j223's picture
  • 565

+ 65 How to control prolactin


Alright here is a post by me, I thought might be a helpful read in this pct/ancillary section.

I will be talking about prolactin, what drugs/steroids affect prolactin levels, it's side effects, and how to control it. Okay as we all know, steroids like deca/NPP and tren are known to raise prolactin levels when ran with other steroids such as testosterone. These steroids: deca and tren, are from the 19-nor testosterone family and are recognized by the body as a progestin. Progestins have the ability to increase prolactin levels.

Now there are a few things other than nandrolone or trenbolone that can raise prolactin, I will briefly mention them here; Testosterone, now I don't want to freak people out. The possibility of prolactin problems from testosterone are VERY slim and unlikely I just wanted to mention it. Another is Peptides. Various growth hormone releasing peptides can increase prolactin levels such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin, and a few others. Other drugs known to increase prolactin would be certain types of antidepressants. Also I don't want to get into details but thyroid hormone levels also play a role in regulating prolactin.

Symptoms of High Prolactin
- low libido
- anorgasmia (delayed ejaculation)
- erectile dysfunction
- puffy or sensitive nipples
- discharge from nipples
- fatigue/lethargy
- depression
- suppressed testosterone production

Prolactin also can cause prostate problems in men. But one of the biggest problems prolactin is responsible for is increased suppression of testosterone. High levels of prolactin cause LH and FSH levels to lower, making pct very difficult or even unsuccessful.

So in addition to running an AI like Arimidex or Aromasin to take care of estrogen, we must also run ancillaries to take care of prolactin. Our most common choices are Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, and Pramipexole. Typically Cabergoline is recommended since it is easy to dose and must only be taken once or 2x a week. I will give a brief introduction of each option and their dosing protocol.

Pramipexole Pramipexole also known as mirapex, is a dopamine agonist similar to Cabergoline. It raises dopamine levels which lowers prolactin levels. Pramipexole is actually more effective in terms of prolactin supression. Prami is also low cost. Prami has many benefits in addition to prolactin suppression. Prami has been shown to increase GH levels by up to 300% (in normal healthy men)for 2 hours after dosing. Prami is also safe to use long term. Unlike Caber which can cause Cardiac and noncardiac fibrotic reactions.

The most important thing to know about Prami is you NEED to SLOWLY increase your dose. As slow as possible means more gradual change and less side effects. If done correctly you can have a very small amount of side effects or none at all.
Starting dose is typically 0.25mg, but if possible try half of this dose. So first few days do 0.125mg, after that if you have little to no bad sides, increase to 0.25mg.
For prolactin supression, 0.25mg ed is usually plenty, but you can go all the way up to 0.5mg if necessary.
Another thing is Prami is usually taken right at night about 1 hour before bedtime. This is because it can cause lethargy, which isn't a problem while you are sleeping. To get the GH benefits, you need to dose higher in the 1-2 mg range.

Cabergoline Cabergoline also known as dostinex or caber, is another dopamine agonist. It has a very long half life, so it can be taken once or twice a week. Unfortunately Caber can be expensive, but if you have the funds or if you get a good deal on it than it's worth it. Caber is also known to have low side effects in MOST people. (note caber is not stable in liquid form)

For your average cycle including test and about 400mg of deca, 0.25mg two times per week is usually enough to keep prolactin under control. If that is not enough you can bump up to three times per week or even 0.5mg two times per week. You really have to find what works for you but start low and adjust if necessary.
Give caber about 2-3 weeks to kick in before deciding the dosage needs to be changed.

Bromocriptine Bromocriptine also known as Parlodel or Bromo, is another dopamine agonist. I have not personally used this myself, but I will say that Bromo is another viable option to help reduce prolactin.
Bromo is known to be a little harsh on side effects, but some people tolerate it well. It is a little harder to find, but if you do bromo is very affordable.

Bromo dosages range from 1.25 to 15mg. It has a short half life so must be taken 2 or 3x a day.
For prolactin control You can start at 2.5mg per day by splitting one 2.5mg tablet and taken twice a day. If that is not enough bump up to 2.5mg twice per day.

Emperort's picture

What types of antidepressants raise Prolactin?

ashop's picture

We have had great success with both BROMO and CABER.

waterhead235's picture

Think before you use a Dopamine Agonist


LynnsFinest's picture

Yes I know this is an old post but if your on any pain or addiction treatment medication for opiates or anything I believe this would put you into withdrawal ?

shiva4's picture

good find and welcome to level 2

waterhead235's picture

Thank you sir

Top_Price77's picture

Great info. I would like to ask for some input on my situation. I am starting a dbol (30mg ed) test e (250mg 2xwk) deca cycle(300mg/ wknd). I have Adex(.5 eod) and prami. This is not my first cycle, but it is my first cycle where I've added prami when running a 19 nor. I've never had problems in the past when running deca or tren, but I was single when I ran them last, lol. So the lack of sex drive was no issue. Well fast forward to the present and now I'm married so ....... Here's my problem, the prami truly fucks me up the entire next day after I take it the night before. And yes I started low, .125 to be exact. The effects are lethargy, dizziness, heavy sweating and rapid heartbeat. So of course with those sides I stopped taking it. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced any of the same sides and if so what did you do? Stop? Reduce the dose even lower? As it stands the only negative sides I'm getting on cycle is lack of sex drive (to a point) and the occasional sore nips but no lactation. Anyway just looking for a few different points of view. Btw stats 39 yrs old, 5'8", 190 lbs start. Currently on trt, doc keeps me in the low norm of 600-700 t range.

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waterhead235's picture

Can you get bloodwork done easily? If so you could really shed some light on the whole topic of prolactin and 19nors. Seeing that you have dropped the Prami and are getting some of the sides that could either be high estrogen or prolactin, bloodwork would help to see if you even need Prami or just need to up your Ai.

Top_Price77's picture

This is where I run into a situation. I would love to walk in into my dr's office and ask for my annual bloods, but then I'm exposing myself about my aas use past my prescribe dosage. I've never been happy with the levels my doc keeps me at and have tried getting him to increase my dose but it's always the same spill about increased health risks. I actually do have my annual coming up next month and I may just open up and see where that goes. Because I would love to be able to shed some light on 19 nors with blood work. I am leaning toward it being caused by prolactin but at the same time any time I've woke up in the a.m. and had sore puffy nips I'd dose .5 adex, even if I dozed the day before, and the soreness goes away. My main issue is loss of sex drive. I'm used to it going into overdrive when I run test alone or with eq or mast. The truth is I don't remember tren affecting my sex drive at all, just deca. Anyway, I may nut up and go ahead with my annual bloods so I can share the info. I mean that would be the fucking responsible thing to do as far as my health is concerned.

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Clemenza's picture
Top_Price77's picture

Not sure what's up, but the link will not open. Keeps saying not found.

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Clemenza's picture

It's info on tapering up and down on Prami. From everything I've read, other than this link, keep estrogen under control with an AI and it's all good, even with a 19 Nor.
Another shot at that link -


Top_Price77's picture

Thanks, was able to open that link. And I'm apt to agree with you on keeping the e under control, even with a 19-nor. The truth of the matter is I was using gear way before I knew about any forums and never knew about caber or prami. It never seemed to be an issue. Not saying what I was doing was right, as a matter of fact I was given some real fucked up info by some old bb cat. So these forums have been a great wealth of information, especially when it comes to pct and ai's. I'm just really skeptical about taking a da, like prami, since I've done more research on them outside of the forums. But thanks for the info bro. Not sure how the Karma thing works, how to get or give, so I think this is right +1

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mapro's picture

Great post, Cabergoline its an amazing compound, I love the way I feel on it, If I have any prolactin sides and take .5 mg of caber, within 24 hours all sides are gone. Also you girl friend will like the fact that your sexual appetite and recovery will be slightly enhanced do to the prolactin hormone being blocked Smile

FormerAhole's picture

All of these drugs have serious side effects. Do not take them without bloodwork confirming high prolactin levels.

Clemenza's picture


mwagner630's picture

bump, should be a sticky

mosaicman's picture

Good post,
I think it's worth a mention that of two of the meds mentioned that caber is an ergoline and prami is a non ergoline.
On paper (according to all scientific medical literature) a non ergoline like prami should be a much better med than caber, however for our purposes caber is a much better med for controlling excess prolactin, so if you have a choice then choose caber.
I wouldn't advise the use of bromo.

woodsman's picture

Please feel free to expound upon the effects of ergoline vs non-ergoline compounds.
(and anything else you know about dopamine agonist compounds)

Fixing to send a FR.

woodsman's picture

I guess I'm going to have to do a lot more research into these compounds.
Not sure if I should post some of what I find here,as the application is for a specific useage....

Just ran across a Parkinson's foundation article talking about an FDA warning about prami and the increased risk of heart failure in patients.
Most likely does not apply here,and even the FDA has watered down their warning,but hey,too much info is better than too little?

Here's a quote from the same page,which I will link to below,that shows I was wrong about Sinemet being an agonist.

"Mirapex (pramipexole) is a drug known as a dopamine agonist. Its mechanism of action involves stimulating dopamine agonist brain receptors.

This mechanism of action is different from levodopa, which is simply a dopamine (neurotransmitter) replacement strategy. "


woodsman's picture

Ok, I understand now,have actually found some semi-credible info on the net,although most of the medical stuff is pay for play.

It seems quite simple:
In that the nor 19's reduce dopamine levels which in turn cause elevated prolactin,as well as possible mood/sleep disturbances.

Increasing dopamine by any means will reduce the prolactin response,it is directly tied to dopamine levels.

So,there it is,one could have assumed this was the case,but it would not have been substantiated,it's something I had to do for myself,to be entirely clear upon the subject.

JTPT1975's picture

Does anyone know of any good sources to get Prami or Caber from? I've had alot of trouble finding either. I appreciate any help!

shredz562's picture

I've been looking around as well. Have you found anything? I'm using a research chem prami but i'd rather switch over to pharm grade caber, or prami

woodsman's picture

I have a question.
If it's the dopamine agonist action that inhibits prolactin,would not
Sinemet (Carbidopa-Levodopa) also work?

Just asking because I have some laying about.

j223's picture

Yes Levodopa is also used to increase dopamine, but it is not as effective as prami/caber/bromo.

You could try it, but if you still have prolactin sides you might want to get some caber just in case.

woodsman's picture

Thank you for your answer kind sir.

No current prolactin issues as no nor19's consumed as of yet.
Learning project for possible future reference.
I've got this page bookmarked and looking forward to learning more.

Such as the specific actions of the various differences in dopamine agonist compounds,not just for prolactin issues,my father has Parkinson's disease and they do say it's genetic,I could be looking down the Parkinson's barrel some day.

By various differences,that is a reference to a new post I see above,something about ergoline.
(or something,it's not in view at the moment.)

So, just to be %100 clear about it:
It's the dopamine agonist activity that inhibits prolactin,or could it possibly be a side effect of these compounds not related directly to that action?
From your answer above I would infer that the answer to my second question is yes, it's (prolactin inhibition) directly a result of the dopamine agonist action.
(if I don't get to hear back from you)

Thanks again.
Great site,new guys gotta learn somewhere,and that seems to be a lot of the action,always a new crop of guys coming along.

j223's picture

No dopamine actually does inhibit prolactin. Meaning high dopamine concentrations will reduce prolactin.

Drugs like pramipexole will increase dopamine concentrations by signaling your dopamine receptors. Pramipexole also awakens old dopamine receptors that were previously inactive, resulting in an increase in dopamine. Prami is extremely effective in multiple ways. Caber is a little less intense, slower acting and longer half life. In general caber is the most well tolerated drug for this purpose and is often the first line of attack for reducing prolactin, at least for us deca users.

Prolactin is correlated with other hormones, and has an opposite effect with things like thyroid hormone and dopamine. Meaning when one is high the other is low. That is why we take drugs that increase dopamine, because dopamine inhibits prolactin

woodsman's picture

Bumping my question above.

sic26's picture

I have question bumped up caber to 1mg should I bump it up to 2mg cause nips are still puffy

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j223's picture

make sure your caber is from a good source. Also if it is liquid form it most likely has gone bad. Most liquid caber loses potency in a short period of time. I'd advise only using pill form caber.

Also might want to make sure your estrogen is under control as well

sic26's picture

Already trying to get blood work done trying to figure out how.to do it from location I'm in

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Neo-istheone's picture

glad I found this great read again.... I was using caber but I'm going to switch to the Prami...
funny I read this while ago and I read it again and now I'm going to switch
Thank you

sic26's picture

I was gonna get liquid prami ever tried

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j223's picture


GrowMore's picture

Thanks for sharing, great post

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rmh1128's picture

Great information my man! Learned a ton, and all the information I was looking for you covered!! Truly appreciate it!!

drops88's picture

I dont wanna sound like a nob but i gota question does prolactin levels go away by them self if you stop deca or tren ? Does your body clear it up by its self ?

j223's picture

That's a good question. The body does a pretty good job of keeping balance. Of course when you take deca and testosterone you throw off that balance.

The best thing you can do is to keep estrogen under control, that will help. Deca does stay in the system for up to a year which means a little bit in your system will continue to have effect. So if your prolactin is out of control you might need to do something about it. If you are off cycle though and everything else is good, most likely you will get back to balance eventually. the best way to know is by blood testing, but if you aren't having symptoms you should be fine a couple months after deca cycle

redNblue's picture

Slowly been upping the Prami dose, I´m up to 0.54mg ( three 0.18mg pills ) and Lactation is at a minimum now.
When I 1st started with Prami it would knock me out pretty quickly, now I feel it about 2 hours after, this stuff is well powerful, if I get up to take a piss I´m fine but if I try for example to make a quick meal I can´t finish it, I start feeling light headed and nauseous, I end up just throwing myself in bed.
Going to keep this dose for a few days and re-test my Prolactin levels.
Last test came out @193.8 ug/L
Great post/resource !

j223's picture

Yeah prami is strong stuff. Hope it's helping lower your prolactin

redNblue's picture

I´m still lactating and I am up to 0.63mg a day, I´ll finish the week and test my Prolactin levels on Monday, by then I´ll be up to 0.72mg.
On a side note I am now on my 12th week of 500mg of Test E and since introducing the Prami I notice a clear body re-composition effect, if my Prolactin levels are now coming down or already in check I am thinking of breaking in a new vial and extend this blast a few more weeks as I feel only now am I really seeing the results on my body.

j223's picture

It is possible but extremely rare to get prolactin from just test.