Wildling's picture
  • 244

+ 8 Baboon Basics


GD order got here. Had a snafu with the original destination. Sent 4/18 received 4/27. Gear looks good… hoping for good results.

Ordered from: 
FJB's picture

Nice pack good luck

GDRoids's picture

Enjoy it

Chad P's picture

Damn bro you’re building a stock pile from hell

Wildling's picture

Should be enough test to last me about five years. Unless it’s garbage. I have some npp and mast on the way with some orals and I’m done for a while. Some of this stuff will be handed out as well

simonmagus84's picture

You’ll like the gear

Wildling's picture

I’ve only heard good things.

23Sparta's picture

Loaded for war

press1's picture

Gettin stocked up there buddy!

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Wildling's picture

Yessir! Looking at a sustanon and npp ten week combo in June.

press1's picture

Stick the Mast in there too - makes it even better.

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23Sparta's picture

Npp, test, mast = awesome

Banjokid2020's picture

Got me a stack lined up for a cycle of that. Sounds like some quality yet lean gains to be made. What dosages you like to run of that stack?

23Sparta's picture

I ran it at 437.5mg test, 350mg npp, 350mg mast

Wildling's picture

600 sust and 450 npp. Probably 450 mast if/when I add it.

Banjokid2020's picture

Run anything for ai? Only time I ran npp was 140mg test and 350mg npp. Felt good on that cycle. Horny as fuck, dick worked great whole time. No ai, figured since I kept test at trt dose, kept e2 in range. Decent gains. But def feel more would yield more.

press1's picture

The Mast works as an anti estrogen and anti progesterone mate - it increases free testosterone in the blood too which is why you felt good on low test most likely.

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Jockstrap's picture

Theres been no documented proof of masteton freeing up test. Proviron will snd is chemically different. Chemically as comparing dbol and eq even though they are related.

press1's picture

DHT's bind more tightly to SHBG than Testosterone does, hence it uncouples and kicks the Testosterone off the SHBG molecule and takes it place.

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Wildling's picture

I thought any DHTs affect SGBH?

press1's picture

They do buddy.

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Wildling's picture

Another dude posted his bloods of sust 250 a week. His total isn’t ideal, but his free test is through the roof as he is taking 800mg of primo. One would assume masteron does the same.

Y’all are going to force me to take it in June now so I can get follow up bloodwork Blum 3

23Sparta's picture

That’s interesting Press. I did have a surprisingly high free test score while running mast

press1's picture

Its because it 'uncouples' testosterone from SHBG as DHT's bind to it more tightly, so your Free test in the blood rises. Been reading a lot on it all lately, apparently if you add 300mg Mast to 400mg Test, then it makes the Test behave the same as injecting 600mg/wk would. Mast makes other steroids 'work better' all in all, plus DHT's get you strong AF bud even though they don't increase size that much. Good Shit!!!

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Mac12769's picture

Going to find out.......got that Mast E 200 headed my way Wink
Eat clean and fire up that grill for protein.

23Sparta's picture

Damn Press, now I’m back interested in mast again! I can definitely attest to its ability to make you stronger. Mast takes my muscle mind connection to another level. Good info

Wildling's picture

For a while I have seen some of the more seasoned guys say you can get similar results as tren, but with far less sides. Who knows… everyone reacts differently.

press1's picture

It would be great to think that mate, but I just can't see it. I believe DHB is supposed to be very similar in terms of effects - many say around 70% to that of trenbolone but I can't say as I've yet to run DHB. Mast does feel great, but I just cannot see it being anywhere near as anabolic in terms of building muscle. Generally the really effective compounds make you feel shitty and not healthy.

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Wildling's picture

I don’t disagree. I love tren. I did 450 tren ace for 8 weeks about 8 years ago. The shit was wild. It’s by far the best compound for career lifters.

Wildling's picture

No ai. I respond well to deca. If I keep the test above the deca it’s golden. The mast should assist with any issues.

Wildling's picture

That is a possibility too lol. Run the npp 10 weeks and the other 12 weeks.