alphamonkey's picture
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+ 3 Pre TRT baseline Level @ 366


This is my test level before starting TRT ( Hulk Test Prop 100 @ 50mg EOD)

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Cccrambone's picture

I'm in the same boat, I tested at 387.

Im going to try Test Cyp for 12-16 weeks to see how it goes.

Do you feel overall better with the increase in test?

alphamonkey's picture

Useful podcast for info on TRT if interested, just google "went-testosterone-replacement-therapy Danger & Play"

alphamonkey's picture

Yes, I feel much better overall. Only after 30 days on test I can report I'm glad I gave it a go.

MuscleMoney's picture

Did the prop boost ur numbers up?

alphamonkey's picture

366 was my test baseline, 30 days on prop I'm now 1157

Drywallstar's picture

Im like 391. My doctor says that's fine......pretty close to baseline if you ask me. Good luck on your trt big guy.

alphamonkey's picture

Same response from my doc... I'll post my new labs tomorrow, but I'm at 1157ng for total testosterone and 26.5 free now. My initial opinion is my outlook on life, confidence and libido is improved so I can only hope I remain in this state or improve even more.

Thank you Sir, good luck to you also!

vhman's picture

You're doing TRT and you've chosen prop, with an EOD schedule?
TRT is basically for life and EOD will get old very fast and you will build up scar tissue as well. TRT is almost exclusively Test-E/C, with weekly shots (or bi-weekly) at most. I would consider switching to test-e/c.

alphamonkey's picture

You got it, I chose prop because with the short ester I could more easily get my range to desired level until I find a good level to cruise at. Once i get stable I may switch to Test- E/C or convenience.

I pin with 28's, do you think scar tissue should be a concern for the first year rotating between glute/delt/quad?

vhman's picture

You should be fine with you short run of prop and your rotation. When you get going on your E/C, just be sure to rotate properly and give each site a couple of weeks between pinning. I use 25 g and those work fine for me. I dose twice a week to keep my levels stable, but on TRT, I don't see any issue with once a week either, but it depends on how you react. I occasionally go to once a week for a month or two, just to switch things up. It's a long hall, so keep researching and feel free to send me a PM with any questions you might have.

Gorillafit's picture

Consider there is usually more pip (post injection pain) with prop!

alphamonkey's picture

I experience little to no PIP in the glutes (strait t-prop in that area). But delts and quads are another story, PIP was a bitch so I started cutting with grape seed oil when I pin those sites.

As of now I like me a little PIP... It reminds me that nothing comes easy.

vhman's picture

How true.

Drywallstar's picture

I agree.....very much so