Anonymous's picture
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This cycle went out the window months ago lol pls delete mods

fast48's picture

Your eq schedule isn't good at all! Zewi posted the proper cycle

fast48's picture

Dbol at end will be'll turn into water baloon.

mujeriego's picture

Bro just run the test e at 500 mg for 12 weeks, get some prop to taper at the end and to lead straight into pct. You're already at week 3 so it should be hitting peak levels in the next week or so and gains should come provided you're eating enough calories. You're wasting your time and money with the other stuff. Just because you're adding more compounds doesn't mean more gains especially the way you're planning to use them. And 20 weeks is too long without EQ, gains would slow down way before that.
PCT is ok, though you can probably get away with using less clomid. At least I would, clomid sides are fucked.