Claudezilla's picture
  • 311

+ 14 Huge DEUS from PMroids touchdown….all of it


Sdrol dbol proviron var caber adex aromasin cialis ralox melanotan tri tren trenE NPP EQ sust test c mastE winny oil dbol oil TNE all on the buy 3 get 1 free and 40%off…huge savings

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DeeMan's picture

So this is what you were trying to tell me about Not surprised because this is what you do! Go big or go home I see. You seriously want that Godzilla type size!

Steeltoad777's picture

It'd be so tempting to run everything at once. For science of course.

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Claudezilla's picture

You want me to sit here and lie to you and say I haven’t at one point run just about everything

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DeeMan's picture

Lol...I already know. That's the Claudezilla WAY!

MEXVOL's picture

Love deus orals im on his enclomiphene now and is on point works great

kinda fit kinda fat's picture

Killin it brother

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TrenAThor's picture

That's a fuckin sweet TD. I've been wanting to try Deus. Maybe later on in the future. Looks like alot of fun there lol. Enjoy bud!

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Mac12769's picture

Damn bro. I’m so jealous right now.
Huge haul. +1

JakeKO's picture

You ain’t kidding! What an awesome stash.

Ccacc's picture

Great choice

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JakeKO's picture

Holy God Damn!!!!!! Amazing pack, Bro!!!

anvil's picture

Yeah, but what are you gonna use next month? Jk nice haul.

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press1's picture

Now here's one where I can officially say 'DEUS IN DA HOUUUSSEEEE!!!! LMFAO!!!

You left any for me Bro?? Preved

Brolly6898's picture

That's a score!