MegaT883's picture
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Drywallstar's picture

Nice! That tne smash sounds like rocket fuel!

rumbleBEEx's picture

Nice let us know how it is

MegaT883's picture

I added 2 pictures so you can really see the suspension. Shake it up and pull 1 ml put under your tongue hold it for about 1 minute chase down with grapefruit juice. Why grapefruit juice you ask? Grapefruit juice is a nutraceutical. Don't ask Google it.Grapefruit juice blocks a special enzyme in the wall of the intestine that prevents many drugs from being absorbed into the body. The list is long. When that enzyme is blocked, it is easier for those medications to pass from the gut into the body, raising the blood levels of these drugs.Does it work for roids..I'll let you know but I don't see why not. With most orals a certain percentage goes out the body that's not absorbed and grapefruit juice is cheap. Just my 2 cents.

MegaT883's picture

Dbl post

MegaT883's picture

Hey no problem labels are not my thing but the final product is. With that said everything I've gotten from Special Blenz so far has been top notch. BB makes some great Test E, Test P,Deca,NPP. Haven't done the EQ yet.

mkp's picture

hoes does thevar taste ?? looks like candy lol

MegaT883's picture

I took a taste and it wasn't to bad. Apple flavor with an alcohol kicker is I guess the best way to describe it...kind of like apple cough medicine. Not bad at all, no strong after taste. But wouldn't call it that.

MegaT883's picture

Haven't received a wet pack yet.

MegaT883's picture

I was really surprised when I opened it. Wasn't expecting anything but my order.Well packaged as always. Communication was always top-notch. Ordered knowing the Winstrol wasn't in yet and it still took only a week from start to finish. Thanks BB and Lauren