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+ 8 Step-by-step Injection Guide: Glutes



Injections can be stressful for some; so to ensure this process is as easy as possible I have created a step-by-step guide on how to inject. This is a complete guide which includes the aids you will need to have pre-injection, during your injection and post-injection, while also recommending methods to prevent PIP (post-injection-pain).

Here's my injection guide' roster;

+) Introduction
+) Pre-Injection Aids
+) Intra-Injection Aids
+) Injection Preparation
+) Injection Procedure
+) Post Injection Aids
+) Conclusion & Recommendations

Pre-Injection Aids

~ Vial or Vials of AAS compound(s)
~ Syringe 3ml
~ Drawing Needle/Pin 21g
~ Injection Needle 23g
~ Alcohol Wipes
~ Sharps Container

Intra-Injection Aids

~ Warm water
~ Towel
~ Bowl

Injection Preparation

As I do with all of my injections, my first step is to always warm up the vials of AAS I will be using. To do this, I first ran the hot water tap until the heat is above room temperature and proceed to fill up a bowl with the hot water to approximately 3 centimeters in depth. The AAS vial will then placed in this bowl for 10 minutes.

Once the vials have warmed up, I then dry them with a towel (and flip of the cap if the vial is new/unused). Next, take an alcohol wipe (1 for each vial) and wipe the tops to remove and bacteria or any other dirt which can cause an infection. Then, remove the syringe and the 21g needle from their packaging and attach together (some screw together, others need to be pushed together). Then inject the amount of air into the syringe to equal the amount of liquid you will be withdrawing from the vial to make sure the pressure within the vial is safe (if you are drawing out 1ml of AAS from the vial, then inject 1ml into the vial - this will also make drawing the liquid AAS compound a lot easier). Place the cap on the 21g needle and un-package the 23g and attach to the syringe.

I then select the site I am going to inject. This is my right side glute and begin to follow the injection procedure outlined below.

Injection Procedure

The image below shows the places on your glute where you can inject, select a site and follow the step-by-step guide below;

1 - Remove any lengthy pieces of clothing from your legs, so that at least your glute is visible.
2 - Bookmark the upper outer quadrant of your glute (shown in the pictures above).
3 - Wipe this area with an alcohol wipe.
5 - Relax your glute.
6 - Flick the syringe with the AAS compound in to remove any air bubbles and push the plunger so that 1 or 2 drops come out to lubricate the needle.
7 - Push the needle into the alcohol swapped site.
8 - Aspirate (enough to see an air bubble / if you see blood, withdraw the needle, change the needle and select another pinning location).
9 - Once you have seen an air bubble from aspirating, you're ready.
10 - Push slowly down on the plunger to inject the liquid.
11 - Once all injected liquid has been injected, withdraw the needle slowly.
12 - Cap the needle and dispose of safely in a sharps container.

Post-Injection Aids

Shower - Once you have injected, take a shower and massage the area to disperse the liquid for faster absorbtion and minimal PIP.
Heat Pad - Apply a heat pad to disperse the liquid.

Conclusion & Recommendations

Always follow the safety precautions with every single injection you do. Make sure all your apparatus is disinfected and sterile and take your time when you inject.

Any comments, queries or issues on the topic of injecting can be discussed below

ray89's picture

@PIN_CUSHION, thanks

ray89's picture

Im actually new to the site, havent filled out a profile yet. But no, im not a kid. Was a simple question. Im currently on a test E 500mg wk and Dbol 50mg day cycle. I always just use my glutes as the inject site. Just curious of the benefit of other sites.

rolltide3's picture

Need to put up stats

PIN_CUSHION's picture

The more sites you throw in the rotation the better, stick with one place to long and you'll build up scar tissue

ray89's picture

What I mean is, if i inject into my shoulders, will my shoulders grow faster....or any other area for that matter.

vhman's picture

Fill out your profile and use the search function above.

ray89's picture

Nice post. Is there any benefit to injecting into your shoulders or any other area? Does it help you to grow in a specific area injected in?

rolltide3's picture

Need to put up stats

sic26's picture

I just pinned right glute no pain at all smooth I was supposed to pin bi's tonight but felt a little funny about it so I said glutes it is but I still had some pip from other pin three days ago so I moved to different part of flute and boom no pain no nothing I'm done Smile

Owes a Review × 1
gatorbits's picture

Glutes are my favorite spot to hit
Awesome posts as always P

Owes a Review × 1
www's picture

Thanks its good to have a reference just to make sure. +1

Owes a Review × 1
gsleepy's picture

I fucking love your posts P! +1

P's picture

Thanks brother gs, there's more to come Smile

Pale's picture

+1 P, your tutorials are awesome. I pinned my right glute for the second time yesterday, only problem I have with it is keeping the needle steady being turned like that. I have some soreness today,but I know it was from bouncing the syringe around..

P's picture

PIP is usually a result of two factors, number 1 is the gear and number 2 is the injection technique.

Pale's picture

It was definitely technique. Every other pin so far in virgin muscle has been very tolerable. Keep that syringe from bobbing around ya'll, Smile

gsleepy's picture

Wouldn't you agree that there is going to be a certain amount of PIP regardless? Doesn't it come with the territory? Especial in Newb Mussels?

P's picture

I would to some extend. PIP from the gear comes from the oil(s) being absorbed by the muscle at a faster rate than the hormone is being absorbed, leaving behind the crystals that grind and tear against your muscle, which causes discomfort; this is also known as PIP. Now, the best brands of AAS use oils and solvents which take longer to absorb , in relation to the hormone, so that there is minimal discomfort - and the table below illustrates this point, through analysing how long particular oils take to disperse through intramuscular tissue.

I'm not advocating for every AAS brand to use castor oil, since it lasts in your muscles indefinitely, thus continuous injections in the same site would eventually cause a sterile abscess. In fact, what i am advocating is that AAS brands use appropriate oils to prevent PIP, since the oil will take longer to absorb, which will act as a cushion for the hormone crystals.

newgrl's picture

Hi, my husband just pinned test e for the first time in yrs in his left glute. He has really bad pip right now. He pinned Friday and now its Sunday. And its still swollen and hurts bad. He's limping. No bruising tho. How long do u think it will last and y do u think he has pip so bad? And do u have any advice as to how to get rid of it?and what does aspirating mean? Thanks.

rolltide3's picture

Your talking to someone that's been banned. Aspirating means pulling the plunger back on the needle before u inject to make sure u are not injecting in a blood vein

newgrl's picture

He used a 1.5 in needle. Was he supposed to stick it all the way in? And how long do u think the pip will last? He used to do this a few yrs ago. But not for long so he's pretty much new at this. And thanks for the reply.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

It's good that you are here, but he should probably get an account and start researching also. Sounds like there are a lot of things that need addressed.

newgrl's picture

Ur def right. He should get his own account. I've told him bout eroids and showed him, but I will get him to do it himself cuz he def has a lot of things he needs to ask or research bout. But can u answer a q for me? About how long does pip last? And thanks for the advice

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Just depends everyone is different, the size of the pin, the pinning technique, sterilization, all play important rolls. Could be a couple days, could be a week or so. Virgin muscles take a while to get use to a foreign substance being injected into it. Use the blue magnifying glass in the top left of page and type in PIP.

newgrl's picture

Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. And I will do tht.

rolltide3's picture

Ya the glute muscle is deep so u must bury a one and half inch needle if u didn't put it all the way in there's a chance u didn't get it in the muscle that could b a reason his pip is s bad

gsleepy's picture

Nice thorough answer.. ;) My buddy P

Thank you