Tits and Mass's picture
Tits and Mass
  • 39

+ 6 Legalsteroidssale.com TD


TD pic, took around 8 days from dispatch to get to me for intl to UK that's pretty good after the Chinese New year fiasco.
Items ordered:
12x Test cyp
3x Test prop
1x Anavar 50's
1x Clomid
30x HCG

Items were doubled with bogo offer. Really looking forward to trying this source Items all seem great, quality looks on point. Would not hesitate to stock up again

Ordered from: 
Tater's picture

Been looking at the HCG from here was gonna wait for a few more reviews to go up before diving in let us know how you get on with them please.

anvil's picture

Currently using it, 500iu EOD while on cycle. Testicles have been restored to acceptable size.. @Stokes500 @press1 @DeeMan go ahead and get it out of the system and make fun of me LOL

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Chad P's picture

I’m currently running the same protocol, I try to do it every 3 months but it always ends up about every 4 months. I can tell when it starts working though, the shots start firing instead of just dripping/sputtering out lol

anvil's picture

LOL nice

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DeeMan's picture

Lol nah man I wouldn't make fun of you, I have stokes500 for that!

Good deal. How's your sex drive after injections?

anvil's picture

Great but that was happening before I started them. Just wish I had somewhere to drive it too. Yikes, you think my wife has an account here?

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DeeMan's picture

She might have an account...Busted!

Nah man keep us updated. Thanks

press1's picture

I bet your K9 on the run still has bigger bollocks than you bro!!! Lmfao

anvil's picture


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press1's picture

I tried to jumpstart mine a few weeks ago on 1500iu's EOD - Didn't happen! Figured I would have to outlay enough coin for 4 vials to get somewhere and thought whats the point right now lol

Stokes500's picture

Before and after pics ? Are we talking skittles to Maltezers or tangerines to oranges . I like mine small makes the junk look bigger lol

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anvil's picture

Knew it was coming LOL skittles to peanut M&Ms, my phone won't zoom in enough to get a good pic.

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DeeMan's picture

@anvil tell @Stokes500 to zoom in on himself.
There isn't enough ZOOM in the universe to see what that guy has going on down under haha! You'll be looking for something that's not there basically.

anvil's picture

OMG lol

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Tits and Mass's picture

Will do mate, will be onto this sources HCG this week so will report back

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press1's picture

Lookin Good buddy!! UK Customs have had a bit of a Hard on for HGH lately apparently, especially larger orders.

Tits and Mass's picture

If they do another sale I'm going to bite the bullet I think and grab some of that hgh. Definitely love stockpiling good quality test and orals. The hcg offer was too good to pass up

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Mac12769's picture

Nice haul there. Mine took about full 3 weeks, nbd with the Holiday I was fully aware of....wasn't stressing it, just extra week for me.

Tits and Mass's picture

I was surprised it only took that time frame as well tbf, I wasn't expecting it until a couple weeks at least. The hcg offer is amazing! Will report back on the orals and test. Added 50mg prop to my usual cyp dose today

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Mac12769's picture

Same. I waited on the shipping cutoff, the holiday affects everything over there, its not new. Slows it all down in many ways. Glad you got your stuff.

Stokes500's picture

You’re well stocked up then bro … hopefully mine comes soon … my tracking still not doing anything

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Tits and Mass's picture

Hopefully drops soon for you man

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Stokes500's picture

Tracker went live today says getting delivered tomorrow, mines only a little test order 20 bottles

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