Driada Medical's picture
Driada Medical 14


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 23 Quality 100% 23 Delivery 100% 23 Service 100% 23 Pricing 100% 23
MOMEN's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As a loyal customer of Driada, I can confidently assure that my overall experience has been exceptional. From the beautifully designed website to the outstanding customer service and swift shipping and the variety of products, Driada consistently exceeds my expectations. My first order, placed back in December 2022, left me impressed with the quality, and I haven’t even considered switching to another provider. simply Driada is a brand that truly knows how to elevate the customer experience.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

affordable products with no suspicious concentrations, no PIP and expected and real results without issues, I order for myself and my trainees all kind of sauces "Cialis Viagra Test E Test P Deca primo masteron EQ winistrol anavar and HGH and other peptides:, over the course of almost 2 years never heard a single complain. and the blood work tells the truth.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Simply the best, absolutely very helpful, anytime I had to deal with them I get nothing but kind assist, I can recall once I wanted to pay by crypto and I did not know how, but the customer service agent was very patient and never left me until the transaction was done, another time I placed the wrong order but again they were very helpful to adjust my cart as I needed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

usualy I receive my package with a week or max 8 days, from the time I execute the payment till the postman ring my door.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Amazing source and a partner in the Journey of creating an outstanding lifetime physique, I feel super lucky to find Driada.
the photo enclosed from my previous cycle that (Test E, Deca, Masteron) that helped my to add 7 kg of pure muscles.

I recommend shopping here!
erno.kis's picture
My overall experience

I am a satisfied user of driada products. I am past my second course, so I thought it would be appropriate to share my opinion on the products I use.
The testosterone base was given to me by sustanon, which works without question and gave the expected results. I used 400mg per week, injected every other day, so I could keep it at a stable level in my body. In the fourth week, I went to have a blood test, based on which I did not need to take an aromatase blocker. It was my second course where I added drostanolone to this. In addition to such 500mg sustanon, I used 400mg drostanolone. Due to the strict adherence to the diet and the effectiveness of the products, I managed to realize amazing results. Here, too, I went for a blood test in the fourth week, and fortunately, my body accepted the new component well and was able to keep my values in balance.

Products, effectiveness and results

Sustanon 250mg/ml: I didn't expect a special effect, since we don't necessarily "feel" it, but my energy level increased from the fourth week, my libido and strength level gradually increased. Unfortunately, I also started to sweat more. My blood pressure did not change, but I became much more persistent in training.

Drostanolone enanthate 200mg/ml: As the drostanolone began to take effect, my libido skyrocketed, my strength increased minimally, and my overall well-being and attitude improved in a positive way. Week by week I could see the veins growing on my body. The dose was 400mg/week during the entire course, and I never once felt that I should increase it for a better effect. I always made my meals precisely, my sleep was fine. By the end of the two courses, I achieved a spectacular change, my shoulders became very round, my muscles became denser and of better quality.

Customer service

I didn't have to use customer service, but I read positive feedback on all the forums.

Shipping and Delivery

The packaging always arrived in great condition, in about 6-9 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Mat88's picture
My overall experience

I Made several orders, and I'm greatly pleased with quality and service. Products are amazing, they have a lot of upcoming products and it product description for each one and they restock several times, top notch source!

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E - product was very well dosed, i have the proof of my blood test therefore real gear!
Primo - I got a super body recomp from the gear, pumps were amazing and in the gym everybody looks at my shape, king feeling!
Anavar - I used it as kickstarter, felt in 10 days more or less, pumps were insane especially When doing back or biceps…
Other products like masteron or deca i need to try them but will wait for next cycle.

Customer service

Customer service was great, they were very nice and very helpful, they reply in very quick time and they have a telegram group that it’s very helpful for new users to being part of a community!

Shipping and Delivery

Amazing packaging, probably the best i have ever seen with many layers of bubblewrap. delivery between 7/14 days to italy.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Best source I ever tried, cannot think to order from others, Driada must be your sponsor, just for the brand they developed!

I recommend shopping here!
Salazarr's picture
+ 1
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Whiskas's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

During the promo at the end of 2023 I ordered several products:

Testosterone Enanthate

So I completely used Test E, Dbol & Stenabolic, unfortunately they had NO effect.

Usually I use 250mg Test E per week, but with driada I had to use 500mg per week and still lost strength, I used it with 30mg of Dbol, still lost strength.
Than I slightly increased the Dbol dosage, still no effect, no water retention, nothing.

Same with 30mg of Stenabolic NO effect!

After this I switched back to my old Testosterone and gained the lost strength back, the stuff I got from driada was completely underdosed(if it had any substance in it..)

Won't order again...

Products, effectiveness and results

No substance in it.
No testosterone enanthate
No Metandienone
No Stenabolic

Completely underdosed(at best)

Customer service

Customer service was great, they were very nice and very helpful

Shipping and Delivery

Discreet package, very good, no issues here.

The shipping time was 5 working days

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 03/04/2024 - 14:17
  • [SRC] Driada Medical » Hello, gentlemen! We, Driada Medical, consider it necessary to give a detailed commentary on this review. In the 60s, when the use of steroids was new, such a review might have been valuable, but today, when knowledge is available to us, this review cannot be of value. We wrote to this client to find out how it happened that everyone who used our products, and specifically those batches that the client had excellent results, but he did not. Separately, it is worth noting that we have a certified laboratory test for raw materials, this product is used by a huge number of people, including competitive athletes, and if there was a problem with the products, a blind test would immediately show this, one product can still be questioned, but to claim that ALL products are not working? This negative review clearly not about the products… The client's main complaint was that he started using our products one after another and his strength and well-being constantly dropped. We understand that there are a huge number of factors influencing strength, from banal overtraining to sleep deprivation and anxiety, but this is clearly something else: It turned out that the client does not use aromatase inhibitors, does not check the level of estradiol during the course at all, and he does not consider it necessary to test both our products and his health condition. But he thought it necessary to write about the fact that all our products are empty. in the end, it will become clear why... Ignoring estradiol levels on a course of Testosterone + Dbol is a foolish idea. Most likely, he has risen to such levels where it would be unreasonable to expect an increase in strength and some kind of training drive. He finished our medications a few weeks ago, but only at the end of this month will he see an endocrinologist to check his hormones. As proof that he had no problems with estradiol, the client presented his pre-cycle and during-cycle tests when he was using 250mg Testo E every 14 days - stunning evidence, isn't it? (no) ...with this approach it is not worth explaining why the client’s strength dropped and he felt unwell, no matter what drugs he used. Neither blood tests nor blind tests were done, but statements were made that there was no active substance in our products. When communicating with this client in a telegram, we explained to him the error of this approach and offered to conduct the next cycle under our supervision, and finally start taking blood tests, in response to which he demanded that he wants us to provide him with the products for free, in exchange for correcting his review. We don’t know whether this is fatuity or poorly planned blackmail, but I urge you to treat this review as an eccentricity and an example of how NOT to do a cycle P.S. We recommend that you constantly do blood tests and do not assume the human body is a robot. It’s not for nothing that professionals have been taking the same cycles for years, but are scheduled to take blood tests every few weeks. If the same actions always produced the same results forever, we wouldn't even have the chance to grow old or get injured. Ever. Take your health seriously.
  • Whiskas » Well usually I ignore such BS, but this a bit strange. 1. Again I don't have high estrogen! I have no fucking idea why are you saying this, you can believe me or not, I NEVER had any issue with estrogen!! So why I should take stuff like exemestan, If I don't need it.. I do every 2months a Bloodtest, why should I do a test extra for you?!? 2. My review was ONLY for my experience with your products. 3. I never tried to blackmailing you, I don't know Why are you spreading this. Yes I said you can give me a 100% discount*, after you offered me a 50%(theoretical I can say you tried to bribe me..., Sound ridiculous, right?) 4. 250mg Testo E is basically Trt in my country, if you think something else, than go to my doctor and talk with him. 5. I'm not the only one who had issues with your products, if read reviews/comments on the site exbb that they found mold in their liquid gh and other complaints. *only said this in a sarcastic manner, bc I wasn't interested in your products, at least not more.
  • [SRC] Driada Medical » You wrote that there is no active substance in our products, and this is a serious accusation. At the same time, you make this accusation without evidence, simply because at the moment, for any reason, your training does not bring you results. First of all, you should think about how you train. Our products are very easy to test - to do this, you just need to send them to one of the laboratories, moreover, we support blind testing. We are ready to give 200 euros to ANYONE who does such a test in our store. If the test showed something bad, your review would be honest.
  • [SRC] Driada Medical » Hello, sir. Please write down your order number. I also ask you to send a photo with the batch numbers of Testos and Dinabolyn
  • Whiskas » You got a pm
bocanadas's picture
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Marxty's picture
My overall experience

I have been using Driada products for a year now and am absolutely satisfied.
The oil is great to inject. No pain, no swelling. The orals do what they are supposed to do.
I am absolutely delighted.

My last order consisted of:
4000 i.u. Liquid HGH (after just one week I had water retention and numbness... a good sign for me)
15x Trestolone-A (I am horny all the time ;) )
15x Deca
15x Drosta
20x Testosterone-E (No noticeable difference)
Exemestane (Has been proven to keep my estrogen low, which I notice in my mood and my skin)
I also purchased Clen and Modafinil etc.. Here too, the usual effects appeared within a few hours.


Products, effectiveness and results

Exactly as expected

Customer service

The Telegram contact is very quick and helpful.
He gave me good advice when deciding between HGH Liquid and Powder.

Shipping and Delivery

Approximately 10 days shipping time. The package was very neat.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Mat88's picture
My overall experience

I love Driada products, had amazing pumps with their Anavar, they have almost every gear you can desire.
I started the cycle with susta & anavar and get more than 4 kg in just 3 weeks. No sides effect at all, i did my blood work pre and post cycle.

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered sustanon, anavar and yohimbe for a cut cycle, strenght went up like crazy, had a Great body recomp in just 4 weeks.

Customer service

Comunication & order process was very easy, very satisfied

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery happened in 8 days from payment date in Italy, everything was well wrapped.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/23/2024 - 10:16
nic's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is the fourth time I've ordered Driada. I have already explained in the previous feedback, how comfortable I am with this company. This time I decided to take it a step further, as I have never had any side effects before.

My cycle is Test/Clenb/Primo/Anav/melanotan2250 test 2xweek 100 primos 2xweek 40 mg of clen x five days to lose some weight.

The dosages are low, especially those of Primos and Anavaros, but I can guarantee you that they did me well along with the text. I gained weight, volume and strength.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There is no doubt that the products are good and do not cause any health problems or allergies. I've seen the effectiveness in the gym. I have become much stronger and bigger than before despite being 58 years old. I have put on more muscle and I have much more strengthWith previous order I also bought other health protection products such as Tamoxifen Exmestane Sartanos and Proviron on hand. I'm really happy and I feel great

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The customer support is really very good, there are several Telegram channels where you are assisted for any eventuality. It's very comfortable.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Shipping was lightning fast Immediately after payment I received tracking, the package arrived anonymously in 6 days. I don't think you can ask for more.

Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/14/2024 - 15:08
Luciano Castronovo's picture
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  • [MOD] Greg » NON RELEVANT AND PARTIAL REVIEWS WILL BE DELETED. A review should be relevant. We don't need know you've placed an order. Or read "gtg received my stuff". Review should be your full experience, that includes everything from your first contact, to the gains you're making with the products.
Exit21's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

For me personally, this is currently the best source for gear in Europe. In my opinion, the price is exceptionally low (if you buy during promotions). I've never seen community closeness in this dimension before. To be honest, it's annoying to be constantly contacted by their "sellers" on Instagram.

I never had PIP. But I have to say that I don't have this with almost any manufacturer.

I've been working almost exclusively with gear from "Driada" for just over a year now and have always had good experiences.

I recently had a blood count for 125mg Test Undecanoate e4d and had a free testosterone value of 92ng/l (reference is 7.0 - 22.7ng/l).
I will post the blood test separately.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Since Driada not only carries out tests itself but also pays customers to publish independent tests, I have a very good feeling about using the product. Due to the enormous number of regular independent tests, it is practically impossible that the product is underdosed.

I ordered

5x Testosterone Undecanoate

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The support is fast and has the ability and has already helped me reliably with discount errors and payment errors.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Shipping is good. Not exceptional but I have never had any problems.
Sometimes the parcels arrive at customs without a stopover, but sometimes they include customs clearance.
If customs were completely out of the picture, I would award 5 stars.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/03/2024 - 14:57
  • [PRO] Makwa » Can you provide some of your actual results that you have seen from using the product.
hamd19's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've been using gear from driada for more than a year now, and I couldn't be happier, I've seen so much improvement in my muscle quality and density, it's insane, and the best thing is that I've got quality stuff for a good price, and that's great.
This is like my 12th order from Driada, I've placed a big order so I can have gear for my bulk and cut. Here I restocked in Test Prop, Primo, Masteron Prop, Deca NPP, Anavar and Proviron.
I've just finished my bulking a month ago and I've gained 10kg, with a body fat around 12-13%, like i said the muscle quality is crazy, and the deca npp combined with the Test did the work. Now I'm cutting and I'm around 8% body fat, I didn't lose much weight but I got much leaner and a good conservation of muscle mass and quality, which means there wasn't a lot of water retention, thanks to the hgh from my previous order from driada.
The stuff does the work!! Can't wait to see what I'll look like at the end of the cut.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

For my 12th order from Driada, I've placed a big one so I can have gear for my bulk and cut. Here I restocked in Test Prop, Primo, Masteron Prop, Deca NPP, Anavar and Proviron.
For my bulk I used, Test Enanthate, Deca NPP, Masteron and HGH.
I've gained in muscle mass, good quality, a little of water retention but it's all right. My performances boosted, hit new PRs, less joint issues (deca npp).
Now for cutting, I'm using, Proviron, test prop, masteron, primo, winstrol, anavar, clen, arimidex and hgh, improved muscle quality, more vascularity, better definition, good muscle mass conservation.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

as always, top tier customer service, unbeatable. Always giving good deals like the happy hour, product of the week, sunday auction... you don't see that anywhere.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

fast and discreet delivery. TOP

Price to performance
Additional comments

excellent stuff for a good price, with a good customer service and fast delivery.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/02/2024 - 09:34
burpee's picture
My overall experience

Good online source. Easy order process.
Terrible PIP - never experiences that with other labs. Most likely an intolerance regarding the carrier substance.

Products, effectiveness and results

Not sure bout the quality. Heavy PIP after each shot (E7D as TRT) so far. Pain lasts for several days. Ordered 3 vialsTest En 250.

Customer service

Great support via TG!

Shipping and Delivery

Very discreet and safe. Top shelf!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good prices, excellent support!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/30/2024 - 06:24
  • [SRC] Driada Medical » Hello, sir. Please provide your order number to confirm that you are our customer and that you have contacted us through the feedback form. Regarding PIP, in the Testos (Testosterone Enanthate), we use GSO, and perhaps your reaction is individual to the oil carrier. You might consider trying our other testosterone esters based on sesame oil. Concerning the lack of effects, if you are on TRT with 250 mg injections per week, what specific effects are you expecting? Additionally, could you please share the results of your blood tests before using our product and after two weeks? If you need advice about your cycle, feel free to contact our specialist via TG @DriadaRoids
  • burpee » Hey guys, message sent via TG
Luciano Castronovo's picture
My overall experience

Ottima esperienza , servizio clienti efficiente e professionale nel marketing e nella chimica. Professionisti del fitness agonistico cercando di minimizzare e prevenire effetti collaterali.

Products, effectiveness and results

La Qualità dei prodotti percepito è ottima attualmente in trt superiore in futuro farò recensioni sui cicli completi

Customer service

Cortesie gentilezza pazienza e professionalità agonistica

Shipping and Delivery

Tempi meno di due settimane imballaggio protetto

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Fearless444555's picture
My overall experience

Very good, some anxiety from high prolactin and high growth hormone (very good sign, that everything is working)
without p-5-p i would have gotten gyno, its very strong. ordered mk-677

Products, effectiveness and results

Used from different website previously, and can see that driada products are better and stronger. Needed p-5-p how strong it was.
Ordered mk-677
I had very strange dreams, pumps were better in gym. Was not waking up at night, only when i completed sleeping.

Customer service

10/10, helped with every question.

Shipping and Delivery

Very secure, discreet, and received fast in 4-7 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very good, recommend buying only here from europe. They are very good in all terms (Price, packaging, security, quality of products)

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/06/2024 - 13:03
Jakov BB's picture
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Micha meyer's picture
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Coco0177's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have been their client for one year through my cutting and bulking cycle. Both times I was more than happy with their products!

Minimal side effects , no inflammation on the injection spot and overall a great sense of well-being and getting bigger by the day.

The quality is always tested and it is what it's written. Service and delivery awesome! Never had a package lost or late. Everything always in time also in the busy months!

Highly highly highly recommend them!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Most if not all of them have always lab tests individually and by the company themselves. No inflammation from injection and very well packaged and branded.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service always answers in the next 8h. Orders and requests are always made and taken care off and the team is always on top of any concerns or issues. Never had a problem with them.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hands down amazing. Always received the product within 5-7 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

You get what you pay for. You might find cheaper sources but that does not mean they are better or they do what they promise. The price is very fair for the quality of service and product the company delivers. I would not risk to buy anything just for being cheaper. Go for driada!eyes closed!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/28/2023 - 18:58
jumpscreen's picture
My overall experience

Trustworthy, quality product, and good shipping.

First cycle. My worry was getting scammed or not receiving the products, but Driada has a lot of good review, and known and sold by other sites. So I was as confident as I could ordering.

Only real downside is no monero as payment.

Products, effectiveness and results

Overall very happy with the quality. And a good price.

I am on 450mg test, and 40mg tbol. So far amazing!
- Tons of energy all day.
- Strength boost (I added 20kg to my bench in 2 week).
- Clear mind, more focused during the day.
- Running, I could go for hours at my 5km pace. This is little scary, I just can just keep going felt like Eliud Kipchoge. My heartrate is 7bpm lower.
- Got a bit of a belly because of the holidays. A lot of it just disappeared the first week. After fixing my diet, I had Zac Efron six pack.

Customer service

Support response within 15 minutes. Some messages were pretty generic, but everything related to my order was professional and to the point.

Shipping and Delivery

12 days shipping. Packages was discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Darthdog's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have had very good experiences with driada. All the things I used were real, which can also be seen on several blood pictures.

Initially I had a problem with the address but this was resolved very quickly without complications

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The results speak for themselves I have gained about 6-8kg of muscle mass so far and was even on a diet for a while now I have been building up for 2 months and it does what it is supposed to do I have never had a real pip so far the oil is not too thick liquid and goes through smaller cannulas great

I am currently using 500mg test e and 500mg primobloan

I also take 6ie hgh which is also from driada

Previously in the diet I used test c drosta a/e and primobolan

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As mentioned at the beginning, I once entered the address incorrectly and this was sorted out by support on the same day, it is very uncomplicated and friendly.

I even got a gift because I've ordered several times before and I've never gotten anything like this before, which I thought was really nice from the store

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The shipping was really super fast it was only 7 days and in between was still a weekend I can only praise the packaging is inconspicuous and scjlicht but still well protected I never had to send back what why also I think if they make a mistake you get what is missing or wrongly delivered to the house but I do not know it but can imagine it.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The price is great especially you have promotions and sales where you can really save something so you can not complain about that first I could have from e roids then I went directly into the telegram group what you should also mention is that you get a tracking nr every time without the annoying inquiries which is usually answered only the 3 times

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/28/2023 - 00:37
Ragnarok.PL's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hi, i’d like to renew my satisfying experience with Driada; I have bought from them several times and I have always been happy both in terms of shopping experience (shipping times, quick assistance, promos, …) and product quality.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As told before, i’ve ordered different things from their website, but mainly AAS and some peptides.
From 07/23 to 09/23, I did a cut while on oxandrolone (20-40mg/day range), test (167-250mg/week), fragment 176-191 (0.5mg/day) and some other health supplement. I lost about 6kg in 10 weeks, reaching a way better aesthetic condition while weights continued to increase. I also recovered faster from workouts, had more energy in the gym and a better pump.
My plan for the near future is to cut again for the first months of 2024 while on CJC + primo (since i gained back some fat due to an injury that kept me away from the gym) and then start a long clean bulk to build some meat.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)
<p>Nothing to say her, excellent experience. I had a problem with a faulty batch of frag and they kindly refunded the full amount.<br /> Furthermore, the team is always available to assist and provide advice regarding the use of the products.</p>
Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My last order (which i paid on 12/12/23), was shipped on 18/12/23 and arrived on 22/12/23.
10 days considering the holiday period it’s a great time frame; usually orders takes 7-10 days to Italy.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I usually get tested the products I use and those from Driada have never disappointed me, you can find the lab reports of some batches in the forum.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/26/2023 - 13:45