Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
  • 1.1k

+ 27 What to do about sources like this?


there was also the scandal of fake pics posted.

I will remove him from the ranks for now until admin decides what to do about it. Personally I dont think a source that would text pics to members and allow them to post as packs received, then plan to alter test results if they are not good, be even allowed on this site.

Nitti's picture

As always, great perspective.

J.Mc.'s picture

I agree with you 100%.... Especially the part about sucking donkey cock and getting fisted


Darktide's picture

This guy ^^^^^^^nailed it! If perform pays everyone back in full I won't praise him, I will say you did what you were suppose to do anyways. As far as trust I do believe a man can redeem himself, I also believe very few ever do.

I would say to perform you need to do some deep soul searching because you shown yourself to be thief, cheat, swindler, and an asshole for even entertaining fucking with people's health. You have earned these words it is your work to erase them. You cannot expect people's heart to bleed for you because of your family when you put their family at risk, financially or otherwise. I still see you defending the indefensible!

And apparently according to Noid he has given you many chances to own it. I would come out and say this "I fucked up, I was greedy, I didn't give a shit about what I was doing, I am only upset I got caught. Then I would believe you, and I would even respect that statement because nothing will convince me anything less is sincere. The more you justify the worse I know your character is.

People trusted you more than one witness is stepping forward with proof, you broke that trust until you say it, more and more evidence is going to come out.

On a side note about Novice, If I was in performulations situation I would be grateful you have someone of his character trying to guide you and give you hope. He has all of my respect and is a far better man than me.

j223's picture

I agree with you 100%. I like your view on this novice. I too believe perf is a good guy, he made a very bad mistake. I hope he does everything to make things right and redeem himself. That would mean a lot to his loyal customers, and show that he is trying to make the best out of the situation.

Freak_Accident's picture

You are someone we should all look up to Novice. Great words, no sides taken. Much respect bro.

reloaded87's picture

I am very pissed about this. I just cashed in on his last promo or so I thought... Perf seemed like a really nice guy and was always quick to answer my pms. Now I don't know what to think about my oils from him. Under dosed? Bunk? Dirty? Shit I don't know but I wish I could get a refund and shop else where! I will wait and see if anyone gets a mass spec done on the oils. You live and you learn.

Perf I am truly shocked about this. My perception on your character and integrity have changed.

Owes a Review × 1
howyalivin's picture

I just purchased my first order from perf, last week Thursday, delivered in 2 business days. Was getting ready to write a review now I'm reading all this. Even though I only bought some oils, I'm still questioning whether or not they are bunk too. Shameful. Thank God for eroids

XvBeast's picture

bro i feel for u and i nvr made a purchase w/ perf.. but i think its HGH that is in question..

reloaded87's picture

Yes that's true. But who is to say he isn't being shady with his oils as well. I hope that's not the case. Time will tell. I hope he makes it right with all the customers that bought the Hgh.

Owes a Review × 1
XvBeast's picture

well if he was, im sure members would be able to tell. i can only speak for myself but i can tell. im sure someone would of said something.

Darktide's picture

I am only responding because what happened happen on this open forum last night and I do believe it sets an example for what other members think is acceptable. I will add my condolences about your brother as I too know loss. When you first came back I got into with people who were pissed about the karma etc because they were wrong clearly. Your knowledge is an asset without a doubt. Last night when you were going back and forth with Nitti, there was no excuse for it not even your past pain. That may sound cruel but I live by it myself. I do believe you have to earn the respect back that you lost, the Mods all deserve theirs. I am saying this because it happen in the open and I don't want anyone for second after many defended your return to think that we won't hold you accountable for you actions.

You served in the military from what I remember it is time to draw from your discipline and not just give helpful knowledge but also set an example for others to follow.

Nitti's picture

And what's with this rainbow shit?


X2... thats doin my fkn head in too... im just sat back in the shadows just watching.

VEWI.. we can cushion you like we have from the day you came back but!... we cannot protect YOU from YOURSELF!

Roid Noid's picture

Fucking beautiful!

Nitti's picture

we can't protect you from yourself


Nitti's picture

For starters I'm sorry about your brother. That's a horrible thing to have to go through and there isn't anything I can say to make it easier. I know, I lived through it. But I have a question. Why did you get so emotionally invested like that? I'm not being a smart ass here. I know you took my question last night as sarcastic. It wasn't. I had no clue what you do for a living but I know that you had a very similar site up eroids and are in the tech world. So when I asked if you owned that domain I was being serious. I mean you pretty much said "if I let them keep that site up". I didn't think anything about cyber attacks. I read that reply 3x before I commented and snapped at you. If I read it wrong and you didn't mean it the way it sounded, then I apologize. It's hard enough to decipher tone in print. Coupled with the fact that you have a tendency to be a bit of a dick (or used to anyway) ,I took it how I saw it. You are here because you're an asset to this community. BFG likes your posts and the help you give the community. But nobody likes the tantrums and I know for a fact that ALL of the mods will have very little patience for it after all the stuff that's happened in the last year. So like I said last night , start proof reading your shit. I do the same thing and I obviously lost it for a minute myself. We're human! It happens.

Nitti's picture

Fair enough

UncleYoked's picture

It's hard to keep emotions out of it when we're all running ass loads of gear. Which is why I've posted very little about this topic. What bothers me most is that I keep wondering if he and I had continued to work together would any of this have happened? In the last conversation he and I had, I told him to not mess with the generic hgh from Asia. Too many sources have had issues with kits like that and it's just to risky an endeavor. We see what direction he went clearly. Hopefully he can pull himself out of this mess and get back to the basics that made PFL successful initially.

Rasputin_Omega's picture

It makes sense. There were all those fake reviews and now this. I'm already cynical and the evidence is overwhelming... I'm sure perf put out some really good gear, especially to guys that would increase his cred but who knows what else they were up to for other orders.

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GRIMEY's picture

If it weren't for the fact that several members here are owed $$$$, Id say just kick him to the curb and not let him back, ever.

Doing something so deliberate like that is disgusting.

He mentions its his only income for his family. And the people whom he is ripping off don't have families?
This guy is a reckless sociopath.

Owes a Review × 2
extremediezel's picture

Thanks for the look out roid, its upsetting knowing that a reputable source would screw their customers like that especially, with something so expensive like gh. I personally work very hard to be able to afford gear.. a lot of other eroiders I'm sure are struggling to afford Food, supplements and gear.. bodybuilding is a very expensive sport but, we love the sport so much that were are willing to spend every penny in it. A Source that is knowingly, willing to screw over their costumers shouldn't be allowed to do business here, we all know that we cant afford to run fake gh.. maybe you should post his address here for some street justice lol j,k..

2500hd's picture

This is sad and scary I'm speechless reading that email shows this guy doesn't give a fuck what he sells you. I'm sure Beaker and Angus are going to be busy. Thank you to anyone who helped bring this to light.

Catalyst's picture

We don't need BS sources like this. Well done Noid and the guys that unravelled the scam. We ALL owe you one for protecting the community.

Minus's picture

Good Looking out Noid, ruff,ruuff, rufrufrfrufurufrufufrfufff!

DefinePT's picture

Damnit I literally just placed an order with dude right before this came out.. Trash it?

Gargoyle's picture

I have had great results with perfs oils and I have no intention of trashing anything. People can jump my ass if they want but that's my honest opinion. If the gear was shit and I wasn't seeing results I would say so.

PinPusher's picture

Guys I just trying to make sense out of all this. I've been off gear since my son was born 7 months ago and finally getting back in the game, so I decided to give perf a shot and got a few oils from him and some winny (haven't started yet). I know all the info hasn't come out yet but there is obviously been some shady business taking place, posting of unreceived gear but worse fake lab results! So if I'm not mistaken the only gear that was in question was the HGH and not the oils? But if his oils was bunked or even underdosed too than why would the guy that was or was going to fake the results of the hgh be wanting some of perfs oils for payment if the oils were no good? But if someone would ly, cheat, and steal PERIOD then that brings his whole integrity into question and thats what make eroids so special. I've been a member here for a very long time and I've seen sources come and go with a few mods too. I've seen the mighty fall and the lowly rise and a lot of things change real quick but one thing that I'm thankful for is that eroids has ALWAYS REMAINED. Don't get me wrong I love a good source just as much as the next meat head but before there was eroids getting a decent source was like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. Eroids has made my life a whole lot easier. We all should thank BFG, the MODS, and the WHOLE eroid community for exposing scams and protecting us. So I'm going to take this anger that I have bottled up and unload it at the gym can't sleep, if your still up I need a good spotter...gym opens in a hour LOL

Darktide's picture

** This was just posted on Performulations SRC board**

24 seconds ago

ok, ok, i see where this has gone.... i am the one who broke the news of the perf selling bunk hgh and kept selling them.. and when it came to the tests of the raws he asked me if i could get them tested to shut some top src's the email you see where he asked me if the numbers could be tweaked if need be, i said anything is possible for a certain price, i wanted to see where and how far he really would go to cover his shitty ass raws...i did this to build a case against him just incase he fucked me out of my money and to prove a point, this is because i was burned 500 in bunk gh and i know for a fact he did it to other members who spent ten times that, if you know your shit is whacked then dont sell it, plain and simple...he never sent me raws to get tested because he found someone closer to him to play with his numbers, wich were not my intentions, just wanted to see how low he would go.... plain and simple i exposed him and thats that... no one else had the balls to so think of me what you want, you should be happy i did this to show you how he gets down.... using a toaster oven to sterilize bottles and other bullshit.... so if anyone has anything to say get it off your fucking chest now.... i dont like being burned and neither does other bros, especially ppl like hellraizor and others i wont mention, because they dont want to be involved... so all you fan boys, fan on boys... i liked perf for a min, until is true colors showed and it was all about the money.... i dont give a fuck what any of you think of me or will say of me..... if you were sold bunk shit, grab your balls and sound the fuck off and speak the fuck up.... im done with this shit... and i wasnt the one who posted the original link,,, not sure who that was, but good job......

finafan's picture

FR sent while back send me pm

PinPusher's picture

Now thats what I'm talking about. A true red white and blue EROIDER!

johnnyb5309's picture

There has been sketchy shut with this src forva while he had a cult following and knee that he claimed to.have sent out a prono pack I made about 6 orders in a month finally big porno pack never showed he claimed tracking did even though it was just to that post office he toolk down he reship olicy and said he would send me a reship sent I had for.t sooo much it ess like a 14 vials I was owed some from previous orders kept saying he forgot then eventually it should be there then just stopped responding I didn't bother bringing it up on si because I didn't wanna fight fan boys when I got a weird vibe anyhow I wad waiting for shit to drop I got out their are too many honest srcs out there eroids doesn't need this stuff going on!! I was stuck in one of those rips pre sales that didn't happen for five months were ignored or yelled st when asked seemed like maybe money was reinvested elsewhere idk honestly don't care about the fate bc like I said too many incredibly good srcs who care about its users . People can and will say they do and call you bro then this cones to the surface and you know. Best of luck but don't think perf isvset out to be a top rated src on eroids. Fixing tests is just the surface more will come out always does.

HailRazor's picture

I'd also like everyone to know that my 5 Serostims kits were sold to Tony Freeman while Perf was at DisneyLand. But good ole P assured me he would get me fixed up..........(I have this in's not a joke) >_<

HailRazor's picture

Well.....Duh! Lol....I just thought I'd post gotta laugh at's in my PMs....that my friend was the beginning of the end. (He was going to get "Big Poppa Pump" to sign a Serostim box for me too)......should I go on?

dudebro's picture

lmao yes please go on.

It's not funny at all obviously but at least you've got a sense of humor about it. You obviously have deeper pockets than I do.

Hope you get taken care of soon brother.