Dpstore's picture
Dpstore 81


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 1 Quality 100% 1 Delivery 100% 1 Service 100% 1 Pricing 100% 1
Andyman50's picture
My overall experience

My experience was great with dpstore as it’s always been I ran test prop 1.5ml eod for 15 weeks gained approximately 8-10 lbs worked out a lot I feel like I could’ve gained if I could’ve eaten more. I was always hungry. Gave me a ton of energy. I loved it made me horny as hell a little bit of pip But not bad had my testosterone level checked right before my eod shot. It was 1007 with a free testosterone of 345.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality is great as stated in my review my testosterone level before my eod shot was 1007 great stuff

Customer service

Customer service is always great too They’ve always got back To my emails within a day Usually with offers also

Shipping and Delivery

I use the international shipping always get my products packaged very well. Usually several layers very discreet never know what’s in it.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Every time I’ve ordered from them up, they’ve always came through. I never even worry about my orders anymore.

I recommend shopping here!
Bearoid's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review for BPC 157 2mg:

When it comes to a peptide that offers the ultimate healing solutions there’s nothing better than Body Protection Compound. I had first found out about this when visiting a male health clinic and my doctor there recommended a course of peptides including BPC. Of course they wanted to charge me an absurd amount for it, and I told them to punch sand. Literally the next day DP had their own version of BPC available, and I decided to try it for my chronic shoulder pain. When used correctly and at the right dosage this easily doubles your healing time. Within a few weeks I had full motion back in my shoulder for heavy lifts.

Word of advice! A lot of forums say that this is to be a localized injection, as in you need to inject near the location of pain. NOT TRUE. It is no more effective than it would be when injected into the stomach via sub-q. NEVER inject anywhere questionable, and if unsure then just ask your nurse or doctor. Be honest with them as I have with mine. They’re there to help

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

DP’s version of BPC is more than likely more effective than whatever bullshit these male health clinics are pushing. I started noticing the healing benefits far sooner than expected

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Marks always happy to help! I reached out to him about how much bacteriostatic static water I would need, and he was very informative

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Just be aware that DP peptides come in a cute little vial unlike their steroid counterparts

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Bearoid's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This review is for 8 tabs of Pfizer Dostinex:

So awhile ago I had a gyno flare up due to not following a proper PCT. Up until then I had tried literally every anti-estrogen under the sun, but my body just wouldn’t respond. Even eating Aromasin like candy wasn’t helping. In my search to remedy the flare up before it became worse I came across many forums stating that Dostinex (Cabergoline) is extremely effective in reducing/eliminating Prolactin levels. I hadn’t considered my gyno being the byproduct of Prolactin until then, and immediately ordered a round of it from DP. Within the first week of taking it my flare up lost all sensitivity, and the following weeks after the nodules I had developed were greatly reduced in size. Now my existing gyno is practically unnoticeable

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Nothing like a name brand pharmaceutical to hit the spot when you need it most. Thankfully in situations like these DP has the inventory

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I briefly relayed my gyno concern to Mark before the order, and was pleased his sympathetic response while rushing out my order

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This arrived sooner than usual since ordered domestically, but was just as discreet as any other order

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Bearoid's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review for Semaglutide 5mg

First and foremost the price cannot be beat. Ozempic and Wegovy themselves can run upwards of $500 a vial. I’ve seen the results of DP’s Sema firsthand, and it is right on par with its competitors in terms of efficacy. Add in a good diet and daily workout routine to get the most out of this. A family member of mine plateau’d with the pharmaceutical version, but a few weeks on DP’s and they’re back to shedding weight and keeping it off

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Extremely effective. Perhaps even more so than it’s pharmaceutical competitors as it’s helped a family member get over their plateau

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mark has been and always will be the man! Nobody works harder than him to make sure our orders are sent out ASAP with consistently clear and concise communication

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery remains around 2-3 weeks, and is always packed ever so thoughtfully

Price to performance
Additional comments

I started with DP many years ago, and have never had a reason to try elsewhere. Why bother when their inventory is constantly expanding, and product quality never misses a beat

I recommend shopping here!
Makaylann's picture
My overall experience

Absolutely the best business relationship I could ask for with constant communication between Mark at
Dragonpharmastore and I.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality of every single product item I ordered has been the highest of quality. I ordered Test c, Primo 200
Arimidex, Winstrol and Clenbuteral and the quality of all purchases has not disappointed.
Also with the amount of my purchase total dragonpharma also threw in 5 Testo blend 350 for free. I have been using my these products for 2 months and I can't believe the results I have gotten. I'm much stronger and my overall appearance is great. Very satisfied.

Customer service

I was in total communication with customer service from day one. They answered all of my questions with almost immediate response. They also educated me on anything I inquired about. Hands down the best..

Shipping and Delivery

I ordered international shipping and as soon as I completed my bitcoin transaction which was very easy. They had me a tracking number. From there I watch as I was delivered right to my mailbox. Very discreet and in protective packaging.
It took about 18 days for delivery and was well worth the wait. I'm getting another order ready very soon.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Millbilly's picture
My overall experience

They are always great. Good products that always test to be what they say. Never have bad injections with their gear.. felt great while on cycles with good lean mass gains. Highly recommend.

Products, effectiveness and results

Great results. Definitely trust there gear

Customer service

Always fast shipping as promised

Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/23/2024 - 19:05
Mr Alias's picture
My overall experience

Just got delivery of my first order and everything is legit. No pip and I’ll definitely reorder. This was my first time order from them so I wanted to do a test run on their shipping and customer service. They respond to all of my messages and it was a decent turn around time on shipping. I will order again and make another review after running this vial with labs.

Products, effectiveness and results

Came discrete packaging and looks clean with the shrink wrap.

Customer service

They always responded to my messages and overall experience with them is great.

Shipping and Delivery

As stated, packaging is good and it arrived to my house in discrete packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/12/2024 - 23:18
Fluffnotbuff's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • [MOD] Greg » READ the review guidelines and then EDIT your review appropriately.
  • Fluffnotbuff » How is it against guidelines? Gave my full review and pertinent information. Guideline2: didn't receive it in the time line given. Can't give update to gains if I can't access my account or orders. Should be able to spread information if sites are deleted or changed
  • [MOD] Greg » @FiuffnotBuff -- TEXT DISCLOSING PERSONAL INFO WILL BE DELETED. Do not post personal information, payment methods used, emails, tracking numbers and similar content.
  • Javgod67 » Any update? I had about 10 orders good from them since August last year. I had placed some orders end of March and now their site doesn’t even exist???
  • Fluffnotbuff » None yet. I've heard good things about them that's why I was excited. Still can't access the site
  • Javgod67 » I had 2 orders. 3/17 and 3/27. Both international since I didn’t need them here super fast. I have tracking for both and it shows waiting for shipping partners to deliver to usps but now after seeing a couple comments like yours not sure what to think? Hope they come through and explain what happen.
  • Fluffnotbuff » Will update/ delete my recommendation once I get feedback from DPstore.
Mr Alias's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • [MOD] Greg » READ and comprehend the review guidelines!
GapJGarcia's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Great results. Been Using Dragon for about 4 years, I do 3 months on 3 off, I get Testo blend 350 - Sustanon 270 - Deca 500 - Tren - 200 - Dbol 20 - Armidex. Of cycle 1 month of PCT I do Nolvadex. I get them all here and they always send me free stuff (Enthate or Propinate Or Blend). I do about about 600 test per week, 300 deca, 20 dbol, 100 tren when on cycle, I shoot the test the whole time and slowly introduce the other stuff and slowly remove them. I feel crazy hory, and thats it, My recovery is next day and I just love it, I have a good diet so I I just maintain, I gained about 50 pounds in the last 2 years and I just work enough to stay that way, Im focusing in reducing fat now, just recomposition.

Products, effectiveness and results

Always good, never broken. Never get side effects. (also never shoot crazy amounts).

Customer service

100% great, they send free stuff, they won me over.

Shipping and Delivery

Discrete, just how it should be.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Just love it, I want to stay using until I hit 260lbs.

I recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] Dpstore » Great review , that's appreciated Please send to me a link with that review and you will be rewarded !!)
Bmollo91's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

helped me everything with questions on certain products and good stacks cycles to help reach certain goals.
The special offers where it just makes the process that much better to a get more bang for you buck.
Love this site and wont be going anywhere else for all my future body building products.

Top Notch extremely helpful with all questions and the ordering process was far easier then expected
Wouldn't go any where else for this type of help and product.

Products, effectiveness and results

Clen 10/10
Test C 10/10
Sust Test 10/10

Customer service

Extremely helpful with all questions and the ordering process was far easier then expected

Shipping and Delivery

Discrete delivered right to my door and took less time then I expected received in about 10 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

Wouldn't go any where else for this type of help and product.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/07/2024 - 16:16
  • [inactive] Dpstore » nice to see such warm words ! Thanks a lot for that Please send to me a link with your review on next placed order with us , and there will be some presents !) Good Luck
Dustindc29's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

As always my experience has been amazing with them again. Just recieved another package from them and i just had to write this review. I have been using this company solely now for 3 years and here's why: the product line is huge, th customer service is spot on and prompt, and the quality of the gear is pharmaceutical grade for sure.

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered 2 vials of test cypionat 250 and 100 of their generic asia brand Dianabol 25mg tablets to restock my cabinet. The test pins smooth with no pip that I've had so far. All the sides you would expect and my libido is through the roof. My ol lady loves it lol!These Dianabol tablets though oh my god they are amazing! I've never tried this brand before and I'm so glad that i did. They are probably the best Dianabol tablets I've had to date. Slight water retention.Pressed very well. My strength has increased so much in these 6 weeks and I've put on 11 lbs of quality muscle already. Plus they also added 200 tabs free of that Dianabol to my order.

Customer service

Customer service and ordering were so smooth. Any questions i had on products, shipping times, or just any overall concerns i had about my order were literally answered within 24hrs. Great company to deal with and they really create on overall quality shopping experience. These guys are class acts all the way!

Shipping and Delivery

I ordered internationally and when everything was said and done i recieved my package in 20 days which i don't mind waiting on something that i know has quality to it. Package was wrapped well in bubble wrap and then sent in 2 bubble wrapped envelopes.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I definitely recommend this source to anyone who is interested in starting their journey in the AAS world and even to seasoned Vets of this community.

I recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] Dpstore » hey , Dustin , that's really appreciated !!! Thanks a lot for all that you do! you know !! well never disappoint you !!
  • Bmollo91 » Fire stack brother gonna have to try this out
  • Bmollo91 » Sick brother love the feedback
TireGuy49's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Tried the Cut Stack 150. Arrived within a week. I have been using for 4 weeks now and am seeing great gains. I could not use ED so am doing EOD. The insomnia and night sweats are real.

Products, effectiveness and results

1st time trying anything with tren. But I am certain it is legit. Great gains but the side effects are kicking my ass.

Customer service

Ordering was easy and they even sent a free gift.

Shipping and Delivery

To my door in less than a week. Very discreet packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will use again.

I recommend shopping here!
Captn_merca's picture
+ 2
My overall experience


Products, effectiveness and results

I did 10 weeks of test e at 500/week I went up 25 lbs. I was more than please with my order

Customer service

Easy to work with and responds with in hours. Ordering process was a little difficult the first time but I had also never used bitcoin before

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging arrived with in two weeks a little sooner than expected

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Betonka's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

The customer service is very good and fast. And the delivery is amazingly fast.

Products, effectiveness and results

Quality is very good.

Customer service

Amazing good.

Shipping and Delivery

The delivery is very fast. The packaging is safe and good.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
tinykhan's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

10/10 First time nervous buyer, been scammed on other sites, but this site was legit. Definitely coming back for next cycle.

Products, effectiveness and results

T prop...good pump, adding mass and slimming down.
Clomid...felt "normal" after solid pct

Customer service

First time buyer, they assured me every step of the way. Great communication.

Shipping and Delivery

Discreet, quick

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Jholt135lfdy's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

10/10 Highly Recommend great products from a great and highly responsive team.

Products, effectiveness and results

Got cyp 250 from a friend and it was legit Ordered prop 100 and winstrol and couldn't be happier with the results getting bigger and way stronger.

Customer service

Ordering was easy and communication was great from start to finish

Shipping and Delivery

21 days and I had my order conveniently and discretely packaged

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!