Karl_x's picture
  • 15

Should I start taking AI?


Hello everyone and thanks for the future answers and advice I will receive.

I started my first cycle on 11/19 by changing some parameters thanks to the advice of Makwa and yours.

In short, it is the simplest and most effective for beginners

Week 1-12: 500 mg x week Testo Enanthate.

Reading a lot about when to start taking AI I understood that "prevention is better than cure", so instead of waiting for the first symptoms it is better to start from the 4th week and then make the appropriate changes after the blood tests that I will do in week 6.

But now perhaps I will have to bring things forward.

In addition to sweating a lot during the night and waking up sweaty, this morning I noticed that a slight initial form of gynecomastia appeared on my left nipple, a symptom that E2 levels are starting to be higher than expected.

I have no other side, discomfort in the nipples as if I had small needles that pricked me during the days it tends to disappear and appear and which tends to fade in the following days, perhaps a little slight joint pain that appeared in the last 2 days and slight anxious thoughts

Instead of waiting for Monday (start of 4th week), would it be appropriate to start with AI today?

For this reason I was thinking of using it today together with the Testo Arimidex 0.25mg E3D and seeing how it goes and if necessary modifying it until the tests I will do in 2 weeks. Are you saying this could be good?

Furthermore, Aromasin will arrive shortly and thanks to your advice it is more appropriate to use it than Adex. If I were to make an exchange during these weeks is there no problem in exchanging them?

Thanks again for the help much appreciated.

juiceball8082's picture

Pull bloods or it's just a guessing game.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Get blood work. You need to know where your values are.

Karl_x's picture

Absolutely yes, in fact I will do them at the beginning of week 6, I have already made the appointment to then decide how to manage the Ai, whether to increase or decrease the dose. But since there are still 2 weeks left to wait so long with these symptoms already, I wouldn't want to find myself fighting with pain due to an E2 that is too high, so I wanted to get some advice on whether to start Adex immediately or wait until Tuesday which would start. start of week 4

Bearded_muscle's picture

To be honest I think 500 is too high for a first cycle.

If someone was doing a first cycle I would say shoot for 12 weeks and start them at 250 or 300. If at the 6 week mark they had no estrogenic sides and were feeling great and no BP issues I would be ok with bumping to 350 or 400, at the 8-9 week mark is those conditions are still met and they WANTED to increase it I would be ok with 450-500 for the last 3-4 weeks of the cycle. If they’re seeing great progress at lower doses though I would say to just keep it low. If you can grow on 300 why push for 500? We want to be able to grow on the lowest dose possible so that in five years we still have room to raise it.

Karl_x's picture

On the last point of your speech about growing with a lower dose for the possible future of being able to increase the dose and have room for improvement with a 'normal' amount of text, I agree.
My approach was based on readings and guides in which it was stated that for a good start given the receptive virginity and benefit/gain ratio, 500mg per week was ideal.
In this regard, given the side and management of this dose of Testo E I was thinking of dropping to 400mg per week to see if I can manage it better and find 'my right dose' to feel good and make gains.
Has it ever happened during a cycle that you had to adjust the dose and reduce the dose during the course? If so, does it mean anything in terms of effects or earnings? Normally with a hot Testo during the weeks the sides should be lower, right?

Bearded_muscle's picture

You will still be supra physiological at that dose so you should still continue to see benefit.