Deebo's picture
  • 32

+ 3 2 Weeks of Cutting with no Pump


Just started cutting weight. I'm a hobbiest.

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Theophany's picture

Looking fantastic brother! Very impressive short term transformation! Tighter, leaner and shapelier physique! More definitive separation combined with pleasing vascularity! Abs are shining through beautifully! +1 for your obvious hard work, discipline and sacrifice!

tootallslim's picture

Wow, two weeks! Looking good bro +1

What are you running?

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Deebo's picture

750mg cypoinate per wk
400 mg Masteron per wk
40 mcg T3 per day
Cleaned my diet up and added some cardio which I normal eliminate during bulking.

tootallslim's picture

I hear ya about the cardio. I finished pct a few weeks ago from my winter bulk of sust/npp/superdrol and didn't do any cardio. Now it's time to cut up some and clean up the diet and add cardio. Then recomp some more on my next cycle in a few months. It will be my first non bulking cycle.

Good luck with the rest of your cycle.

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Darktide's picture

Damn good progress for hobby cutting! Friday was one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen! Big Chris Tucker fan, Keep up the good work brother clearly you know what you are doing! +2

Deebo's picture

My goal is to keep it sexy for my wife. Happy wife happy life. Thanks for the kind words

Darktide's picture

That is a real good reason!