Brolly6898's picture
  • 166

+ 3 Tren base suspension


Ordered 2 x tren base suspension
1x test no Ester
1x injectable anadrol
Pmroids was kind enough to throw 100 10 MG dbol
Thank u

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Steeltoad777's picture

Insta jacked cycle. Guaranteed to get you fuckin Swole in 3 weeks or less.

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Rosschestzip's picture

I didn’t know they had an injectable anadrol by them, I used a TNE/ injectable anadrol mix and I loved the stuff. I have some test/tren base now but the pip is crazy so ive just been using my test suspension.

Mac12769's picture

Geez lol. Adrol, TNE and Tren base Diablo
That's quite the combo.....if you have a lady in your life, I'd give her a heads up Lol

Brolly6898's picture

Has anyone mixed oil based with water based I'm already doing daily shots with the tren ace

press1's picture

I use to do it all the time mate - works great, makes the injection go in much easier. Just plunge steady when you see a water part coming up otherwise it will dart into you LOL The water 'lubes up' all of the rest of it.

Brolly6898's picture

I hear that it's best to draw the oil first than the water based steroid?
Looks like a lava lamp lol

Mac12769's picture

Doesn’t really matter, but oil is heavier so it’ll sit on bottom. But yeah like Press said, when you go to plunge it, the water goes much faster, so it’ll zip in when you’re not ready. Lol

press1's picture

Yeah it does!! Lmao I think I use to do it both ways round, ultimately it all curdles/mixes together either way, just don't leave it sat around overnight - inject it straight away. I've done it many times with Red Vitamin B12 shots in with AAS and that DOES look like a lava lamp Lol

Brolly6898's picture

S.o.b. it still clogs the 25g needle maybe a 23 g will work

Rosschestzip's picture

I actually have some b-12 and Carnitine coming today, how much b-12 is good dose? And have you ever tried inj. Carnitine?

press1's picture

My Amps come in 1000mcg/ml dose - do one of those each time bud, I wouldn't use it regularly though, just once per week for a while as it builds up your Haemoglobin levels which you have to keep in range. I budget for each amp giving up to a 5 unit rise in bloods, limit is usually 180. Never tried carnitine mate.

CHIMAIRA75's picture

A shot of test base with a shot of Tren base and you'll wanna rip the door off the gym to get in! Beast mode for real!!! My fucking favorite!!! Lol

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Brolly6898's picture

What's your protocol 1 hr pinning before the gym or 2 hrs?

CHIMAIRA75's picture

Honestly, about a half hour. You'll feel it almost instantly bro 50mg Tren base, 100mg test base a half hour PWO. By the time you do your warm up set, you'll be not far from it beginning it's peak. With me it is anyway. Serious business there brother! Get it in!

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Brolly6898's picture

Damn bro now u got me motivated to train today on rest day lol

CHIMAIRA75's picture

I feel ya! I get like that too when I know I'm sitting on something sweet like that. Lol

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Brolly6898's picture

I tried injecting the tren base using a slin pin but got clogged so I'm gonna try a 25 g

DCBG78's picture

That TNE oil base is real nice.

Brolly6898's picture

I have yet to try Smile