thenewguy1's picture
  • 46

Upcoming bulker


This will be my 3rd cycle i am 27 5'8" 180lbs 17% bf looking to make adjustments before i consider starting this cycle. My last cycles have gone smoothly have never had any strong sides or gyno issues. Has been 13 months since last cycle of Test E 500mg and Deca 250mg it was the same as the cycle below except this time i am adding DBOL and HCG. I plan on dieting for a full 14 week bulking cycle. Getting bloods this week will post asap.

WeekTestosterone cypdecaHCGADEXclomidnolva
1300mg E3D150mg E3D.25mg E3D
2300mg E3D150mg E3D.25mg E3D
3300mg E3D150mg E3D.25mg E3D
4300mg E3D150mg E3D.25mg E3D
5300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
6300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
7300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
8300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
9300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
10300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
11300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
12300mg E3D150mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
13300mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
14300mg E3D500iu.25mg E3D
18100mg ED40mg ED
19100mg ED40mg ED
2050mg ED20mg ED
2150mg ED20mg ED
thenewguy1's picture

I am planing to start this cycle within 2 or 3 months depending on my blood work. I have been waiting patiently and my body is just about fully ready after the last botched pct, i want to wait and make sure my hormone levels are stable before i start up. i am not making the mistake of not doing blood work anymore, i have learned my lesson. I have done much research to make sure i am ready for this cycle and made sure i have all the needed equipment and gear to run this safely. I just want a second opinion/feedback on this cycle in case i have overlooked something. And i also have a couple questions. At what weeks should i get blood work done, the only reason i am a little concerned is because i have never used ADEX or HCG before. Also if anyone has ran a similar cycle i would love to hear what compounds/dosages you used for pct.

Bigtallz's picture

I just read below you have prami and HCG which are essential with this cycle. I definitely agree on getting blood work to make sure you are fully recovered. Good luck to you bro and get big.

Dickkhead's picture

I think u r a little high on the dosages. Test @350 E3D = 875 mg averaged over a 2 pin and 3 pin week - recommend coming back down to Test @250 E3D. Same with deca @ 175 E3D is 438 / wk - bring it down to 125 E3D. So Test 250 E3D and deca 125 E3D. PCT should start in wk 17 not 18. I know u have not had any problems with your previous deca run but I would still buy some caber or equivalent and just keep it around. I'm uncomfortable answering your clomid question. I'm on TRT so I don't PCT.

thenewguy1's picture

I am going to work it out and update my cycle as for test-E and Test-C i thought 3 weeks after last shot is good, my last pct didn't go so well and i waited 2 weeks. I think im going to drop the Test to 300mg E3D and Deca at 150 E3D. I have prami on hand.

Dickkhead's picture

What happened with the PCT bro?

thenewguy1's picture

Idk man must have been bad clomid or something but my balls took a very long time to return to normal which is why i am including hcg in this cycle.

Dickkhead's picture

Do you live in the US? I would encourage u to get a blood test before u start so u know where u r at. It's very hard to judge simply by how u feel or how big and plump the boys are. You can get blood work done on your own - no doctor or insurance through Private MD Labs for like $60.

thenewguy1's picture

i am getting my liver enzymes and test levels done as soon as i go to the lab.

boots2asses12's picture

agreed . right on point.

Mag the Mighty's picture

Aside from what has been said from others what did you mean when you said,"I plan on dieting for a full 12 week bulking cycle."
Please clarify, and also you need to shed some light on what your food intake will be on cycle. Food will literally make or break your cycle, and you can take all the gear you want, but without the proper calories you will never grow. I'm not trying to bust balls, but ppl come to this site cause they want sources, info, and a great system of peers to help you make the best choices for running safe and effective cycles.

thenewguy1's picture

Im not gonna lie all i eat is salmon,steak,pork,chicken,eggs with rice and veggies. Also 1-2 protein shakes daily, 2 on gym days. I have been trying to slim down(lose belly fat) so i have been eating around 2k calories. While on cycle i want to bump it up to 3.2k. i must admit i haven't done as much research into diet as i would like but i will tell you that i eat clean and i used to count calories so i have a good idea of what my intake is. I need to find the right amount of calories that im going to put on great muscle mass and little fat im afraid if i go crazy and eat like an absolute monster i will gain some fat back. any advice would be amazing

Dickkhead's picture

How were your gains on Test 500 Deca 250?

thenewguy1's picture

couldn't have been better, exactly why i want to do it again. I might drop the deca and frontload test or something im still trying to sort it out.

Dickkhead's picture

Bro, pls get a finalized initial cycle up. If you are still thinking, there's no point in us commenting. I asked the question about the last cycle because I'm just uncomfortable with blessing a 3:2 Test : Deca ratio as a matter of best practices is all . . .

thenewguy1's picture

I worked it out this is my final cycle although i might have to adjust ADEX dosage mid cycle if i experience any major sides.

thenewguy1's picture

i meant drop the DBOL* just woke up...

thenewguy1's picture

your absolutely right. would it be better to drop the dbol and frontload test or just drop the dbol and keep it the same.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture


thenewguy1's picture

Thank you very much i made a mistake deca weeks 1-10 not 1-12 thank you for catching that.

dustbrothers's picture

I did this cycle and gained a good solid amount of mass...everything looks good

TheFlash85's picture

hmmm your good must be bad.

thenewguy1's picture

Well this comment doesn't really help me out, if you would be kind enough to explain why this is a bad cycle.