for PCT what ya think?

will be injecting monday sust 250 1ml and deca 300 1ml and thursday sust 250 1ml

what you think guys what should i change??

oh and diet is on point and been serious lifting for 2 years

WeekSustonate DecaProviron Nolvadex
1500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
2500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
3500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
4500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
5500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
6500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
7500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
8500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
9500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
10500mg300mg25mg/50mg ED
11500mg25mg/50mg ED
12500mg25mg/50mg ED
1680mg ED
1760mg ED
1840mg ED
Champion Of The Mind's picture

Ahh, the good ol' sus/deca combo. I would personally opt, for test-e and run it at test/deca 2:1. After reading your background, and being this is your second cycle. IMO; forget about the deca. No nors second go around. You have conflicting facts that lead me to believe you're not being fulling honest.

oh and diet is on point and been serious lifting for 2 years

Height 5" 8
age 25
weight 167lbs
BF 11%

those to comments you wrote don't support each others legitimacy. If you we're lifting for 2 years seriously and your diet is keen, you'll be at least 180-190 ish, with a lower BF%. It just doesn't make sense to me. Also looking at your pct, and the way you refered to your previous cycle, you don't understand the proper pct protocol or how important it is to maintain a properly functioning reproductive organ.


i have nolvadex on hand if needed.

Nolvadex isn't a substitute for an AI or Caber, it's a SERM.

I would concentrate my efforts on laying out a more encompassed training program, coupled with a disciplined diet. If you're persistent and you must run another cycle stick with a simple long ester based Testosterone. You can add in an oral of your chosen, but make sure it's relative to your goals; being you already ran one "cycle". Some popular orals are Dbol, Drol, and Var. They all promote strength gains, with Dbol and Drol promoting mass as well. Make sure to add in clomid to your pct protocol.. Nolv 80/80/40/40 Clomid 100/100/50/50...

racarr2013's picture

Ok I've read everyone's comments and didn't think it was that harsh tbh if it's going to save me lol so what I'm going to do is 500mg test e 1-12 weeks, 25/50mg proviron 1-12 week PCT week 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/40 Clomid 100/100/50/50. Might chuck in d bol 40mg 1-4 week.

Have 3750 cals a day 250+ protien a day
Tuna Omlets

Cheers for steering me the right way guys!
Just tell me yes or no to the d bol??

konig's picture

I wouldn't mess with dbol this time around... I did my first cycle and it was a complete waste! My estro was all over the place the first four weeks, my liver was kicking like a horse even with liver supps ED, and on top of all that I could hardly fucking squat the lower back pumps were that intense!!! I looked like a crippled old cunt after a few goes at 225. Save it for next time, get the full experience of good test and good diet... you will thank us later..

ButtHurty's picture

There's conflicting opinions using nolvadex with deca. I've always used it on deca cycles with success. If you're taking 50mgs of Proviron, you won't need nolva in there at all I'm going to say. Not at 500mg a week. But have an AI on hand, you never know how a person will react on an individual basis.

I would get some cabergoline in case of deca sides. Prob won't have much from 300mgs a week, but best to play it safe. Caber has a 60 something hour half life, so only take .25mg every 3 days. Caber can mess you up, I once accidentally took a full tab, after taking .25mg the day before, and I couldn't see out if my left eye for about 6 hours. I mean I could see, but it was like I was looking underwater if you know what I mean, scary.

Overall it's a good looking cycle. I do agree with the others here though, that maybe you should get a few other cycles under your belt and a little more experience before trying more advanced compounds. I know a lot of these guys act like jerks, but most of them know their stuff, and they've made mistakes and learned and share that insight, so others don't have to make those mistakes. It's easy to get messed up on this stuff, and more is not always better. I think you'll do great though and judging from your layout it looks like you did you research and put some thought into this. Good luck.

irongame427's picture

I respect the fact you took the time to write this out but don't hint at giving him the ok to use deca. He's 167lbs. There's only a few situations where the use of this at that weight is ok. So let's just help him get his test cycle dialed in.

ButtHurty's picture

You're right, my mistake. I misread, I thought it was 187 (iphones :-/) Even that's light. I should've refrained.

And I totally agree with you, good looking out bro. I'm sure with your help on diet and a test cycle he'll see some great results.

irongame427's picture

Very sorry about if I came of as a dickhead before bro. That wasn't constructive criticism. So here it is. Drop the deca, if you can get test e or c so that and swap it for the sust , but if your already have the sust it will work . Your proviron wil work well at keeping estrogen down, and keep you looking harder and denser. If you run into gyno problems now since your not using deca you can use your nolva for a few days. Me personally I would have an ai on hand just in case , and your pct needs to be Clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/40 startin 3 weeks after your last shot of sust.

But you need to make sure you diet is on point. Post up your diet on here and we can help you with it. Diet determines success not drugs. http://www.eroids.com/forum/general/general-talk/diet-clinic-now-live

I still think you should take a few months of proper dieting and training and get everything dialed in first tho. Your results wil be so much better.

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks brother!

Gorillafit's picture

Another new guy raped! How bout we help him instead of making him wanna leave? The only thing I see wrong is using nolva on hand instead of adex or aromasin! Prolactin is not an issue for everyone and if you keep estrogen down it shouldn't be an issue!

racarr2013's picture

Oh and I ment for pct at be 4 weeks

irongame427's picture

What the hell is this? 167lbs, 2nd cycle. 2nd cycle that includes a 19-nor, lifting only for 2 years and already used steroids. So you did your first cycle after only lifting for a year. Your pct is 3 weeks of nolva. Please link me the the credible source that says thats a proper pct especially when using a 19-nor.

Explain to me about what your mean you have nolva on hand if you need it? Im sorry if this is harsh but everyday i get people like you putting up these stupid fucking proposals where its total obvious you have done zero research. And i also want you to link me to the source that says test deca is a good second cycle, especially when your 167lbs and not a midget. Obvously something is very wrong with your diet and training, especially since you only kept 50% of your gains from your first test cycle. I kept over 80% of mine, the only weight i lost was the water.

Dickkhead's picture

Eh . . . u sound, well . . . miffed . . . bro . . . .

irongame427's picture

I know I know. Op I'm sorry, lack of sleep plus ketogenic diet plus steroids = easily frustrated. And I'm sorry but the lack of reaearch does frustrate the hell out of me. If you reaearch 19-Nors you wil come across the problem with nolva and the next for a DA, and his pct 3 weeks of just nolva, I mean all theu Infos out there and the 19-not second cycle. But I do need to handle this different or not post at all. I did still offer to do his diet for him tho I wasn't a total asshole.

racarr2013's picture

I do a lot of cross fit training and need to keep my BF% low also do quite a lot of running I wanted to add a lot of weight on and I know deca isn't everyone first choice for a second cycle and I know it shuts you down hard. Your right I should probably ditch the deca for 4 weeks d bol or some other injectable and have Clomid in my pct.

allday222's picture

Ain't nobody getting big from cross fit bro . Come on man

Dickkhead's picture

Bro, Cross fit? Running? U want to be a bodybuilder or u want to look like a cyclist? U need to lift and eat and tone down the cardio routine quite a bit if u intend to gain weight.

irongame427's picture

all steroids aside you need to get your diet on point. i dont care how much gear you take this shit doesnt spontaneously build muscle. Its till built from food, the process is just sped up with the addition of steroids. So you need to get your diet figured out, then gain some weight naturally. Get up to 180lbs naturally then think about doing a test dbol cycle. If you want diet help let me know, ill put 10bs of muscle on you in 5 months if you do everything right and total gains will be even bigger due to increase in glycogen. You could easily add 15lbs in 5-6 months naturally and that would put you in a much better starting point for gear. Do that for 5-6 months to make sure you actually committed to this lifestyle and then do a cycle. Lifting for mass is alot different then lifting for cross fit or just to keep in shape. If i was doing that shit i would just try to eat relatively healthy and thats it. With lifting for aesthetics you need to be eating mass amounts off food day in and day out ever 2-3 hours like clock work whether your hungry or not. Its not for everyone, but thats what it takes to get results. Send me a FR and a PM and will work on your diet.

irongame427's picture

Lol training is soo much easier then diet. If my physique reflected my training id be ronnie.

Gorillafit's picture

Nah bro, just get implants!

McMeanie87's picture

Lmao..Copy.Paste. on to the next lol

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