BD28282's picture
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+ 4 Gorilla King Bloodwork (250 Test E/250 Mast P/2IU GH)


Fantastic results with Gorilla King almost two months into cycle of test e and mast p at 250 each per week. Have been on his GH at 2IU daily for 6+ months and knew it was legit when my skin was shining like plastic lol didn’t know it was that legit! Insane results!

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Mac12769's picture

Legit. Thanks for posting labs. +1

BD28282's picture

Of course bro, I get a ton of lab work to satisfy my own curiosity so I’ll post up here more often!

Gorillakingz's picture

$200 credit email when ready

BD28282's picture

Will do, thanks!

BD28282's picture

Edit to note I just recently bumped mast to 250 after getting these bloods back to combat some E2 bloat. Was at 210 at time of bloods. Very happy with the results thus far!

Birdmanjack23's picture

Damn those results look good..I'm going to get some of his HGH.

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BD28282's picture

You surely will not regret it!

HandsomeLifter's picture

Yea man this hgh is super legit my clit has never been so swole either
Its actually my go to hgh as of now

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BD28282's picture

Also in for pics lol

Gorillakingz's picture

Pics or it didn’t happen

HandsomeLifter's picture

Add me on myspace!

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