Nick87's picture
  • 48

+ 5 Gorilla Test C & primo cycle


I started my cycle April 1 and tested on may 6th.
I’ve been pinning mwf test c 125mg primo 200mg each day. So a total of 375mg test and 600mg primo. I tested on Monday morning before pinning. I believe everything is dosed correctly. The primo seems to be keeping my e2 in range without any need for Aromasin so far. I’ve also been doing 25mg of Proviron per day.

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Nick87's picture

What do you think about these results @Gorillakingz ?

Gorillakingz's picture

Everyone responds differently. I hate bloods I’ve said this a few times. There so many variables for all this stuff. That being said total test was meh free test is good. $200 store credit when we open

zx135799's picture

Planning a similar cycle for the near future. Thanks for posting bloods.

Wildling's picture

Although your total is low, free test has more of an impact in my opinion. If you are making gains with no sides, I would say thinks are good.

wanted's picture

Do you inject into glutes only

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Nick87's picture

glutes delts and sometimes thighs

press1's picture

I'm surprised things aren't a bit higher now you have been on 5 weeks.

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Pumped_'s picture

My boy was testing 800 off 200mg test e/week. 5 weeks in and 3 days after last injection. I know the lab was legit i think he is just a low responder also or he doing something wrong he wasnt telling me

Nick87's picture

I guess it could be a bit higher. Last year I was on 600mg different source and I was at 2800 or something.

TheIcon's picture

Out of curiousity where did you start? what was the baseline numbers?

Nick87's picture

Baseline before the start of cycle was 350

Bearded_muscle's picture

I’m a little surprised the total test isn’t higher, but free is almost triple the ref range which is what I would expect for running 3X hrt doses. Looking good, + from the Beard.

Nick87's picture

Would you suggest upping the test?

Bearded_muscle's picture


I would only increase if:
A) you’ve been hitting your macros perfectly
B) you’ve been hitting a well designed training program perfectly
C) you’ve been sleeping perfectly 8 hours or more a night
D) you aren’t seeing progress.

If all those conditions are met then it may be time to discuss a dose increase but I would never up it based on blood work alone. You’re only about 6-7 weeks in so you won’t see that primo really shining for a few more weeks. It’s working but let it cook.

Keep protein high on primo runs. I like 1.3-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight (if you’re under 15% bf)

Nick87's picture

Got it. Thanks. All of the conditions are meet except maybe d at this point. It’s still early with this cycle.

wanted's picture

I wonder where mine is test cyp at 850 a week

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23Sparta's picture

Appreciate you pulling and posting your bloods

Jockstrap's picture

@Dadbod00 why is this negged?

23Sparta's picture


Pumped_'s picture

Yeah why!? @Dadbod00. At least slide a comment. The hit and runs arent fair. Not his fault its a little low. +1 for posting bloods.