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NEVER QUIT's picture

Sorry for delay I received my hcg double order because he thought the first one got lost so I will make right with him and send what is due thanks man

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NEVER QUIT's picture

Just ordered some hcgs

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NEVER QUIT's picture

Just received tracking

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Ogmudbone62113's picture

Hmmm anyone order recently?

NEVER QUIT's picture

Yeah 2 packs hcg

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Greg's picture

Domain Name: HGHNUP120.COM
Unsecured server (http and not https)
Creation Date: 2018-07-11 (only 3 months old)

IP Address:
IP whereis search:

Domain Name: HGHNUP120.COM
Country: United States
Region: California
City: Rowland Heights

Soulja's picture

Edit: Dumb question with sensitive info about spoofing...sorry and nm

Greg's picture

It's not sensitive, it should be public knowledge, the more you know the safer you will be.

Two indispensable tools are the whereis search and the whois search and always be mindful about site traffic not being encrypted (https)

A domain has to create an "A record" that points an IP to a domain name otherwise you'd never find it.

VPN's are not suited to hide a domain. However, a proxy server can redirect traffic to a second server. Just because a site might appear to be in the US dosn't necessarily mean that it is, but it would mean that the proxy server is. LE could easily subpoena the company running the proxy server and start monitoring its network traffic even if the host computer is off shore in Panama.

The fact that the server is unsecure is using http means that the traffic to and from the server is open. If the server was secure (https) the traffic to and from the server is encrypted.

So the question is, how safe is the http traffic?
Why use a proxy server in the US?

Big companies like godaddy which sells domain names and manages massive amount of traffic will use server farms which is a collective of servers that load balance traffic. Those servers can be spread across the globe.

GoDaddy, when hosting a domain will create a CName record that will point to the server within the godaddy domain. For example, when you type http://HGHNUP120.COM it actually goes to http://godaddy.com/HGHNUP120 (this is an example, I'm not saying that it is hosted by godaddy)

When that's the case, a whereis search might show the domain as being in (e.g.) California, Vermont and elsewhere depending on which godaddy server was used when an ISP name server resolved the hghnup120.com domain.

Soulja's picture

Very interesting information, definitely answered my question. Thanks Greg.

inked's picture

Good prices on the anges...might be a good time to try them out!

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Soulja's picture

Angs are great! First gh I ever ran. Stayed on them for a year straight.

HailRazor's picture

Welcome back CENSORED


He wasn't verified before, he isn't now.

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