inked's picture
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Goose24's picture

I remember going to the casino a while back. I was playing blackjack next to this Chinese lady and she kept on saying monkey monkey monkey every time the dealer would lay down a card. It was good luck until I started losing. Fucking whore. :/

Pale's picture

If he is PPL it looks like his cover is blown. It isn't against eroids rules to have more than one store but it is against the rules for an unverified source to talk shop here. Also we don't allow them to have their source name as their username until verified.

Also if you buy from an unverified and get fucked go cry to someone else, I won't care

wanted's picture

Who trusts monkeys and pandas

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MK-OBGYN's picture

Hey everyone. I'm Monkey-panda Purple-king

Carlos Danger's picture
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fusebox's picture

Monkey see monkey do

Dope's picture

Bingo !!

We have a winner !



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MK-OBGYN's picture

Me and my business partner decided to go our separate ways with Panda. I have decided to start my own lab

Carlos Danger's picture

Everyone should read up on you. There’s a lot of bullshit that written about you and your “business partner” from that other forum.


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Big_Bossman's picture

Nice job Carlos

Dope's picture

Same list as panda



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Big_Bossman's picture

Yup. Interesting

GizmoDuck's picture

those come crazy looking vials too

Jc74s's picture

Indeed they are but is the gear on point

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inked's picture

A gym buddy brought these guys up today so I checked them out. Solid af section....and those bottle lol. My buddy was gonna place an order to see. I might need to try a small test order

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Carlos Danger's picture

cooll story bro, you sure that’s how you found out about these guys? Your happen to be all over the PPL SI even after their Domestic fiasco. Bad optics homie

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Sam I Am's picture

Panda has tits ?

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devoto's picture
Goose24's picture

Nice rack ;)

NEVER QUIT's picture

You beat me to the draw fam, good shit though.

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Big_Bossman's picture

Yikes. Not a good look to be honest

Dope's picture

Remailer ;-)



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Jc74s's picture

They only take crypto currency

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Carlos Danger's picture

Those prices are crazy.

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