Nitti's picture
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+ 15 Proviron, for better or worse?


I've been reading up a lot on Proviron. I'm very interested in this compound and am looking for feedback positive and negative. Have you used it? How did you like it?
Basically from what I can gather, Proviron is a DHT derivative. It's primary use in BBing is to hinder the effects of aromatising compounds like testosterone, hence creating more free testosterone to bulid more muscle. It helps test perform better and has an "amplifying" effect! I've actually read that when used with testosterone, the two compounds compliment each other and each helps the other become more efficent. A little fact I wasn't aware of is there are AR's in fat cells as well as muscle and proviron has fat burning capabilities as well. It also has negatives. Since it is a DHT derivative we all know what nasty things can come along with it. Effects on the prostate, the scalp (male pattern bladness). Here's a link with a basic profile on the compound. Anyone who's used it, i'd be very grateful if you'd share your experience.

beach14's picture

How about proviron relating to a trt cycle. Ran high dose of cyp( 1.5 ml wk)for a couple of months earlier this year with 50mg of proviron for about 6wks of that time. Hardened up pretty well and leaned out a little. Now I'm back down to my normal trt of .6ml a week since I cant go off totally to clear my receptors . What do you guys think the "off time" of proviron should be. I'm off about 2 months now.

MITCH 23's picture

AWESOME post here nitti, lots of great info in this thread

Owes a Review × 1
MITCH 23's picture

Prov is a must for my cycles 25 mg is good daily, 50 is obviously way better. It's not for everyone. Lot of benefits from taking provi, however bad issues with hairline and prostate can occur.

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Dickkhead's picture

I can't really think of a good reason not to run provi in general. It frees up SHBG bound test making it available for protein synthesis confirmed by my own labs. It really shines in a situation like a low Test / high Tren cycle making the Test work harder. I don't use provi as a substitute AI and I haven't noticed any increase in hair loss while running it from personal experience and it doesn't jack my liver enzymes either.

pege's picture

I use prov , all the time , every cycle , well last ,2 ,I love it and sware by it , the vascular for me crazy , also when running prov I can drop my aro down to 12.5 eod , if no prov im at 12.5 ed and im currently running testa ,npp and the I prov once agion im loving , actually after last shortie , trena / prop I ran prov 50ed with cycle , I bridged my trt with prov @ 25 ed , I loved it , I did see the articles on prov lately , but I choose to have mym prov . Just my exp. For me , with . Prov pege

Mikevc550's picture

I would love to use it but the extra hair loss isnt worth it to me for what it does. :/ although it would be perfect alongside test, oh well.

Owes a Review × 3
vhman's picture

I've use it on my TRT and have no hair loss at all. You have to be genetically prone to it.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Simply Amazing!

mTor's picture

I'm currently using it at 25mg/day with 125mg test prop 100mg npp eod. My dick is a fucking flag pole lol I wake up every day and it's like 14 again. I'm at school learning about diverticulitis, my gf sends me a pic of her tits and I'm getting a hard on lol
It has helped with gyno as I'm running adex at 1.5mg eod. Gains are pretty dry so far

tzelukie's picture

Love it... Saw palmetto for the prostate. I lost a bit of hair on it, not like balding or anything but there was more hair on the pillow in the morning.

WINNING's picture


fusebox's picture

You have any exxperiences with it. I'm considering it on my next run. But I am nervous about the sides. Particularly the balding. Been researching for about a month now. I've read this post like 3-4 times. Thanks

robb's picture

Balding is in your genes, if your not going thin by now at 36 (I looked at your profile) you should be OK.
I've just turned 40 and it's still nice n think so I'm cool with dht's. My only concerns are around prostate issues.
I definitely like the sound of proviron myself, got some burning a hole in my stash box Smile
Libido, mood and free test freer is a great addition to life not just a cycle lol.

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fusebox's picture

Yeah I'm not as lucky as you bro. Just finished my first cycle which was test e and I didn't lose much but I lost some. Hopefully it'll return if not it'll be a new buzz cut for fuse box. I just thought two compounds with dhts might double the balding fun. Too bad this didn't cause back hair to fall out. Fuck I think I've turned into an ape

robb's picture

I'd give it a miss unless your mad keen to try. If your losing hair on test, I'd say your going to lose a lot more, double trouble bro lol. It's upto you, if a buzz cut suits you tho....

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You know my age and you've seen my pics with a full head of hair.......... definitely a Genetic thing .... it can create prostrate problems and that is the reason i only ever advice a maximum of 50Gs to be used daily when running upto 1 Gram of test........... this ratio works well and has stood me proud for many many years of usage with zero problems........... i see some users talking about 100grams and above! they are the tits and have no conception of what " long term steroid use" is all about.

mTor's picture

50gs of proviron? Seems a little extreme don't ya think? ;)


50mg Good catch i wasnt concentrating then was i lol



NOT advising ANYONE to use proviron.... i was just stating what works for me under controlled lengths of use.

robb's picture

I've done some searches and some of these tits are going upto 150mg, just normal gym rats! Must have more money than sense cos its not exactly a cheap run.

Yeah I'm sold on 50mg, seems to be the general consensus on eroids, on some of the other sites it's almost like a drinking competition but with ass.

In a promo × 1
Pale's picture

50 has treated me well, no complaints at all.

WINNING's picture

Not yet, homie Konig just brought it to my attention, I want to give it a go though.

redNblue's picture

Finally got a hold of Pharma Proviron, running it @50mg a day for a week and then down to 25mg daily, I have 120 pills so that should give me a good idea of how I react to it.
Will update soon....

ape1nope's picture

I run proviron 50mg a day year round.

SL's picture

Did not know there were ar's in fat cells either

Nitti's picture

Since everyone keeps asking me about Provi I'm bumping this. Since these first hand accounts , I've used it religiously and can honestly say it's made a big difference in my cycle gains. My libido is most noticeable right away. It's insanely high. Almost to the point where it's annoying. Lucky the Mrs is 6 years my junior and has no issues with it. My overall sense of well being that test gives is always there. Even during 19 nor runs. It essentially works as advertised in amplifying your positive test sides. I've gone as high as 150mg/day to test my reaction but the general rule of thumb is 50mg split daily. About figure the right dose is about 50mg daily per 500mg weekly test dose. This is the effective and normal dose. One of the things that amazed me was the way I really cut down on the little bit of body fat I had and really looked stage ready even walking around in a normal state. The old heads will tell you "you can just tell when someone adds Provi by the way they look". While that's a general blanket statement I think you understand what they mean and I agree. I don't think I'll ever run without it again. But keep in mind 2 things. Although it's chemically identical to masteron they are worlds apart. Mast just doesn't have the same effect. Also even tho it has great anti estrogen properties, as you'll see if you read this thread, you can't use it in place of an AI. It will cause nasty estro rebound and I got gyno. I never get gyno. Hope this helps sone of u.

MedDx's picture

Good read...thanks...

bowyer's picture

First, I apologize if you've answered this already and I missed it.
I am very gyno prone. At what point in the cycle run did you get gyno? (I assume x days after last inj, how many days?) And how many days after noticing the gyno did you run the Asin?

Thanks for the post!

Nitti's picture

Yes, it was about 3-4 days after last pin. I noticed sensitivity toward the end but ignored it. Then less than a week after I was done, the lumps came out.

swolltroll's picture

yes thankyou! It was me who asked about your provi experience in big Deez thread I think?
What I was particularly interested in, is the rebound estro. How did you combat the rebound?

It is generally accepted that proviron used during or after pct can be slightly suppressive. I came across some studies that on other boards claiming that no suppression was found in men that used 50-100mg a day for 3-6 months. HOWEVER this was amongst men who did not use AAS.
Testimonials by "bro-ologists" added that users of AAS also felt no suppression and some even used it all year long.

Nitti's picture

I combatted estro rebound with a very aggressive round of aromasin pct. 25mg ed for 5 days did the trick

mwagner630's picture

i spoke to someone a day or two ago in depth about proviron, its one of the few things i havent tried yet, theres a few things out there i never will but this and primo are on my got to try list. so this old fella, hes been running it with masteron. i dont have experience with proviron so i couldnt in anyway commit to the coversation other than i was aware that they were pretty much identical and why run both, he responded, always have, always will. whats your thoughts on this?? i dont think running two nearly if not structurally identical compounds together makes any sense. i love my masteron and have been running it almost every blast now, but i have no interest in running mast and provi together. also my woman asked if its safe for woman, since anavar is a dht compound can she take it at low dose with a finesteride?? to get those cutting and fat burning benefits??

Nitti's picture

I was always under the impression that women should never take finasteride. But I'm really not sure if it's a good move for women to use Provi. I would imagine that primobolan acetate tabs would be a better move. Hrdbdygrrrl would have more insight on this. She is very experienced in running dhts

mwagner630's picture

mwagsgurly been running finesteride for a while now, actually thickened up her hair and made it fuller. been a great experience for her so far. she loves it.

Nitti's picture

That's pretty good news actually. I think mrs.Nit needs to research more about it in the underground. She wants to try some new things. Specifically DHT's so this would be a huge help.

mwagner630's picture

all warnings and FDA warnings we could find related to taking finasteride for women all had to do with, possible birth deffects. so since mwagsgurly cant have children anymore it wasnt a worry. i also spent some time looking and many doctors actually do prescribe it to women who can no longer have children. those women typically are losing hair as a result of genetic hormonal, post menapausal hormone changes and female pattern baldness.

here is a medical study in which women were on birth control and given finesteride.

here is a better study

again it supports the "shouldnt have more children or be pregnant" as the only reason women shouldnt use it

Nitti's picture

Thank you for this

Nitti's picture

A very interesting fact about Proviron is that it binds very well to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) which is the transport hormone responsible for reducing the amount of circulating free testosterone in your body.[1] It actually binds to SHBG better than almost any other anabolic steroid that I’m aware of. Proviron also binds to the Anabolic Receptor (AR) better than any commercially available oral anabolic .[1] While the previous two effects are certainly desirable effects, this oral version of DHT also has a very high affinity for binding to receptors in the scalp and prostate, causing some possible nasty side effects, like male pattern baldness and prostate enlargement.

The entire article/drug profile is here in this link.

It seems that it may be ok for women in very low doses but again, it's a risk. Read that link. It's very informative and examines why Provi is a great addition to your cycle.

mwagner630's picture

thanks nitti very informative.

oldhead73's picture

This has nothing to do with the topic but I love the new name and profile pic !!! Your a mean mofo!!

Genetix's picture

I have to give Proviron some praise. Awhile Back I got some good proviron from Greece and ran it with some Test, Primo and Deca and stayed on after with PCT and man did I dry out well and not to mention the added benefits of the "Viagra" like effects. I have to admit I still to this day prefer Proviron over other AI's. Now the DHT thing can be tuff if your prone to hair loss it will speed it up. As far as prostate keep a good intake of Saw palmetto, lycopene and some Vitamin D3 and you will be fine but always monitor. But overall as far as an oral steroid and an estrogen blocker it's my all in one Favorite.

superman75's picture

since this old post looks like it's still getting it's fair share of hits, here's my 2cents, finished up a long twenty week test, Decca cycle with a dbol start and winny finish running test up to a gram and Decca up to 750mg tapering back down on both before finishing. used arimidex 1mg every 3rd day throughout. about halfway thru my libido and mood crashed with no lead left in the pencil lol. added in proviron at 25mgs a day after about 10 days I felt that first time test rush, you know the superman effect and kept it all the way till the end. recently started a test and eq cycle this time and I will be running provrion all the way without the arimidex this go around. 3 weeks in and feeling great!

meister's picture

This post may be a year old, but it is still great information. I love the amount of knowledge that has been shared on this site and can be gained by others with the touch of a button.

Thanks for helping me to choose to add Proviron in my next cycle. Ordering Monday!


Nitti's picture

Ohh and the effects on the libido? They are second to none. Some ppl will say that masteron will do the same thing since the chemical make up is identical. That is not the case at all. Mast effect on libido is nothing like that of Provi. It must be the ability to utilize more test. I'm only assuming here. Either way, it works wonders.

Nitti's picture

I have since used proviron in every cycle and it makes ALL the difference. I would try and shoot for a pharma if possible. Just to be sure. But if you look at the comparison of free and total test ratios with and without proviron, it's pretty remarkable how this compound makes testosterone work so much more efficiently. This shows the free test numbers as well as total. With a lower dose of testosterone and the addition of proviron, my total test isn't as great but the free test (what your body is actually using) is much much higher).

This one is with proviron.

This one without.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Thank you all for you knowledge! everyday I am still blown away but what I don't know. I feel like after each day I read here I need to forget everything I knew before and start over!

Br10 ASP's picture

I think you are talking about the really bad sides and negative effects that some IAs (letrozole and adex) have at "bad" bf, like cholesterol?

Just in order to clarify, I had mentioned concretely aromasin cause one big reason, is the ugliest and unknown boy of the IAs and despite of not being the strongest (similar to adex but weaker that letro) as anti-estro properties I has one key point which makes it (in my opinion the best of all IAs). Aromasin does not has any significant negative effect of your cholesterol like Adex in fact has.