CryptoRoids's picture
CryptoRoids 10

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 3 Quality 100% 3 Delivery 100% 3 Service 100% 3 Pricing 100% 3
nacho1's picture
My overall experience

I placed an order for erythropoietin, it really had an effect on the body, I am 100% satisfied, we all know how difficult it is to get erythropoietin, with them you will definitely have a high quality product, my hematocrit level rose and I had extraordinary performance.

Products, effectiveness and results

100% quality, directly from the pharmacy, I noticed its effects immediately

Customer service

They respond quickly and the best thing is that you can talk to them on WhatsApp, meaning their responses are immediate, (when you communicate by email you don't know when they are going to respond to you)

Shipping and Delivery

The packaging was good, and the delivery was excellent, it was really fast, in 3 days the package arrived at my house, (it's interesting because erythropoietin needs refrigeration)

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Firas Arfaoui's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I ordered some Bayer proviron on the night of April 15th, 2024. I was contacted the next morning to confirm the order and choose a payment method but the person emailing me didn't speak english well and couldn't understand my special requests. Frustrated, I contacted them on Telegram and the Telegram guy offered me the order for free (shipping included) as an excuse.
He sent me a picture of the package which arrived 3 days later. I have been using the Bayer proviron so far and it seems genuine. I feel an increase in horniness and I'm having better harder erections especially during my sleep and in the morning. I'm also noticing an increas in vascularity.

Products, effectiveness and results

Bayer proviron, legit and genuine effects. You get exactly what you would expect from Proviron.

Customer service

Not great at first but significantly improved when contacting their telegram.

Shipping and Delivery

Fast shipping.
Regular Brown Kraft paper package

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
anonymous888666's picture
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alex073's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had a great experience with these guys. High quality products.

They have a wide range of stock at a decent price.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pharma Group Trenbolone Acetate 100mg-Pharma Group Oxandrolone 10mg.
Imperia Lab Testosterone Propionate 100mg.
I have used them for a solid month. Product purity is there for sure. Got the insomnia, aggression, sweats and all the other things we look for with good Tren.Testo propionate it worked quickly.Libido is through the roof. Aggression, strength, energy, endurance, stamina definitely up.Oxandrolone works well pumps was great.Getting more muscular and lost body fat

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is great.Always responds very fast.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast delivery.
Packaging was very discreet and wrapped great

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great service with quality products.

I recommend shopping here!
keoniz's picture
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zmlxnqf0904's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My first order and first review on here for Crypto-Roids.
Nothing but excellent,awesome customer service,fast delivery,and VERY reasonable prices!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Galenika Testosterone Enanthate:500mg per wk. Definitely PHARMA Test, oil like silk, no pip after injection,solid strength and size gains from 3rd wk, oily skin, acne, some general side effects of Test.
HALOTEST Raw Pharma:This is probably the best Halo I've ever used. 10mg per day for 3wks, great strength gains again and my pumps are incredible.side effects is my appetite was suppress.
Clenbuterol PHARMA GROUP:Just like any other clen, heart beat rasing,body temp rasing and hand shaking. Legit !

Products were ON POINT.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Replies within hours, easy ordering and payment method.
When I placed this order I received a confirmation email and tracking number comes 2 days after.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Items were packaged safe and secure,very discrete and professional packaged.
Delivered 9 days after shipped.

Price to performance
Additional comments

For the price and quality, it's hard to find a better one,I will definitely purchase from again!
Highly recommend this source to anyone who has not order yet.

I recommend shopping here!
keoniz's picture
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ercuemend's picture
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sorashi4355's picture
+ 1
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  • [inactive] CryptoRoids » Hello Sir , Can you write more detailed review what products you ordered, what is delivery time, What is effectiveness of product ... etc thanks
  • sorashi4355 » Hello! It was not the entire prduct, but the shop itself was reviewed. First of all, I got the contact from omega meds which means, you guys are legit. The support is kind, and helps a lot.
  • [MOD] Greg » What part of the review guidelines were unclear to you??? You have a comment? Post it on the discussions page. This page is for complete reviews only.
Dope's picture
+ 5
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for order from crypto . Very happy i found these guys , excellent eu supplier !
Quality aas and gh , what more can you ask ?
Customer support is insane and TA in EU stupid fast !

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Oxytropin GH - great gh ! I heard great things and while trying to locate it i found crypto . Doing 6 iu ed , 3iu post workout and 3iu before bed . Excellent fat loss , insane pumps and a youthfull appearance on skin and muscle .i really like this gh and it comes premixed also
Imperia labs and pharma group - ran test prop mast prop and primo enanthate. No pip , smooth oils clean and corect dosed. Have used these aas countless times so i know what to expect . Lean hard muscle with no sides ! Impressed by both labs

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Insane TA and customer support ! Crypto also throw some gift from time to time

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Flash gordon ta in eu ! 3 days for me

Price to performance
Additional comments

Cheap prices, great customer support,legit products and fast TA … this is crypto in a few words



I recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] CryptoRoids » Thank for review bro!