Anonymous's picture
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+ 12 Holy fucking NORDS 345 iu's of beauty


Which color would you choose if you had to pick one of these highlighters. Choose wisely. Hail razor where you at my boy Smile

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Innyboy's picture

Ill take the extra long purple please lol. +1

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
K-E-A's picture

Nice... +1

Joy12's picture

Nice bro +1

EmPee's picture

Long, fat, meaty. Juuuust how you like em ;)

Pepwarehouse's picture

wooow! supa sexy!!! big baller+1

Muffins's picture

I like purple

Broctavius's picture

Purple is my favorite color in this instance. But 2 greens, 3 blues, or 6 oranges would be a hard choice. Haha amazing I need to invest in some Pharma Hgh soon. I'd plus 100 if I could.

Gorillafit's picture

I'd take the greens there's more of them! Lol ;-P
Nice assortment! +2

Gorillafit's picture

Yea but there's 4 greens at 15mg each, that's 60mg! Lol ;-P

HailRazor's picture

Awwww Sheeeeeet! Reminds me of the time I was in Key West Florida with all those rainbow flags! Hands downs Homie you got the hook up! What's the MG breakdown per color K? That deserves a +100 in my book buddy.

HailRazor's picture

Lots of Man Meat down there! It's a must to bring the old lady when vacationing down there. Man your misses deserves a big hug for those pens. Funny thing is I've got some "free pens" coming this week from my Pharmacist friend. I was Gunna post a pic but it's embarrassing compared to what you got there. That's a nice collection my friend.

HailRazor's picture

Awesome K. Looking forward to seeing those results. I'm doing 8IUs split of the Nords. I'll post those results soon. But to be honest, I'm going to taper back down after I get the IGF results. I'm no bodybuilder. I'm getting some CT discomfort and I'm pretty sure my feet went up a shoe size. So my little experiment will me over soon.

Gorillafit's picture

It's on the labels. Left to right 5, 15, 10, 30.

HailRazor's picture

A box of those 30mg purple ones would make a nice stocking stuffer for Christmas. Hint hint

Mckenna2006's picture

That is some crazy shit bro! Gotta love it.

Mckenna2006's picture

Purple oh yeah!