turdgurgler's picture
  • 31

Low SHBG and possible e2 sides


Recent bloodwork shows as follows:

Age 37
Total T- 789
E2- 34.6
SHBG- 13.8
BF- 14-15%

Was experiencing lack of motivation and anhedonia prior to trt and in the gym at least 3x/ week

Been on cookie-cutter clinic dose of 200mg/wk once/wk. Starting at week 3-4 started taking var as pre-workout @ roughly 25mg/ session 3-4x a week for 2 weeks straight. Was getting mad anxiety and sleep issues at weeks 5-6 so stopped. At week 7 now and having heart palpations, bad anxiety, bad insomnia, low libido (which was through the roof weeks 2-4 and before"trt"). Prior to trt my total was 488, e2 at 12.7, SHBG 33 and felt fine even though my e2 to total ratio seems a bit distant. Could these sides be related to the var crashing my SHBG or the e2 being high/low sensitive in relation to total t? At a loss for if I need to take a small dose AI or do the opposite and boost my e2 via HCG? Does any of this seem reasonable or way out of wack? I've been all over Reddit and YouTube to no avail for me specifically. Thinking about lowering the t dose, knowing it's definitely above true trt dosing to see if that helps and splitting shots twice a week. Clinic said "oh your shbg is high normal, take some var" and followed suit so don't know if I f'ed myself for a few weeks or if it's estrogen sensitivity or a combo. Sorry for the long read.

jimmie's picture

Low shbg is a good thing. If you're fucking with your hormones then you should know what that stands for and what it does.
Total T can be a million, but if it's mostly bound the free T is nothing then total is irrelevant.
Those numbers are good, free T is probably great. Ergo, not your problem. Could be a million other things, like needing a therapist.

daveleeander's picture

Get off the car. Quit worrying about E2

Makwa's picture

Bloodwork looks almost perfect to me

sandman3698's picture

Was wondering about this exact thing myself. Been taking winny and feel kinda bad. Took proviron and kinda the same thing.

turdgurgler's picture

Checking out vigorous Steve's video on the matter and seems to be the best one I've found yet regarding low shbg and best ways to restore it.

sandman3698's picture

Love that guy. Didnt think to see if he had anything to say about. Good call!

turdgurgler's picture

Hcg is a good way to get levels up but takes time. He actually recommended estradiol valerate tablets but no idea where id source them. Sounds like they would be good to keep on hand in situations like this. Lmk if you find a source LMAO