Willy1991's picture
  • 84

+ 4 Ultima goods


Ultima cyp and the dbol was a gift!

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simonmagus84's picture

Great brand

23Sparta's picture

I’ve been nibbling a little bit from my Ultima dbol stash lately

Ag4936cali's picture

Do you take the whole 25?

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23Sparta's picture

Mine are 10mg. I’ve been taking 3 of them (30mg), along with 10mg Cialis, 600mg NAC, 400mg Tudca, and 20mg Telmisartan two hours pre-workout

Ag4936cali's picture

Those 25s feel like an ulcer. That's a good combo with the meds. Ima look into that. I've always been the guy to just deal with sides, now it's just not worth it.

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah I try and mitigate sides as much as possible. I don’t like to feel like shit on cycle. Proper rest and positive physical/mental well-being will contribute much towards your goals. Make sure you read the rest of this thread or just know that Telmisartan and Cialis both lower blood pressure and could potentially be dangerous when used in combination.

Mac12769's picture

Watch that BP bro, I know you have some Dbol going, but you have 2 meds that both affect it. Don't want to bottom out and wake up on the floor in some random men's room Lol

23Sparta's picture

That’s an excellent point and welcome advice. I am kinda bottom of the range (112/60s) when I step into the gym under that protocol. I just feel as if once I start lifting, my numbers become more favorable. Although, I haven’t actually checked post workout. I should. Also, I shouldn’t have mentioned that cocktail in this post in retrospect. It’s works for me, but as you pointed out, could be dangerous. I’ll see if I can edit it.

As far as ending up “in some random men’s room”…. That happened like one time and now I gotta hear about it every chance someone gets

Mac12769's picture

This conv should cover it. If that combo works for you then great, just wanted to caution the synergistic effects of combining them, kinda like with AAS. Both you mentioned are on the way low end. Good But I definitely wouldn’t combine both at full dose level lol. You’ll have a 2nd story then. ROFL

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, a potentially dangerous synergy no doubt, Cialis was originally intended to be marketed as a BP med, until well, its side effect was rightfully determined to be more profitable. Well, I can't edit but I’m glad you feel that this convo is enough. Thanks again for pointing that out Mac, you may have saved someone from their first time

press1's picture

Otherwise you'll be turning up with the Jumplead kit right Mac!! LMAO Mac is known to check his own vitals first before rigging you up too sparta so bare that in mind LOL

23Sparta's picture

LMFAO Press, jump lead kit. Let me find out you’re using those things off label over there in the UK

press1's picture

Uuuufff sounds like you have been following the protocol bro!! 1g NAC is the general effective daily dose mate

23Sparta's picture

You know it big bro! I do take 1200mg NAC and 800mg Tudca daily regardless. What I described above is the extra that I use when I pop an oral. Maybe a little over kill, but ALT/AST were both still in range while running 50mg Adrol per day under that protocol. Same with 20mg Telmisartan, only when I pop an oral such as Dbol or Adrol. Last time I checked was on Adrol and after two hours of taking that cocktail my BP was 112 over 60 something headed to the gym

press1's picture

Thats a good BP mate, 20mg Telmisartan is a low dose too - normal is 40mg. I take Losartan which is the other ARB alongside Telm, just don't get any side effects off it whatsoever!! I read it also helps the liver too!

23Sparta's picture

Losartan, improves kidney function if I’m not mistaken. That’s even better imo. At least that’s what my doctor said when he tried to pitch that one to me over Telmisartan.

press1's picture

I'll give ya some expert knowledge here buddy Lol Both Losartan and Telmisartan work in the same way at reducing BP by relaxing arteries and allowing them to become wider effectively. They do this in the artery that supplies the kidneys which effectively reduces internal BP within the kidney, meaning the pressure at which the blood goes through the filters is reduced so it means the tiny holes don't become any wider or larger, which in turn means that things like protein, glucose, blood etc do not enter the urine and get pissed out. Things stay where you want them to. BUT if you actually look in your bloodwork next time you will see generally that your eGFR actually reduces because the blood flow pressure and therefore filtering is at a slower rate - this would lead you to believe that your kidneys are declining in function which isn't actually true. Its just a temporary decline in eGFR and this number will rise again once you come off the BP med. But the positive in taking them is they protect your kidneys while BP is effectively higher during a steroid cycle.

Normal and proper protocol when you get on an ARB or ACE inhibitor under a Doctors supervision and script, is that you get Bloodwork done after 2 weeks of using it, as some peoples kidneys can actually fail and decline rapidly because the internal BP can become too low for the kidneys to work properly. So guys buying them from sources is actually very dangerous in theory, but I guess you would know pretty quick if this happened to you as your urine output would suddenly become very low or stop. So I guess the answer is to only take BP meds if you really need to - don't take them if your BP is still fine/low on cycle.

FJB's picture

And if I recall correctly the only real difference between the two mentioned is the half life of Telmisartan being longer

press1's picture

Thats right buddy, it does last longer in the body so effectively has better day to day coverage if you are taking a daily pill in the morning, its half life literally is 24hrs. In various studies I have read it does tend to lower BP more effectively too and produce less side effects in some patients. Telmisartan is also the newer of the 2 drugs. I tried to get Telm here on prescription but they simply don't do it yet Lol

FJB's picture

I'm gonna post a little pic later of prescription Telmisartan I had my doctor put me on. It's really good stuff

press1's picture

Is this in the US mate?

FJB's picture

Yes sir

23Sparta's picture

My hat off to you Press, you dropped the hammer of knowledge down right there. Awesome read. Makes perfect sense, seeing as I know high BP is terrible for your kidneys. I’ve had my GFR checked three times since 12/26/23 and have maintained the same number, which isn’t the best. Although that I would attribute to my past addiction. I have raised it 25pts since starting aas and peptides. That I would attribute to what we discussed previously about our lifestyle making us more health conscious. I do only use Telmisartan sparingly at a low dose. Very appreciative of you taking the time to educate me as to how those meds work. Not something I knew I needed to know. Maybe BP meds should added to the taboo list or at least a note made in the rules to discuss with caution

press1's picture

A 25 point rise is quite considerable actually, have you run any BPC for considerable lengths of time as that has been shown to really help Kidneys and eGFR. There have been reports of reversing the need for Dialysis in end stage renal patients too believe it or not!

23Sparta's picture

I have done one decent run of Bpc, although not with the intentions of helping out my kidneys. I don’t know it did, good info. I’ve been on R-Type alpha lipoic acid for two years. I’m told that is renal beneficial

press1's picture

Yep ALA is supposed to be good for them buddy, seen studies on it too.

23Sparta's picture

It’s has to be R-ALA though, the bio identical version. Regular ALA is trash. So I’ve heard lol

press1's picture

Nice mate, I didn't even know there were various versions Lol Just watching 'The Gentlemen' the Netflix series version, its pretty good actually. If you like Snatch/Lock Stock type of stuff it has a lot of the actors in, also Gus from Breaking Bad!!!

23Sparta's picture

I don’t even know if we have Netflix, no one watches tv in my household. Everyone is on their phones lol

I’ll spread the word for you though lol

Willy1991's picture

Cant wait to try it...sure looks delicious

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