Ace Ventura's picture
Ace Ventura
  • 1.1k

A Roid Bust


drax's picture

know this thread is old but that looks like TNT brand, bottles anyway, never ordered orals thru them but their injectables were great. Got scammed on a big order about a year ago and never ordered again. Karma perhaps? Blum 3

diablokda's picture

Hey Ace , elite anobolics took my cash and website is not found what happened

awagz's picture

Pretty sure these busts occur when the DEA is running low on test and tren...just my .02 lol

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Doss's picture

Not "the" Ronnie Coleman?

manlytt's picture

I would be interested in the aka Ronnie Colman. If so that television station could be in danger of a lawsuit. I heard on other boards that was this guys handle, just doesn't make sense that a national news agency would defimate a public figures name like that

ericnonaya's picture

what a waste of tax dollars.. add it to the very long list of bullshit

ericnonaya's picture

i automatically don't like you if you are a cop. sorry if you enforce the law you should practice what you preach.

Powerman_5000's picture

And what is it that you preach? Do you preach what you practice, if so I automatically don't like you.

killroy's picture

What are the chances of some the guys doing the takedowns actively using AAS? I'd say around 100%!

a colossal waste of time and money!! The hypocrisy is off the charts!!

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jmac2mill's picture

I should be a dam cop. You know what they say if you want to Rob a bank own one.

guitarplayer1's picture

TNT pharma?

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swoldier's picture

Doesn't look like any lab that was on here thank god eroids has enough heat as is. Why does the article say aka Ronnie Coleman?? Seems weird

Pmob's picture

Some Labs just get big headed !! Keep it tight ! Trust No One !!

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jsmith's picture

Exactly! Child molesters and rapists are walking around on the streets; Idiots are making crank and meth and Crack in the bathroom with the freaking kids playing in the living room... because the court system is clogged and the prisons are over crowded. The DEA doesn't have the man power to get more of the shit off the street that kills people and makes those people kill people.
BUT.... they got time, man power, room on a docket and an empty cell with 3 meals a day for THIS! Do you have any idea how much it costs to have one inmate incarcerated for one day? It really pisses me off.
Sorry. .. soap box. I'll get down now.

jsmith's picture

It really IS. I'm sorry. I get a little worked up over this shit.

blackice's picture

Amen to that!

jsmith's picture

Whole other soap box! Lol

7ate9's picture


Pale's picture


only1cat's picture

Not a good thing

konig's picture

Doesn't look good for domestic that's for damn sure, and yeah spend your time and money on busting the fucking meth heads DAMNIT!!

stang77's picture

This fucking sucks why don't they go after the heroine , meth ,crack dealers and leave us the fuck alone!!!!!!

HailRazor's picture

Probably will be seeing more of this unfortunately. Storage sheds seem to be bad luck.

HailRazor's picture

Says it was in "Phoenix".....definetly not just a local supplier.

dudebro's picture

yo ace i sent you a fr, gotta holla at you real quick

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