Kits4lessdomestic's picture
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Credit for Testing:
Store Credit For Somatropin (HGH) Amount, Purity and Dimer - $460 USD
Store Credit For Somatropin (HGH) Amount and Purity - $340 USD
Store Credit For IGF-1 Testing - $150 USD TERMS APPLY

IGF-1 Bloodwork Results: (Bottom of page)

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Kits4Less is a USA based company on a mission to change the game of generic HGH. We aim to bridge the gap between affordability and quality with our strict lab-testing & quality control standards. Every batch of HGH is quality tested before it’s listed for sale, & we simultaneously maintain competitive pricing on our products.

Chad P's picture

You may want to wait and be 100% sure about that, I’ve heard contradicting info as far as that goes. @Kits4lessdomestic can you comment on this

scoobydoo's picture

There is quite a few companies recommending putting BPC-157 in the freezer. I remember keeping melanotan II in the freezer.

vengar's picture

I'm going to make a forum post on this.

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Just about all lypholized (powder) peptides have a very long shelf life at room temp or even better a cool dark environment. We are talking months to years. It doesn’t hurt to refrigerate to hedge against anything unexpected happening, like losing AC on a hot summer day, but freezing is unnecessary.

vengar's picture

Yes, powder form. Same goes for TB500.

scoobydoo's picture

How much BPC-157 do you run a day?

vengar's picture

400 mcg split in 3 injections. Using it for autoimmune inflammation, gut health, and to correct a cal-mag imbalance. It works, but I feel I need a higher dose.

scoobydoo's picture

Damn, you're a pin cushion.

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

MCT oil!

Chad P's picture

Breaking into the Top 10 domestic congrats and keep the good vibes coming. Ready to see how the community likes the oils! Summer is here let’s get it!!

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Thank you my friend!! This is just the beginning !

scoobydoo's picture

Is this new aas business venture going to affect your shipping times?

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

We have already hired more help proactively to be ahead of the curve on this, so we don't think so!

This is something we think about a lot, which is largely why we haven't ventured out to the Meso forums yet. We dont want a sudden spike in business that we cannot properly handle. Great question though!

scoobydoo's picture

Yeah, just being selfish. Lol. There's only two other suppliers I've used that ship as fast as you.

Littleginger's picture

Review up and another order coming soon. Nothing but good things happening here.

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Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Thank you my man!

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks for testing, a few things look a bit under like EQ out of jano's 5%. Are these the products your referring too that are re made en routre?

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Yes we have new batches of all the stuff over 5% variance - just waiting for testing on them. We are confident they will be on point but of course testing will tell.

wanted's picture

Why do companies make the eq is such a low dose anyways. 300 or more would sell better no

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Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Higher concentrations are coming soon! Although surprisingly, based on sales analytics I have access to from my relationships with other vendors, 200-250mg EQ does seem to outperform higher concentrations (but that could easily be explained by the fact that you need 2x less vials lol!)

In any case, we plan on expanding our lineup for sure!

DeeMan's picture

Back in the day EQ was 50mg/mL!
Alot of oil

Big Tone36's picture

Lol 50cc jugs

DeeMan's picture

I remember the brands. Crazy times

Big Tone36's picture

200 is ok , 600mg I like to use but 173mg not 200mg

EQ used to come in 50mg the old ganabol guys used back in the day they had to shoot 10 ml for 500mg so 200mg isn't bad. 250mg EQ is my favorite right in the middle

Trennything's picture

Hyped as hell bros

wanted's picture

Can someone please elaborate on the pain in wrist fromto much hgh at once. I highly doubt i got it from only 3iu
But i injected before bed. And woke with my wrist killing me. And have no idea what i did. I didnt hurt before i went to bed.

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Bearded_muscle's picture

I’ve noticed if carbs are too high it gets worse. Also if insulin sensitivity is down it seems to get worse. Presents less on low carb or post cut when I’m super insulin sensitive.

Also alcohol can fuck it pretty bad. None of us should be drinking much but if I have 3 or 4 beers sometimes the next day it’s awful.

wanted's picture

Thanks beard very informative
I may be guilty of one of these thing above that day i did the shot

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Bearded_muscle's picture

Ha! Judgement free zone brother.

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