EhYouYou's picture
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PCT when dropping down to prescribed TRT dose?


My PCP put me on 160mg/week Test Cyp. I'm still working out my dosage so won't start any cycles yet but when I do I figure I will go up to 400-500mg or so Test Cypionate along with another AAS. I will wait to see where I'm at with my prescribed TRT to decide if I want to cut or bulk but definitely want to increase strength. Question is, when I finish the cycle and go back down to my prescribed TRT dosage, what type of PCT should I run? Same as if I weren't on TRT? I did a cycle of 600mg Test E last year with Anavar and HCG and had some water retention issues towards the end that resolved quickly during PCT.

Goodstud's picture

Probably should learn more before doing a cycle considering your are asking about PCT while on TRT. Just do some more research for your health

Greg's picture

what type of PCT should I run?

No PCT, just continue with your normal TRT dose.

EhYouYou's picture

Thanks. I wasn't sure since I would be reducing the amount of testosterone that I would be taking in.