smallsmoothballsack's picture
  • 24

Primo / Var


Will run the test and primo for 16 weeks adding in var towards the end.

First time running these Compounds as I have only ever run test only cycles and Test with sarms.

Looking for feedback from guys that have ran these independently on what is the the first effects they start to feel?Also how long until they started feeling the positive effects? Kind of how you know everything is starting to kick in. (Mentally and physically)

simonmagus84's picture

We talked about this already. I like your layout. Keep your protein high for synergy. Run bloods to make sure estro isn’t crashed. When I ran it, I gained 11 pounds of lean muscle but I was already around 12% be so when I finished I was heavier with lower bf%. This time, I’m running it a bit higher because my training hasn’t been great this year but I’m pretty much healed from most of my injuries and my family’s health is improving which will allow me to focus more in the gym these upcoming months. Had a rough 6 months but I can turn it around quick.

Would I like my body fat to be lower? Sure, but this doesn’t kick in for 8 weeks so I have to make the most of these next 10 weeks.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

I know. This post was probably just trying to seal up insecurities about gear purity more than cycle advice I guess. I feel confident the source i used is legit but still the thought lingers.

Also I do appreciate the feedback and advice you gave me on the other thread. It has made me tweak my protocol. (Running the primo longer and considering running some var in the beginning then breaking and finishing with var at the end)

antwone12's picture

Oral var?

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Si papi

Jockstrap's picture

18% bf. Are you managing a tight diet? The cost of primo is overkill vs test var and diet on point.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Terrible picture and not pumped or hitting any poses, also not the best lighting and angles but anyways this is where I'm at currently

wanted's picture

+1 im a sucker for pics. Shows your serious
I think where your at you have alot of choices to take your physique to the next level.

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smallsmoothballsack's picture

Thanks. Yea wasn't going to post a pic because this isn't the best I've looked and but wanted to be transparent about my current conditioning...or lack there of

Jockstrap's picture

I loving dhb for seeing fast changes. Costs less and its amazing. 400dhb and 350 test. Only thing ive seen work faster is tren but then you gotta deal with sides. Dhb to me was simply amazing and no sides.

DeeMan's picture

O yeah? What were your gains like? Strength? Fat loss? Pip? Give us something

wanted's picture

I dont know @DeeMan this DHB is kinda popular around eroids. Another i havent tried are we just old ???

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Jockstrap's picture

You should give it a try! Visual effects are amazing. Weekly youre squaring off and leaning out.

DeeMan's picture

Gives alot of pip. Its naturally an irritating hormone but some guys tolerate it. Brewing helps too.

DeeMan's picture

@Jockstrap ....your turn!!! Lol.

Hey sack you have a good foundation to work with.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Thanks man. Been mostly trt dose test for about the last year except for a little mk677

DeeMan's picture

U bet

smallsmoothballsack's picture

That man's butthole gotta be dark as shit by now

SeeOhShow's picture

This is 18-20% fyi

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Yea that's pretty close to what I thought. I havnt actually calculated it lately.

Last night was 5 year anniversary with the wife so definitely had a massive cheat meal and am pretty bloated

simonmagus84's picture

Are you cutting on this ?

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Like do you mean have I started going into a caloric deficit in this picture? Or will I be in the cycle?

smallsmoothballsack's picture

On the cycle I'll be running?

simonmagus84's picture


smallsmoothballsack's picture

Yes this cycle will be a cut. Plan to get down to 12.5%

simonmagus84's picture

Alright perfect. You don’t have to do much of a deficit as long as your protein and fats are high with low carb. Primo will help preserve muscle mass but only to a certain point. Just make sure you don’t deplete yourself too fast.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Yea planning to run maintenance calories for the first few weeks and then go into a 200-300 calorie deficit. Hopefully that will produce some slow steady body composition change

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Diet has been decent but relaxed at times recently hence the higher BF. I willl tighten it up before the cycle starts and remain disciplined through. The test only cycle I did I stayed around 12.5% which is the goal. I feel and look great at that BF. I meal prep 90% of my meals which consists of chicken rice blacks beans broccoli, usually some low calorie sauce and a couple carb counter soft taco shells. Oatmeal and fruit. And yogurt and fruit parfaits.

I might even be a little lower than 18% right now.

wanted's picture

What dosage

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smallsmoothballsack's picture

The var will be at 30mg later on

smallsmoothballsack's picture

400mg/wk. With enough to jump to 600mg/wk after the first month depending on how things are going

SeeOhShow's picture

Don’t do the titrating dose up by feel on something like primo. That may be smart for something like tren ace as it’s fast acting and you need to stay on top of sides very diligently. If you want to run primo at 600 mg/wk then start that shit at 600mg/wk from day 1.
Don’t do the advice on var you got below. 6-8 weeks on the back end is plenty. 30 mg of legit var is also plenty. It’ll wreck your lipids and, honestly, isn’t worth it unless you’re getting to the single digit body fat. At the 50mg range, your workouts will suffer due to pumps if its legit properly dosed var. Var is an overhyped drug and majority of people aren’t really in need of it. Get to single digit, severe cal restriction, and then you’ll see its magic. Not just aesthetics but performance in that severely depleted state.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Thanks for always leaving solid advice. You're all over the forums, they should be paying you.

I really don't want to increase test too much. At 600 primo will I need to run the test much higher? ( I had planned running test at 300)

DeeMan's picture

As far as primo it is best for you to absolutely titrate dose as I've always said everyone WILL NOT react the same. DO NOT start primo at 600mg and test at 300mg without supporting bloods. Blood test will untimely dictate what dose you'll need that won't lower estro too much. I'm a low converter so primo definitely wiped me out once. Makes no sense to go straight to 600mg, especially not knowing your estro conversion situation.

wanted's picture

@DeeMan is a genetic freak The rest of us have to bust our azz and use higher dosages.

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DeeMan's picture

Man please..I wish I had great genetics or was a genetic freak...didn't happen. Life's not fair but I'll be ok. Be proud of the little we have.

DeeMan's picture

HELL NOOOOO! NOT TRUE....this guy @wanted is trolling! Lol. I'm average at best.

All I'm saying is there's no guarantee that my foot will fit comfortably in your shoes.( different sizes)....maybe it would fit comfortably in your ass but not shoes lolol.

wanted's picture

No no no your foot is fitting in my shoes. My shoes are only 9 just like every thing else on my body

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DeeMan's picture

Lmao. I figured after you being with all those thousands of women that it would of shrunken a bit.

And damn it I wear a size 13 shoe so your shoe is worthless to me! I CAN'T FIT...that's what you say to all those women according to all the rumors I've heard. I admit, makes me a bit jealous of you which you've always known. @wanted

wanted's picture

@DeeMan To be honest if i didnt take anything i dont think it would work anymore
Remmember the days of injecting straight viagra into it and ladies doing lines and lick it off. And hours of pounding strange woman
It was rough on him. Thats why i take all
My testosterone, cialis , melanotan 2 i do its fun at the time but ahit wears in the regular man THATS WHY we aint regular we ALPHA

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DeeMan's picture

100% ALPHA. We know your history Hollywood

SeeOhShow's picture

You waste lots of time on cycle with long esters titrating. What you’re alluding to is more along the lines of “don’t run a legit primo cycle without knowing how you react to its AI properties.” You start at 400 for 6 weeks, get bloods, are fine, then go up to 600 for 6 weeks, get bloods, and finally are where you want to be then you’ve wasted 6 weeks. If you want to run something at X dosage, then you do X dosage from start to finish.

Be better off doing your trt test dose with some low dose primo in there to see exactly how you react to the AI properties. Then if you wanna run primo at X dose, then you know the respective Y test dose you must run with it.

Titrating long esters is silly IMO.

DeeMan's picture

I see what you're saying but I just see it a bit differently that's all

DeeMan's picture

I disagree....being someone who has been affected by primo's ai properties in a negative way I can surely speak on it no doubt. It's a horrible feeling. In my opinion it's rediculous to not know your estro conversion rate and jump to a ratio of 2:1 in primo's favor at a 600mg dose lol. You're assuming he may be ok and he might be but why take that risk not knowing how your e2 will be affected? Like I said I don't agree at all man. Better to be safe than sorry. Now if he wants to experiment with primo with his trt doses then obviously his primo dose would be lower and yes I agree he would get a better feeling for it, but at the moment that's not the case.

SeeOhShow's picture

The E2 sides can be felt rather quickly and mitigated rather quickly with things such as HCG, test prop, etc. It’s more that he wants to run it at 600. So run it at 600. Not waste half your cycle titrating long esters. Now whether or not it needs to be run at 600 to see any effect is a whole different story, and you know where I fall in that camp.
Realistically, he could cut just fine on 300 test 300 primo.

DeeMan's picture

Yes E2 can be mitigated quickly no doubt. I guess for me it's a matter of not even wanting to get to that mitigating point that's all but that's not an issue for some though.

I wish this guy Wellness and safety

wanted's picture

Then tell him to lay off the primo and use something more fun and beneficial

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DeeMan's picture

Like what? Lol. I think I know the answer to!

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Don't forgot the gains too...wellness, safety and fucking gains

DeeMan's picture

+1 Yeaa buddy safety and wellness always before fucking gains. Hell if you aren't well those gains won't last or even worse, won't even come.

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