Mac12769's picture
  • 797

+ 13 Baboon drops a load & New baby goat !


Good news guys, my Baboon arrived on that huge sale and BOGO. Picked up the HgH to try out and a nice stock of Masteron P for later on. Great deal, will probably make another order soon depending…. Good

Now here we have my newest girl from my favorite goat Harley. @press1 It’s her first and she is now the farm favorite by far. Super sweet and comes right up to you to be picked up. I’ll ask the wife on her new name. Of course her mom follows me around everywhere when I let her out, so go figure. Lol
Anyway, more to come……..

Ordered from: 
simonmagus84's picture

I’d love to do 10 grams of shrooms and talk to those damn goats about our perceived reality.

Mac12769's picture

Those grow out in the pasture too bro. Wink

anvil's picture

Glad you got your haul, goats are awesome too.

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DeeMan's picture

Yep yep...goats and gear!

Stokes500's picture

You know that thread title is going in a porn hub search don’t you , it’s just to tempting

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Mac12769's picture

I thought on it a bit lol. I actually do put some thought into my gear posts.

Stokes500's picture

Note to one’s self never search “ baboon drops load on goat “ on porn hub again first video was not what I had in mind lol

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DeeMan's picture

LMFAO!!!! That's what ya ass get!

Stokes500's picture

You seen it too don’t lie lol

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DeeMan's picture

Look, this is the current situation I kid you not. There are several states that require age verification to even look or browse at PH. This is what's happening as we speak man. In order to verify age you have to submit personal info. Supporters of this new law say they needed to prevent minors from accessing online. You can't make that up man.
But it wouldn't affect me anyway because I'm not sitting around like your swole ass vigorously turning my knob over and over to that site! LOL

Stokes500's picture

You don’t know what you’re missing …. You seen my forearms it’s now part of my training routine

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DeeMan's picture

I already know your secret man...poor knob!

@Stokes500 you get some popcorn, pull your couch in front of your 75inch Samsung plasma screen TV and basically go to work. Your hands are already lubricated with popcorn oil. Easy peasy! Best cardio you'll ever do. That's your routine. Good guess huh?

kinda fit kinda fat's picture

Glad they arrived lol. Btw your goat has a huge set of cojones

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press1's picture

Are you about to feed them there mate - is that why they are all jumping up? lol

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Mac12769's picture

Nah. They always come up to fence when we walk to pens. If I don’t walk in, then they start jumping up wanting attention.

press1's picture

HAhaha Thats really cute mate - You can tell they are all happy goats and stress free.

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Mac12769's picture

Very much so. They are all like our children.

AK80's picture

Momma on a little bit Test, Clen or Anavar? She's got good forearms like Mike OTren's girlfriend Mona.

Mac12769's picture

Actually yes. I have her on low dose Test for perimenopausal issues. And I monitor her diet fairly closely, along with exercise together. Regular labs as well.

Steeltoad777's picture

That goat is gonna get jAACKeD!

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Goat just needs the basics

Mac12769's picture

Orion is one of our main stud goats.....I'll put up a pic of him here in a bit. That's the dude to get jacked up Ok

press1's picture

Is he the one with the horns there - I recognise him from other pics!

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Mac12769's picture

The one with the horns is a she, Winnie. She had the 2 black ones. Orion is next to her. The black and white one.

Steeltoad777's picture

Lol winny

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Mac12769's picture

You just made me realize I have a whole new list a new goat names Good

press1's picture

Trenner!! LMAO

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press1's picture

NO WAY??!!! So the horns aren't a male only trait? Definitely looks male with the horns on the left!! So Orion is the one marked with a Green ear?

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Mac12769's picture

I’ll answer that other question in PM, it’s complicated and I started an OT shift this am, be in/out today.

Mac12769's picture

Any goat can have horns. When they are born without, they are called “polled”.
We try to dehorn them soon after birth. We only have a couple left with horns that we obtained as adults. When they have horns, they can be more aggressive with others bc they know they have them. All our future goats are without now.

Oh and that “green” is a feed bucket in the background, not an ear tag. Lol

press1's picture

This is all useful information for when I become a Nomadic Goat keeper Mac Yes 3

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press1's picture

Is that little one down on the right the goat who you raised in the house for a while that was the last to be born?

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Mac12769's picture

No, she’s different, sold already and gone.

press1's picture

So I feel kinda bad for asking this, but I guess its all part of owning a farm ultimately and things have to be done. What happens if an animal is terminally ill, really bad and has to be put down. Do you do that or do you call out a vet - what is the general procedure?

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Mac12769's picture

No problem. Part of life and owning a farm. Because of my background and good rapport with vet, I have meds/compounds already to deal with infections, pain and sedation. When an animal gets sick, we treat best we can, call vet if needed. We either get them healthy or I have put them down, to end any needless suffering. I won’t go into specifics, but we are humane and love all our critters……

press1's picture

They are so funny when they are new-borns, just like fowls they are desperate to get up on their feet asap but lack the balance and strength in their limbs so end up with their legs splayed out to the sides!! I assume thats why is it because their limb length and muscle is out of whack in the beginning?

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Mac12769's picture

Yeah, they get up and walk within hours, but takes a week or so to really find their coordination, but when they do, its off to the races Lol So much energy jumping, twisting and running, its great.....

23Sparta's picture

Cute af, she looks like a designer handbag

Mac12769's picture

I know right ! My wife's favorite fore sure now.

MurderHornet2020's picture

That is the coolest looking goat!

Mac12769's picture

It really is, and to have her mom's gentle demeanor too is a huge bonus.

press1's picture

AAwwwww She's a looker mate!! Very distinctive with the strips down her face and eyes, good markings on the legs too! See I'm learning LOL

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Stokes500's picture

You searched it then I see lol

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press1's picture

Are you an Animal person bud?

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Stokes500's picture

I am bro , I look a twat walking my dogs .. so picture this I come walking out of the field whistling my dogs your stood in front of me and then my pair of chihuahuas come bounding out one I her pink dimonte collar and I shout there names “ Brittany “ “vino” pmsl people genuinely are shocked when they see my dogs .
I love animal documentaries and going wildlife parks. But I’m a realist, went camping with my kids caught a couple gunnie fouls , daughter was plying with them in the tent for hours they were so cute … she fell asleep I gutted them and cleaned them the wife cooked them on an open fire and they tasted great

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press1's picture

HAHAHA No WAY!!! You have 2 Chihuahuas! Bro I hope you put a gay voice on when shouting 'Brittany' thats bloody hilarious. Seriously though, they are really intelligent and fun dogs those, I had an ex who had some and they were such a good laugh. Yeh they look funny at first but you get use to them yapping and messing about. A lot of people have those french bulldogs and pugs round here too, poor things can barely breathe when they are walking.

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Mac12769's picture

Yea you are Lol
And she has crystal blue eyes too, another highly sought characteristic.

Mac12769's picture

Thanks bro, it’s turning into a better year for goats this round. We’ve had way more females born, this year, which gives us future stock……and more baby pics. Wink
Really lucky on the patterns too.