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+ 5 Bloodwork for Kits4Less GH and ZPHC test e


I have been running 4iu/day of the Kits4less deluxe kit as well as 250mg/week ZPHC test e for the last 5 weeks. Nothing else.

The first pic shows my IGF at only 58 which was an alarmingly low base level. I am 32 years old. I had never run GH prior to this first test in March. My liver values were fine, was at maintenance calories, and was not running any AIs. I had just come off a test/tren cycle and was running caber for gyno. For the 5 weeks following, I had only been running 4iu of Kits4Less Deluxe and 250mg test/week of ZPHC.

My second test in April shows my IGF is now at 172. Still not as high as I was expecting. However, there are a few very important things to note with this second test.
-my liver values skyrocketed due to my recent bout with pancreatitis. Had my health been perfect, my IGF might have been higher....or lower. I don't know.
-Pancreatitis might have some affect on IGF levels. I tried doing some research on the topic but it was a bit confusing. I believe there might be a relationship between pancreatitis and IGF but what that is and to what extent I do not know. Maybe some gurus can help out with this one.
-my pancreatitis started a bit before my first test and it has not been extreme. I've had it much worse in the past so this bout is very minor
-despite everything, my IGF values still tripled relative to my base level so I can't be upset about that, though my friend just had his base level measured at 233 so i'm a bit envious of that lol.

-My test was over 1200 at 250mg/week so safe to say the test e from the 30ml jugs at ZPHC is definitely legit

As far as effects I've noticed....I haven't noticed any faster or thicker hair growth, faster nail growth, or shorter recovery time. However, my sleep is definitely much deeper and I have many vivid dreams throughout the night. Even more than I get with tren. Also my skin has slightly changed. It's hard to describe but I feel like it has gotten a little thicker and the texture is a bit different. Also I'm a little more pumped and vascular in the gym. Overall I feel like his GH checks out. In about 6 weeks, I will bump up my dose to 6iu/day and will get more bloodwork done 6 weeks following that.

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Awesome, thanks for posting!

Considering the very low baseline, these are nice results, although the liver conversation coming up again is certainly a very interesting one!

Keep us posted with how you get on with the product Smile

press1's picture

It will be interesting to see if you notice any difference in strength levels given your IGF-1 was extremely low before and you were still extremely strong, so one would assume with 3 fold levels it will really help you. I was just going to ask if you had your pancreas out as thats what I thought they normally do but then I remembered thats appendicitis!! LMFAO

Toproll's picture

Perhaps. I feel like I might only see noticeable strength gains from something like 8iu or like 250-300 igf. However, my primary focus until the end of the year is armwrestling. Just trying to maintain a mid to high 400s bench. Also won't be running any tren or orals. Just 750-1000 test for the next several months. Not expecting big strength gains or at least not comparable to my usual test/tren/drol. I'm only using the GH (along with bpc 157 and tb500) for the joint support and collagen synthesis for armwrestling.

Shit if i could have it taken out without repercussions i would. I dealt with a hellish 5 months of brutal pancreatitis last year. I think it's chronic now

press1's picture

Still amazes me how you can arm wrestle and not affect or damage your bench in anyway, I use to be quite obsessed with arm wrestling in my late teens and although I got fairly good at it my joint and tendon attachments would be destroyed for weights but I guess you know more what you are doing with it all more than I did LOL You will be surprised on what you can maintain on bench on 1 gram Test for the time being, although you won't set any new records you can keep a good high number around 95% of your max if you really plan your training well and allow for a lot more recovery time in between sessions, I know when I have done it in the past it always makes you realise all the other stuff on top you run just for the extra little increase! lol

Pancreatitis sounds horrible and painful, I assume it really affects your ability to eat and drink does it? I assume you don't drink alcohol or anything like that?

Toproll's picture

you are absolutely correct. You can't armwrestle and bench heavy at the same time. I only got back into the sport of armwrestling last November. I hit all my big benches before that. I used to be real competitive from 2010 to 2014 and I took a 10 year break from armwrestling purely because I was chasing a 500 lb bench and the tendon/joint pain was holding me back. If I'm on a good cycle, I can usually maintain a 455-475 bench while still training for armwrestling. But If I ever wanna really go for like a 525+ paused bench, I will need to completely stop armwrestling.

I hardly ever drink alcohol and I never smoke. The pancreatitis is a mystery. I thought it might be caused by gear usage, but of all the research I've done, I couldn't find any link between the two. Even asked the gurus on here about it and they never heard of it either. Still could be a factor, idk. But yeah it's the fkn worst. It's not only hard for me to eat or drink much, but due to the pancreatitis, my body can't fully absorb most of the nutrients I get from the little food I eat anyway, so it's a double wammy. I would also get nauseous while working out so I couldn't do much to maintain muscle either. I lose weight and strength. No fun.

press1's picture

I still think the B12 Anaemia I got diagnosed with about 4 years ago now was due to a lot of trenbolone usage for prolonged periods at high doses, I think it altered my digestive tract and the ability to absorb B12 which is why mine became so low. It was supposedly chronic too meaning I would have to have the B12 injections for the rest of my life, however I haven't had one in nearly a year now and my haemoglobin is absolutely fine so things must have reverted back again to normal now I never run tren anymore. This is the problem with steroids, there are simply so many things we probably don't know they negatively affect over time - even the damn doctors aren't aware of them lol I really want to get a vial of the new blend of BPC 157 and TB and just run it as a back burner to see if I can get any general tendon healing from it over time, it has to help in some way.

HandsomeLifter's picture

Which deluxe are you running?
And any improvements is good!
Im happy your coming along nicely

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Toproll's picture

I'm running the Deluxe B. I believe it was the first batch of Deluxe he released if i'm not mistaken