popeboy1's picture
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+ 1 Over half way to my goals


Just like in the back shot i submitted before, this is after 2 cycles and 38 lbs. I have still a long way to go. I have completely changed my diet from the last pics ive posted. Im looking for ideas on my next bulking cycle

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bigrigger's picture

That's some grind it out hard work right here bro +1

popeboy1's picture

Thanks homie, I've got more updated pics posted, check em out if you get time

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popeboy1's picture

lol I should have titled this diary of a wimpy kid, hell I couldn't even keep my pants up

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AlphaTiger2011's picture

Lmao where the heck have you been, I've missed you lol

popeboy1's picture

damn nooka, been working all the time, Im always a pm away. Im still on here regularly I just havent had time to be here like I wanna, hell I fucked around and got remarried a lil over a month ago

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D.A.'s picture

BIG difference in your before and after pics!!Keep up all your hard work I think im going to start some of that Best gear in town as well!How many week cycle u running 10-12 or longer?

popeboy1's picture

I actually ran a 14 week cycle, Weeks 1-4 I ran test cyp at a low dose with test prop to jump start, weeks 4-8 I ran test cyp alone, then weeks 8-14 i ran test cyp with deca. I am on week five of a 8 week cruise then back to blasting. let me know how your cycle goes and if you decide to use BS

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popeboy1's picture

I giving'er hell partner, I love running n2 peeps i havent seen in a good while. they look at me like I ate there friend lol

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5h4d0vv's picture

wow!!! nice before and after pics. you can see big changes for sure..

popeboy1's picture

thanks bra, im halfway to where i wanna be, im cruising along right now for maintenance and looking in 6 more weeks to get this party started again!!!

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HllwdBdBoy's picture

Looking formidable pope... good job!

popeboy1's picture

any change from looking like an albino ethiopian is a plus lol, damn i hope we dont have any ethiopians on here so i have to edit this lol, oh yeah savage got banned- we good then ha ha ha

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popeboy1's picture

I am cruising now, just started last week. Im not to worried about becoming unfertile as I have 4 kids and i dont want anymore, not to mention I have a natural TD that allows me to have a lil more advantage on my cycling. So right now im @ 100mg of prop every three days Smile

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Jgb2417's picture

Why every three days I was always told eod? Just curious bro.

popeboy1's picture

every three days only applies when ur blast cruising but typically it is EOD with test prop

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Hoddsy's picture

Good job fella. Keep up the good work

baddog's picture

Fuck yeah, what a tranformation homeboy!!!

Trenabolic's picture

Good work homeboy your starting to fill up in all the right places. Whats your next cycle going to look like?

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nitrogains's picture

Great work to date filling out your frame!

popeboy1's picture

thanks homie. ive really got my set at 190-200 lbs, I will increasing my doses next cycle as I have run just basic doses of the cyp (300mg per week) and deca(150mg per week)

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nitrogains's picture

Keep following your eating regiment but up your cals to feed the new muscle you will add. Do this and you will have another successful cycle.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Lol i bet you look back at them pics and your like damn i was skinny as hell, now look at you bra all swelled up. Keep up the hard work.

BigDog147's picture

Fair play! Whats your diet looking like then?

popeboy1's picture


this was my diet as up till a month ago, the only thing different now is ive increased my carbs, more potatos and rice yada yada yada

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popeboy1's picture

24 lbs of this came from Best steroids Lixus cyp and deca, and alot of clean eating

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