madman's picture
  • 192

+ 2 Kalpa Pharmaceutical Time.


I was luck enough to get in on this promo.
two 10ml x 100mg prop
one 30tab x 50mg clomixyl
Thank you, A.P.

Ordered from: 
madman's picture

Very nice indeed, I've never ran Kalpa gear before but I've read the reviews.. Will be posting my experience in the future.

brandoc84's picture

They are Good quality.

madman's picture

From what I've read I'm sure I would be disappointed.

brandoc84's picture

So you think that you are going to be disappointed?Ive read only positive reviews on Kalpa. Best tren ive ever had.

madman's picture

Good catch, I meant to say won't be disappointed.

brandoc84's picture

Tehehe......i thought so bro.