JakeKO's picture
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+ 6 PMROIDS Domestic BOGO Deal lands 6 days from ordering


4 bottles of Ultima-BPC 157

So, just this morning I said to myself “six days since ordering, and I’m still in the money collected stage, smh”. I was kind of annoyed because I paid a little more hoping to get it quicker. So much for using their domestic option. Well, I get home from work and checked the mailbox and the pack is sitting in there. 6 days since the day I placed the order. What more can you ask for???

I’ve had tendinitis of the elbow for a few years now, and have just been wearing one of those copper bands to get me through workouts. Only recently have I hear about BPC-157, and finally bit the bullet in hopes of fixing this annoying issue. I’m not getting all souped up about it, but it would be really cool if this shit is all it’s wrapped up to be. Planning on going intramuscular as there is a nice little muscle right at the point of where the pain seems to be coming from. I’m also hoping it doesn’t make it worse, because it took me six months to convince myself to give it a whirl. Wish me luck!

Ordered from: 
Brayan91's picture

Late to the party but it was a game changer for Post Op on a pec tear surgery I had earlier in the year.
Stacking it with TB-500 is the "Wolverine Stack"
Shot 500mcg BPC-157 daily and 5MG TB-500 2/3 times a week.

Jonwiggs8's picture

what dose will you be using?

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Rosschestzip's picture

I’ve heard crazy good things about the stuff, like almost miracles

JakeKO's picture

I’ve heard the same, so I finally bit the bullet. Pinned it today for the first time. I’ll keep you posted.

Rosschestzip's picture

Sounds good!

KonstantViktory's picture


BPC is terrific. Hopefully your elbow problems will be resolved. Is it confirmed tendonitis? Has a doctor diagnosed you with tendonitis and given you soft tissue scan results? If you have those, I could take a further look at them. Most people suffer from tendonitis, and it can develop into tendinosis which is a more severe problem.


This video shows a great movement, popularized by Devon Larrat. I've used it successfully myself, wrapping moth ways and going in both directions. It seems to have greatly strengthened my elbows.

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JakeKO's picture

Not confirmed, but all my research points to tennis/golfer’s elbow.

Mac12769's picture

Let me know how that goes. Been looking into it, really need it, just don’t need another peptide expense Lol

23Sparta's picture

If Tendinitis is your issue, last summer I went a budget route. I tried anavar in conjunction with a therapeutic dose of Ostarine. It worked like magic for me and I’m still like 90% even after a blast that involved a lot of heavy lifting and movements known to aggravate it for me. That was just my personal experience

Chad P's picture

Definitely not going to make it worse. My experience with BPC was positive results, I hope yours is as well.

23Sparta's picture

My bro’s tendinitis was so bad he had to use two hands to pick up a cup. BPC-157 completely cured it. I hope it works just as well for you

JakeKO's picture

Thanks, Bro!