eighty7's picture
eighty7 1437


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 98.3673% 49 Quality 98.7755% 49 Delivery 95.5102% 49 Service 99.1837% 49 Pricing 98.7755% 49
  • Mass State » Update: the order got here in one week. 2nd week on the Mast. Pretty sure I can feel it already since already on an enanthate esther. Once again, everything arrived sealed and in great condition. the mast E is smooth af. These guys are great.
  • tigercuts » Have you received your order yet? Mine is taking longer too and I'm concerned
  • Mass State » yeah man. it got here weeks ago. Sorry i'm just now seeing your post. Trust these guys man. Theyll get your stuff to you unless a freak accident happens.
Mazz Tech's picture
+ 4
My overall experience

So far an A+ experience. Products came quickly and the order was accurate. So far by comparison everything is 100% legit. I feel great. My appetite is up. Muscle mass is increasing. Energy levels are maintained. Sex drive is through the roof lol. I'm up from 200lbs to 215lbs in about 5-6 weeks. I'll definitely be ordering from them again. The promo was amazing and the tech support from the crew was awesome. This is my new favorite spot.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality of the products is high. The packaging is nice the bottles are nice and clean. Everything is liquefied and consistent. Just 100% happy with the whole process.

Customer service

Customer service is fantastic. Had a small hiccup on delivery and it was made correct immediately. No one acted frustrated or irritated to help. That's the main reason I'll be going back.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery was quick and prompt. Everything in the order was 100% correct and it came packaged securely with no damage.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Flexin's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

A+ overall experience. The ordering methods are simple, instructions are simple and straightforward.

Products, effectiveness and results

Just completed my cycle of test/mast/tren an and anavar. By far my favorite cycle. Pumps were great from the anavar. Ran test up 900 and mast 600 and tren at 150 per week.

Customer service

Didn’t need any extra communication, process was simple enough.

Shipping and Delivery

Quick as Amazon and I’m not even joking! Packaging simple and safe.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Been a customer for several years and typically don’t go else where unless it’s something special.

I recommend shopping here!
MrSM1TH3RS's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

Excellent! I had previously been off cycle the past 3 months prior to finding 87 and PA. My local source moved away. So needless to say I was pretty bummed to had lost my source for gear. But THANKFULLY, I discovered eroids.com and PA! I started 5 weeks ago on PAs Test Sus and Deca. Gained nearly 15lbs. Which muscle memory does factor somewhat into the way i bounced back. But the gear is hands down some of the best Ive ever used. Im currently running Test E, Tren and Anadrol and my workouts are out of this world! So needless to say Im loving the product and the insane gains Im getting in return!

Products, effectiveness and results

Test Sus- Excellent, within the first few days was feeling spikes in my libido and energy levels.
Deca- Best I’ve ever used. Joints feel amazing. And as a construction foreman at 39 years old my joints are everything. Gains have been tremendous and appetite has been souring.
Tren- Holy Shit! Don’t need to say more than that!
Anadrol- Used as a preworkout and fuck me the pumps are insane and my veins look like water hoses!

Customer service

Unparalleled! I must admit I was very skeptical my first order. And was probably very annoying with all the messages. But customer service was there to hold my hand until it reached my door step! I’m on my 3rd order now and I’ve never had more confidence in knowing I’m going to get exactly what I was looking for and expecting in a professional and timely manner!

Shipping and Delivery

Incognito! The stealth is tremendous and typically I receive my product within 4-5 days from time order is placed! I couldn’t be more impressed and pleased!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Hands down 87, you have a customer for life! Incredibly impressed with your product and excellent customer service!

I recommend shopping here!
wexy1044's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • 99F350 » Remove this or your karma will get hit. Rules for reviews.
3ntic3's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I ordered Test Cyp 250, DBol and Novladex.
First, I know not everyone is the same. My first pin of test I could literally feel my levels spiking. Same with the Dbol 30 min before hittin the gym.
3 days in I can feel how my body is changing. Sex drive is through the roof. Rock hard erections and my mood has definitely improved. Overall I’m completely happy with their product.
Only downside at the moment is forcing myself to sleep because of my energy levels it feels like I don’t need to sleep.
Some PiP but not bad at all.

Products, effectiveness and results

6 test cyp 250
5 DBol 50 injectable

For me, very very very effective. Loving the results!

Customer service

Didn’t really get any communication from them. No response to an email I sent but it also wasnt a very important question.

Shipping and Delivery

Ordered on a Thursday, got it the Friday the following week.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
crazy4liife's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have been running test e and and anvar 50 on this cycle. The Anavar gives crazy pumps was running 50mg, 25 morning 25 at night had to cut it back to 25 after week 3 on a 8 week cycle. I do alot of bending and lifting and it was blowing my back out to the point I couldn't walk

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

TEST E 300 MG and Anavar 50, Anavar gives you the crazy pumps and the test e has been on point have not pulled levels lately but last time I had to lie to the doctor.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Answers all questions quickly

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Faster than Amazon ordered late Thursday and was in my mail box Tuesday.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Only place I will buy my gear from

I recommend shopping here!
Bmizza74's picture
My overall experience

For two years these guys have been great, fastest shipping prices, timely communications, seemingly good quality.


No response to several
Inquiries about recent order, payment sent but no movement on order.

PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] to see if they respond before ordering. If they don’t respond, don’t order.

Products, effectiveness and results

When received, have been good

Customer service

Was wonderful, but now no response

Shipping and Delivery

Was super fast and packaging discreet, but now not getting product

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 05/04/2024 - 11:50
  • [SRC] eighty7 » Message me your order number and email address
AttackLizzard07's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Excellent in all regards. Shipping was faster than any other source I've tried. Products are top notch. 87 is great about responding to relevant questions.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E 300mg
Dbol 50mg
Anavar 50mg
Aromasin 12.5 mg

Just had blood work done and total testosterone after pinning 200mg test E two days prior was 2491 ng/dL. This is perfectly on par with what prescription test does for me at the same cycle dose (600mg/wk MWF). Test is smooth with no pip even when injecting into quads. Dbol was awesome. Had to drop it after two weeks due to blood pressure and water retention taking 25mg/day. Strength gains were amazing and shoulders were looking noticably more full in that short amount of time. Aromasin was correctly dosed. I had aromasin from a different source dosed at 25mg that I was having to take 75mg a week of to manage E2. I ordered the Asin from pure anabolics and now I'm down to 12.5mg on pin days. The test E did what test does. Happy, horney, and recovery are through the roof. Little bit of acne on face and back. Still have not tried anavar but I feel like the products I've used so far deserve a good review.

Customer service

Excellent customer service. 87 is responsive and helpful. I'm a dumb bastard who struggles to use technology and ordering was not difficult at all.

Shipping and Delivery

5 days delivery from the time my order was confirmed until I was holding products in my hand. Items were packed in a way that I appreciated, especially after a different source just had everything rolling around in a fucking bag.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The long search for a good source ends here for me. I've had fucking hell with ordering gear and this is the first time I got what I asked for, it was what it said it was, it showed up on time, and most importantly the source can actually be messaged. The only downside is some products I would like to try are not available through them. Small price to pay when the gear and prices are legit. I'll be ordering every product they offer with full confidence that whatever comes in is what I payed for.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/01/2024 - 16:47
  • Johnnyboy1 » Are those levels normal for you? Pinning 600mg a week and only at 2500? I would think you’d be closer to 3000.
  • AttackLizzard07 » Yes. Pinned wed AM bloods taken Friday AM. I've seen some guys post test at 4000 at the same cycle dose. Unfortunately that has never been my experience.
  • Rawkman » Did you try splitting any of the tablets for the Aromasin?
  • AttackLizzard07 » Nope. 12.5mg appears to be the perfect amount.
  • AttackLizzard07 » I missed price to performance but it was excellent. The prices are more than reasonable, especially for the orals and test.
Buckeye4589's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • [SRC] eighty7 » If you haven't used it don't review
SBarnett6's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Have been with these guys for a while now. Never disappointed. They are my go to. Great products and results. Oils are clean and clear. Easy to deal with and quick delivery.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This time I took
Test E - 100mg eod
TriBlend 1 - 150mg eod
I really like this combo. Great pumps and energy. Very little pip. The wife likes the combo too.
Var 50 - split these in 2. Half in am and half about 30 min before gym. Tabs are crisp. Easy to split in 2. Diet was pretty dialed in lately. Great pumps in the gym and I'm crazy vascular.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Super easy process. I took 87s advice and changed to Protonmail. No problems at all. Always professional which I appreciate.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

From time of order to delivery was 5 days. Everything was sealed nice and tight then bubblewrapped. Discreet on packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

Like I said earlier, been with these guys for a bit. Especially in this industry I appreciate the reliability of the product and the process. Thanks for all you provide!

I recommend shopping here!
Johnnyboy1's picture
My overall experience

So I’m not sure what to think. I will give it time. I received my products in short time. I ordered test-C. I was running 500mg of Test E from another source and was great. Libido, strength, fullness all up. (That’s how I know it’s good, plus got test results) Anyway, switched to 87’s gear to see what all the hype was about. Pinned 4 times total (250mg split Mon/Thurs) so far, and my libido seems to have tanked. It’ slowly decreased and now doesn’t exist. My fullness is now gone. Diet is the same. Usually the libido and fullness are my indicators to let me know I’m on good test without having bloods. Not claiming it bunk by any means. Obviously other factors could be playing a role. I guess I’ll just wait it out. But I am bummed. Again guys, I’m not saying his stuff is bunk, I’m just leaving an honest review of my experience. I definitely feel the same way when I come off cycle.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test C, not sure what to think. It’s only been two weeks. But switched from a different source to 87’s and feels like I’m on nothing.
-No Pip whatsoever
-crystal clear solution, no crystals

Customer service

Great customer service. Responds quickly, ordering was easy.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery was quick. Packaging was ok. I think it could be bubble wrapped a little more to make more discreet. If someone were to open the box you definitely see what it is, seeing right through bubble wrap.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] eighty7 » If you'd like we'll send it off for testing and pay for it. But two weeks in short for it to kick in.
  • Johnnyboy1 » Thanks bro. I appreciate that, but maybe let’s give it a few more weeks. What are your thoughts about me switching from a different source’s Test E to your Test C? Do you think it needs time to kick in still? I’ve always read you can bounce between these two esters but never tried it until 2 weeks ago.
  • AK80 » C and E both have the same half life. You won't be disappointment with 87's.
  • Johnnyboy1 » Was thinking the same thing. I’m now just over 3 weeks in and not much success. Although I do feel stronger. As far as fullness, I’m so flat, even when on bulk/high carb. The main thing is my sex drive is non existent. It sucks cause that’s the first thing I notice. My wife is starting to wonder what’s up. Just got bloods, so we’ll see. I’m wondering if my estrogen could be high, I hear that can alter gains and sex drive.
Gettinit's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It took a week to pick funds up but no big deal still arrived on the 11th day. He threw in a free prop for the extra day and picking funds up. I'm running labs in three weeks and will be posting the results from them that will tell the truth there I'm happy overall. MCT oil is very smooth no pip on a 3 cc injection!! Thanks for your service.!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test Enth 300
Test Prop 100
Deca 300
Aromasin 12.5
Fired off 1cc Test Enth 300/1cc Test Prop 100/1cc Deca 300
Threw the Test Prop in just Because and zero pip the next day. Nothing at all!!MCT oil super smooth no need for warming it up in my opinion.
The Aromasin is difficult to cut in half and yes i have a good pill cutter and yes the pills are scored. Which is a good thing in my opinion.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was spot on. And was informed because of the delay in picking funds up i would be receiving an extra gift and yes i did an extra Test Prop 100. And no biggie in my opinion in picking funds up late im not his only customer ya know i understand he is busy and just grateful for the service he provides!!!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

It was only one day late in my opinion that does not count especially since i received a free gift ya know. I had an extra Test Prop 100 in the package which is highly appreciated and just letting me know he gives a shit about me returning Ya know!!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Reasonable prices Yessir! And the MCT oil was super smooth. He is number one for a reason and will be posting labs in 4 weeks on the Test Enth 300 and Aromasin to be sure my Test and Estro are where they need to be and i am very excited about that. Pictures already poste in "87 Hits in 11 Days with an Extra Prop"!!!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/30/2024 - 21:44
  • [SRC] eighty7 » How are you rating price to performance at all when you just got your package 4 days ago?
  • 99F350 » PSA for all reviewers. MOD EDIT: Review honestly, consistent 100% 5/5 reviews given to all sources HARMS eroids. What good is a review site if all the reviews are made as if you are a card punching member of the source? You are EROID MEMBERS. Review honestly to help other eroids members and to support eroids which has helped you stay safe and allows the sources to interact with you. If you want to leave fanboy reviews, do it on the source's website, maybe he'll give you a cookie. On eroids, Be a critic. Channel the spirit of Jonathan Gold or Roger Ebert. @99F350
LegitGets's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I've ordered twice from 87 so far and each time the delivery was fast ,within a week. I starred lifting again after a very long time off 10 months ago. My experience with 87s gear has been pleasant. Saw the biggest gains with this source so I'm really happy.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E x 13
Sustanon x2
Deca x2
Dhb x1
I think that's it.

Customer service

Ordering process was smooth no problems.
Did I mention the prices , best around hands down.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery was fast, packaging discrete.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I gained 10 lbs pretty lean on this deca and test run. Seems to be staying on if even half stays ill be happy. I will always be looking thru 87s products from now on. Homeboy Is Legit son.

I recommend shopping here!