dogface's picture
  • 10

+ 1 Winter/Spring Bulk


Haven't gained since PCT last Sept.
Diet is fair. Protein supp regularly. Consistent in the gym. Still gaining strength.
Test and HCG on M and Th
Dbol 1/2 cap mornings, 1/2 cap nights

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDbolHCGNovClomAromisin
1500mg/wk,M,TH24mg ed
2500mg/wk,M,TH24mg ed6.25mg ed
3500mg/wk,M,TH24mg ed250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
4500mg/wk,M,TH24mg ed250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
5500mg/wk,M,TH250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
6500mg/wk,M,TH250u/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
7500mg/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
8500mg/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
9500mg/wk,M,TH250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
10500mg/wk,M,TH250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
11500mg/wk,M,TH250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
12500mg/wk,M,TH250iu/wk,M,TH6.25mg ed
136.25mg ed
146.25mg ed
1520mg100mg6.25mg ed
1620mg100mg6.25mg ed
1720mg50mg6.25mg ed
tmanusmc09's picture

could yall help me out with mine plz

Heres the link

dogface's picture

Ok I think this cycle is dialed in. Time to start.
25mg Dbol may be too much. I'll modify if I get back pumps or insane pumps in general.
Cycling the HCG is a good experiment. Probably don't need a HCG blast before PCT.
Part of my diet is...No sugary snacks. No soda pop. Only one caffeinated beverage per day.
4 protein shakes a day. No fried foods.
I love the gym. Its time to grow!

B52-BODY's picture

marked 4- later.

dogface's picture

Thanks for the suggestions and corrections.
Cycle updated. I'll start as soon as I'm firm on these doses.
Thanks again.

j223's picture

Looks perfect bud. If there's one thing I'd do differently it would be wait until week 4 or 5 to start HCG. HCG works best if you take it for about 8 weeks. Do not take HCG too long at a time

dogface's picture

Last cycle I didn't feel as well when I started HCG. I slept poorly and had a throat irritation. But the boys shrank when I took a break from it. Scary. So I started taking it again. Whats your theory/ experience with keeping HCG short?

j223's picture

I understand your point. But HCG after a while there is a posibility of desinsitization of the testes to Leydig cells. I'm not 100% on it how long but I know too much HCG can be detrimental. Less is more with HCG.

You could try doing 6 weeks, take a 3 week break then another 6 weeks or something like that. Just don't be on HCG your whole cycle.

j223's picture

Actually I'd just start HCG after your dbol. So week 4 or 5 and run it till 12 that should be perfect. Remember your body won't get shutdown week 1 or 2. It takes a few weeks for your body to completely shut down test production. Unless you run deca or tren, you won't be shutdown first few weeks.

By the way I gave a +1 for setting up a good simple cycle

klaydo68's picture

You have some great info below!!!! I agree on doubling the dbol dose i also agree onthe need for an ai dbol is legendary for a lot of estro conversion bro id look at some aromasin 6.25 ed if it was me i would not run the oral for more than four weeks no matter the dose brother i would also consider a lil self prescribed hrt bro you havent gained since your last pct bcuz ur test is probably low as fuck no shame in it and itll improve your quality of life and health as well as your gain preservation your pct is off anyway Smile if you have any questions feel free to ask ill try to help any way i can as will everyone else

Exgearslinger's picture

I agree you need an ai. Must have. You and I are almost the same age and weight. I take .5 mg of arimadex eod. Works fine for me. I also don't do pct. Since I'm over 40 I'm planning on doing very low dose test for my clean out time. Around 150 mg a week in 2 doses. Why waste all that time, money, and eat all those pills when your body is not really making a lot of natural test anyway. Plus you know you have a higher chance of keeping a lot of your gains so the next cycle will add to your gains instead of putting back on half of what you lost being off cycle.

j223's picture

Get arimidex and take 0.25mg every 3 days
Aromasin 6.25mg ed.
Do not do as needed because YOU NEED IT. Just because you aren't gyno prone doesnt mean estrogen won't still give you problems. High levels will cause bloating, lethargy, higher BP and many others so just take it as planned not as needed.

Also your pct is wrong. It must not start until TWO WEEKS after your last injection. So you would have to start pct at week 15 to let the test clear before. Take aromasin during pct at 6.25mg ed/eod. Clomid must be dosed at 100mg the first 2 weeks then down to 50 for last 2. Nolva just run 20mg per day the whole pct.

Exgearslinger's picture

Hey big dog. How about you double your dbol dose per day and cut the time length from 8 weeks to 4 weeks. Oral dbol after 4 weeks is tough. I get a lot of pain in my lower back from it. It's the kidneys. When I get it and if you get it I have to take 2000mg of taurine in the morning with the dbol. Sometimes if the pain is too much I take the dbol after I train on leg day. That lower back pain is out of control sometimes. On the hcg I do 250 iu twice a week and got zero loss of size on the nads.