Nitti's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 10 This is YOUR house!!!


I'm going to give you all a voice on this one. So we have a member who has been here about 2 years now. When he started he was just a bright eyed bushy tailed young kid looking to gain some knowledge. Didn't take him long to get that itch and start running AAS! Granted, he's a big kid and probably outweighs a lot of us naturally so the fact that he said he wanted to make a living bodybuilding, we didn't fight him on it but tried to steer him the right way. He ended up repping for a source which started a chain reaction that banned all reps from this site. That's when all the shit really started. You guys that have been here as long as me remember DTswole I'm sure. Then a few banned accounts later it was Monster666. He was actually bearable for a while and in his own cocky way, helped out where he could. Since then he has evolved into a major league pain in the ass. After at least 15 banned accounts he's made and had quite a few opportunities to right his wrongs, he was banned permanently. He finds little cracks in the system to sliver through and keeps making his way back. Each time less and less vocal in an attempt to fly under the radar. Today he caught me in a good mood. So I let him stay once he was discovered. After a conversation with him and a couple of my partners he is still here now under a new name (slender). Since so many of you have had run ins with him and he has caused such a stir, I'm giving you all an opportunity to speak and tell us what you think! Should he have another chance to stay and be a productive member or has he had more than enough chances? It may be wishful thinking but I like to think that he isn't dumb and he knows what he needs to do if he really wants to be here. He was just a kid upstairs when it started and maybe he matured a little. He has definitely learned a lot since joining. He's capable of being a productive member. But I don't know if he's got it in him. So anyway, some of the things associated with him are ,..... Trolling source SI and reviews when they don't meet his requests (allegedly). Disrespecting countless members with insults ranging from the general "fuck you bitch" to personal attacks on ppl's physiques and other personal shit. He's been accused of blackmailing sources and trying to sell gear on the site. That is all speculation but he isn't the most credible individual at the moment so he hasn't had the benefit of the doubt.
These are some of the things that got him banished. If you guys think he should have another shot say so. If you think enough is enough and there is no excuse, say so. Your comments will be taken into account. The floor is yours....

swolltroll's picture

"if you sooo gangstaaa "

lloyd banks

Nitti's picture

Who the fuck is loyd banks

White Bolt's picture

50 cents boy in G-Unit

Owes a Review × 2
Nitti's picture

I don't like that new school trash can shit. Isn't that the guy who got robbed for that stupid fuckin chain with spinning charm by real gangstaz and didn't have the $10k they wanted to give it back? Lol

swolltroll's picture

You didnt like "On Fire" ? is the youtube video

Well dont banstick me! BUT I did put this song and the "thong song" in a time capsule buried, on a casette. Serious.

Roid Noid's picture

the little voice in my head says everytime he becomes painfully obvious ban him. IE disrupting threads, getting MOD attention for anything he is doing. other then that leave him alone and dont let him rent head space for free.

WINNING's picture

I say no just because if you would like to be unbanned you could do it in another way, rather then making up fake accounts and starting drama. Even if he was to start a new account without the drama he should have laid low below the radar and try to be helpful. I say he doesn't diserve it.

Nitti's picture

He was never coming back bro. This post was the result of a brain fart I had the other day thinking it would be easier to keep tabs on him if I let him stay. That's it! I came to my senses about 5 minutes after talking to him In private and he started making demands. Lol, yeah! I'm not kidding!

Darktide's picture

Well if I can narrow down my brain farts to having as few as you I would be a squared away man for sure. I still think all the feedback was just to reiterate the way he is more than it was there to help you make a decision but since you got rid of him moments after why is everyone still here?

thinking it would be easier to keep tabs on him if I let him stay.

Now that you say this which I never thought of that probably was a really good idea!

Nitti's picture


Gargoyle's picture

Frankly I'm shocked that this is even up for discussion.

Nitti's picture

You wana go on time out with ANBRO? C'mon I'm on a roll! Who else wants to see what a mod on a power trip looks like? ;-D

Nitti's picture

Is it now? Enlighten me!
And you sir? Anything you want to add?

Gargoyle's picture

My apologies Nitti. I didn't mean that as a jab towards you at all. Looking back though, it kinda came across that way.

I made that comment because I would think that anyone wanting to come back as a productive member, would do it the right way. Contact the mods and ask for permission to do so. His actions are the opposite which tells me he doesn't have good intentions.

ANBRO's picture
we can discuss the weather! I hear that's the most common convo starter!
gambit's picture

i am very confident in the mods here. everyone seems on the ball and i have faith in every one ive come across.

that being said. i am all for one giving chances but he may have had to many?

in the end perhaps one more chance is an option but i will go with the majority here.

Nitti's picture

What would Jesus do? Lol

ANBRO's picture
He would say STFU.... And go eat a cheeseburger! That's my guess!
Nitti's picture

I think your new Avi would look awesome with a black tag!

ANBRO's picture
OMFG! BFG has finally seen the light of how awesome I am?? I thought I told him when I get TAGGED I wanted it to be PURPLE and say BRO! I'll settle with PRO or hell even MOD :-p
Nitti's picture

Hows that fit? Uu like it? What's that? I can't hear you? You trying to say something ANBRO? Oops, try again later! :-D

ANBRO's picture
That was not nice! For the record the eroids corner is dark, cold and creepy! Also, I'm not really sure what the fuck that sticky stuff was on the wall.... But it's on my hands and it burns.... Anbro hangs head and makes a peaceful exit..:-/
Nitti's picture

Next time maybe I forget about your account for a week or 5! Anyone else wana push the NICE mods buttons?

kodiakGRRL's picture

that is sooo tempting o-O

Modified's picture

"We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

neophyte1's picture

Send him to muscle gurus!

ANBRO's picture
Well, since I've been called a CUNT. (and I don't mean in the Australian way either) so many times by this cat, I say he can go suck a wiener! Preferably one with genital warts! That is all!

Correct!..... the meaning for the word "cunt" is from the old wild west days.... it was the holster fitted to the front seats on coaches and wagons that the handle of the whip fitted into............ and you thought i was just a dumb bodybuilder lol.

ANBRO's picture
Sooooo, do ya think this cat was telling me I am a holster that a handle of a whip could fit into?!!!?? STFU! You had me at Whip!!
kodiakGRRL's picture

well fuck that noise. I was going to just sit by and watch the show but that is bullshit ... he can suck my left ass cheek

ANBRO's picture
Now you very well know the men on here would give a left nut to suck your ass cheek!! That's no punishment!!

ooooh baby.... is that an open house offer?... you know me and that "green thang we got goin on"

kodiakGRRL's picture

you know my door is always open for you


on my way baby........... i can swim that 6000 miles im so jacked right now lmao!

ANBRO's picture
Did he say Jacked or Jacking?!!? :-o
kodiakGRRL's picture

Not how he's gonna get it .. o-o

Denser's picture

LMFAO. Nitty vs. Hollywood in The Arena... democracy vs. dictatorship.

mwagner630's picture

this aint our house we are all just renters with a strict lease Smile and major land lord oversight lol

to address the question in the thread. had i done those things are lost my credibility than made attempt after attempt to come back "under the radar" with out making reparations first i wouldnt expect nor would i believe i would be welcome back under any circumstance. if i dont think i would or should be allowed back after doing those things i cant in good conscience say anyone else should be allowed to either. this is solely my opinion and i have faith the mods will make the best decision for us as a community, but i would say no, i never had any issues with monster66 the few times i did interact were positive, but i also believe being part of something like this community i must stay impartial for the better of the community as a whole.

White Bolt's picture

I never noticed him actually, but I heard he was a lil fat Asian piglet

Owes a Review × 2
Greg's picture

You just described Kim Jong-un

...explains a lot

iFit's picture

I got an idea. How about this? In order to get un-banned you have to last 3 rounds in the ring with Nitti. Not win. Just survive.