carl3553's picture
  • 156

+ 3 Wow very strange results..never seen anything like it


Them numbers are way too high!!! My shbg is very very low been using a 1000mg of t400 a week...i took a 800mg shot 30hours before my bloods was taken....they forgot to do my estrgen which i have to take deff bringing back the dose to 400mg a week....ive never had numbers like that whys it so high

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carl3553's picture

anyone got any idea how long it will take for those levels to drop?....ive cut down to 500mg a week

carl3553's picture

reason i ask is because the estro is killing my hunger..even thinking of food turns my stomach and my chest and stomach is very loose...taking 0.5 adex a day aint cutting it at all. i would do adex at 1mg a day but i have a limted supply at the moment and wont be returning home for another 5 weeks....and posting to where i am is a no no:(

MegaT883's picture

Whats your dosage schedule? How many wks you been on? Are you taking anything else with the T? So you did 1000wk then did 800mg 30hrs before the test? Are you running anything else with the Test? Deca?Tren?

carl3553's picture

No test only bruv! With adex....iknow my test levels would have peaked 24 to 48hours before but still that is god dam high levels! If you look at the nmol it says higher than 250 the test wouldnt even go high enough for my dropping the dose way down...I was taking tri tren with it but dropped it over two weeks ago

MegaT883's picture

Yes I'D say that's a high level. For us in the US that's more than 7210 ng/dl which is off the charts. Along with that high free test level. One thing I do know is that your estro will be off the charts also with such a High Testosterone level.

aronl's picture

You should probably cover up your name on the lab report bro

carl3553's picture trying to do that bro and crop it but this dam smart phone!!!!!!!!!

24hourbulk's picture

best start munching x10 more with them rsults haha

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carl3553's picture

worst thing is im working away in the nordics thats why the strange lingo on my seen the price of food here!!! i need 3 bank loans to fund my growth

carl3553's picture

sorry its upside down s test is whole testosterone and s test vl is free testosterone...

Drywallstar's picture

If u edit the pic and crop it, it should post normal

carl3553's picture

ok ill try that now bro..thanks.....